[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Are there ways of cutting down trees in one go, aside from Thaumcraft's Axe of the Stream? (been babied by VeinMiner)..
GT axes can cut down an entire vertical run of logs. Its not the same thing, but once you find fir saplings it might as well be (for the purposes of gaining wood quickly anyway)

Spruce are also awesome when planted 2x2.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GT axes can cut down an entire vertical run of logs. Its not the same thing, but once you find fir saplings it might as well be (for the purposes of gaining wood quickly anyway)

Spruce are also awesome when planted 2x2.
I was looking it up and felt like an idiot. Okay I just need flint,, working on getting the first two flint to make the mortar/pestle from GT. Thank you.

I've not played in..months. Many months.

edit: FLINT not gravel
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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everytime I stop and start the server... I need to delete HQM folder in world data dir, and HQM edit quest progress back in...

This is getting annoying! Is there any other fix that I could use?

at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.<init>(QuestingData.java:524) ~[QuestingData.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.readAllData(QuestingData.java:502) ~[QuestingData.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData$1.read(QuestingData.java:408) ~[QuestingData$1.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.network.FileHelper.loadData(FileHelper.java:107) ~[FileHelper.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.load(QuestingData.java:438) ~[QuestingData.class:?]
at hardcorequesting.WorldEventListener.onLoad(WorldEventListener.java:23) ~[WorldEventListener.class:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_737_WorldEventListener_onLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54) ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:140) ~[EventBus.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a(MinecraftServer.java:230) ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:258) ~[lt.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:387) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685) [li.class:?]

I recommend for now on servers not using HQM, or not using Teams. Hopefully it will get fixed in next pack update, but cannot promise when. I am busy with some more important IRL stuff.

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For you efficiency freaks using LV-HV turbines in the early electric age:

Extended my calculations for transformation efficiencies and drew some conclusions that might be interesting for a few of us. This considers both efficiency of generators, transmission losses and minimum cable losses (some cable losses are impossible to avoid when doing 16 LV-1 HV.

Gas turbines/Diesel generator
4 LV turbines to MV: Lower efficiency by 0.57% (so dont use 4 LV gas turbines instead of 1 MV gas turbine for efficiency purposes)
16 LV turbones to HV: Increased efficiency by 1.01% (more efficient but likely not worth the effort since you need 16 turbines instead of 1 and 5 transformers)
4 MV turbines to HV: Increased efficiency by 2.24% (Might be worth it if your fuel gathering is manual, however this is a fairly small saving.)

Steam turbines
4 LV steam turbines to MV: increased efficiency by 4.85%
16 LV steam turbones to HV: Increased efficiency by 10.8%
4 MV steam turbines to HV: Increased efficiency by 6.62%
Due to the larger difference in efficiency between different tiers of steam generators you will actually get a significantly higher net efficiency by using LV generators and transforming to higher voltage tiers. If you got space and dont mind the extra machines this is deffinetly worth it.

General observations:
Never forget that the net power output actually decreases when you transform the voltage up (due to the transmission losses). Similar things would happen when you transform down voltage from 1 amp of higher voltage to 4 amps of lower voltage with a small net decrease in power. For instance transforming down 1 amp of 8192 V down to LV you actually only get a total of 7232 eu worth of LV or 226 amps (instead of 256 amps)
LV-MV net output 124 eu/t
LV- HV net output 485 eu/t
MV-HV net output 504 eu/t

Transforming down voltage
IV to LV 87.94% net output 7232 eu/tick
IV to MV 94.16% net output 7744 eu/tick
IV to HV 97.28% net output 8000 eu/tick
IV to EV 98.83% net output 8128 eu/tick
IV 99.61% net output 8192 eu/tick (but consumes 8224 worth of fuel)
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Whould you recommend me some resource packs good-compatible with infitech? For some reasons i got lags on Sphax.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whould you recommend me some resource packs good-compatible with infitech? For some reasons i got lags on Sphax.
I am personally using Invictus for everything. YOu don't need to care about putting it together, since it comes with everything (by everything I mean everything that someone textured in one big pack, so no need to add multiple patches to get it work). It does not have textured everything, but a lot of the main stuff is.


edit: It has only one issue and that is if you have optifine and Connected textures on. It does not render Glass for exmaple (it just becomes the purple/black square). You can fix it, by grabbing normal Fanver for vanilla (https://soartex.net/downloads/) and moving the default glass files from there to the Invictus Universal.

The files are located in: assets/minecraft/mcpatcher/ctm/blocks/glass/default

These needs to be moved into the exact same path in the Invictus Universal resourcepack zip file.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
For you efficiency freaks using LV-HV turbines in the early electric age:
Steam turbines
4 LV steam turbines to MV: Lower efficiency by 4.85%
16 LV steam turbones to HV: Increased efficiency by 10.8%
4 MV steam turbines to HV: Increased efficiency by 6.62%
Due to the larger difference in efficiency between different tiers of steam generators you will actually get a significantly higher net efficiency by using LV generators and transforming to higher voltage tiers. If you got space and dont mind the extra machines this is deffinetly worth it.
This always really bummed me out. GregTech Intergalactical Inc. produces "higher tier" machines that are worse than their predecessors. Its a little bit like Intel making CPUs that are "bigger" instead of "faster". Yes they can technically do more computations, but its hardly a grand technological achievement.

In game design, its the difference between knowing what an "upgrade" is, and knowing what an "overclock" is. Upgrades should always be better in every way, and require better technology. Overclocks should always have trade-offs, and shouldn't require much in the way of a technology advancement. GT machinery often requires significant technology advancements to achieve overclocks. Laughable design.

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For me its always been a very hard choice to go up in tech tier but go down in efficiency when in reality it is usually the other way around (IRL and in terms of progression). Thankfully for energy it gets better once you get above the HV tier. Before they increased the efficiency of generators transforming low tier power into higher tier power made a huge difference, these days its much more marginal especially for gas turbines and diesel engines. They more or less come out at the same efficiency however it is still a significant difference for steam.

An even bigger problem is the higher tier process machines where you basically have overclocking where the speed is doubled and the energy cost is quadrupled. Especially since its quite rare for gregtech machines to add function at higher tiers, then it makes more sense to use many low tech machines rather than 1 high tech machine. Especially when it comes to energy refining systems (like light fuel to nitro diesel) you are almost forced to use the lowest tech tier possible to get as high total efficiency as possible. Go up a tech tier or two and you will actually go into a net negative for producing the fuel.

The processing array really doesnt help out with this problem either, it just further emphasizes it. I cant for my life understand why they just dont go and remove this so that higher tech tiers increase in energy consumtion at the same pace as the speed. This would efficienctly make the higher tier machines better in that they save space compared to the low tier machines.

I mean now i can just make 32 bronze extractors and it gives me the same processing speed of a machine of 5 tiers higher but with a energy cost that is 32 times lower and it has the exact same function. If i want even higher production speed i can just make 64 bronze extractors and so on.

And then you might say i cant do this for lets say macerators as you want the extra products from the ore. But here instead you just underclock the machines so you run 16 hv macerators at LV and thus get the same effect.

In my oppinion you should incentivize going higher in tech tiers not penalize it, especially when the higher tier machines dont bring any new function except taking less space.
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Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Comment regarding if overclocking of high tech machines was removed (1:1 increase in production and energy consumtion)
A problem to this is that the average power consumtion of a gregtech base would likely decrease quite a bit which would lower the need to invest into power production unless you want higher production speed. This is bad imo since power production is also an important part of gregtech. Therefore this is likely not a good idea.
However in my oppinion if you increase power consumtion you should actually bring some additional function to the machine compared to the LV variety so you actually get something for investing additional power into it. This makes it intro a tradeoff of power increase vs improved processing which is a strong incentive for people like me.

Here are 2 examples for how to incentivize going into higher tiers of processing.
1. Keep the overclocking of higher tier machines but add a progresively higher chance of getting bonus output with higher tier machines (maybe a 10% extra chance per tier of getting 2x output or something similar). This would efficiently lower the need to mine ores as you get higher into tech tiers at the cost of additional power. This makes it an interesting tradeoff with power consumtion vs efficiency of ore processing.
2. Make a high tier multiblock structure like the GT4 industrial macerator that consumes a lot of power however give a way superior processing of your ores for byproducts. At the top of my head it could give something like a 20% chance of getting all byproduct of an ore in excess of the main product. This would make the energy investment worth it with high value ores like platinum or osmium ores where you really want the byproducts.

For both 1 and 2 it should not be possible to decrease the power consumtion in any way by underclocking the recepy as it then removes the idea behind it. For instance the recepy could be voltage tier dependent rather than machine dependent. Or even easier is to make it so machines only operate at their intended voltage tier, ie HV machines only runs on HV.
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Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An interesting side effect is that if you incentivize higher tech tiers by making them better than lower tiers is that it would also solve one of the problems i usually encounter when i reach IV tier is that i have no idea of what to make with all the new power im producing.

Currently it makes no sense to use the higher tier machines that are less efficient power wise since i get nothing for it. This in turn make me use many low tier machines instead which does not increase power consumtion of the base. This in turn makes it unnecessary to invest into the highest tiers of power since i have no need for more power.

However if the high tier machine is actually the best from a processing perspective that gives me an incentive to use high tier machines, which indirectly also makes it necesarry for me to invest into higher power tech tiers to be able to handle the increased power demand.

Edit: I just realised i should maybe have posted this in the GT5 u subsection of the IC2 forum rather than here @Blood Asp
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Is there any update regarding the HQM and/or BQ ?
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In my oppinion you should incentivize going higher in tech tiers not penalize it, especially when the higher tier machines dont bring any new function except taking less space.

that is most true to gt5 and gt5u , for gt6 it is not the case, but yeah, going up on tiers on most machines is just using more energy to make it quickly, that is a parts that plays on the patience of the user and the aesthetic , as they took long time to do a single job and looks bulky . My friend that plays ic2 always put the maximum overclock on the machines so it would work almost instant because he does not want to wait, people with ae2 also like the process to go faster.

when it comes to energy refining systems (like light fuel to nitro diesel) you are almost forced to use the lowest tech tier possible to get as high total efficiency as possible. Go up a tech tier or two and you will actually go into a net negative for producing the fuel.
it is the case, however now on gt5u we have pollution, so making a ton of low tiers energy production to get that extra is going to cause troubles on a long run , and as power consumption and work time of recipes increases as the tier goes higher, having those low producers to create a huge amount of power is very troublesome . But we need to check the balance that happens, some versions ago the larrge steam turbine wasnt that good while the hv turbine did almost the same without the turbine problem, but now the turbine is better than the hv turbine.

How do you unpaint machines?

last time i tried i just clicked the machine with a vanila water bucket.

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it is the case, however now on gt5u we have pollution, so making a ton of low tiers energy production to get that extra is going to cause troubles on a long run

Here im not talking about energy producing systems but rather LV processing machines. For instance usually when you make a nitro diesel production line you have to make it in LV. Since the cost for refining the fuel is not insignificant that means that if you would make it in say HV the energy consumtion increase would make it consume as much or more energy than you are creating. Therefore when you are doing any fuel refining system in GT5 you more or less have to use the lowest tier possible or the actuall output of the system goes to zero or negative quite quickly unless the energy consumtion i almost noting.

For instance refining the oil from 1 oil sand to nitro diesel (in a low tier system) requires about 25k eu without losses in LV tier and produces nitro diesel worth about 320k with a net gain of about 295k energy. However lets say we make this refinement in HV this means it will work 4 times as fast, however it will consume 16 times the energy so it will still produce about 320k worth of fuel however the processing cost will be 25k*16= 400k eu which means you get a net loss of more than 80k if we consider transmission and cable losses.

Therefore you are more or less required to use the lowest machine tier possible when producing any kind of refinement of fuel in gregtech which was the point i was trying to make. If you wanna increase production you have to just make more LV machines.

For the energy producers you have fairly good incentive to go higher tier already. Especially with the recent boost to efficiency of LV, MV and HV the gain of using lots of LV rather than HV machines is very small with the exception of steam. Also past HV it gets a lot better as well as you can get efficiencies above 100% which is great imo. However this kind of improvement can not be found among the processing machines which i think is a problem.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Modpack update v3.2.15
Coming out soon
Mod Updates:
- NuclearControl 2 -> 2.4.2a
- HQM -> 4.4.4a - CUSTOMIZED

- Sadles can now be crafted (thanks @Nex4rius)
- Re-enabled Vanilla doors animations
- Unified usage of Empty Cells and Universal Cells in recipes (thanks @Nex4rius)
- Nerfed Alloy Bags
- Fixed crash with Nuclear Control
- Fixed crash with teams in HQM (huge thanks to @pgelinas)
- Workaround fix for missing recipe for H-D Alloy
- Fixed Quicksilver Drop dupe
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how can I add additional assembler recipes? in which mt script do you edit the spot loader recipe?
also, where do you remove the recipe for the normal chickenChunkLoader? I tried adding a new recipe in vanilla.zs, but although it shows up in NEI I can't craft the item.
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Therefore you are more or less required to use the lowest machine tier possible when producing any kind of refinement of fuel in gregtech which was the point i was trying to make. If you wanna increase production you have to just make more LV machines.

agreed .

Nerfed Alloy Bags
i also hope you make high tier bags stop giving low tier rewards, it is very frustrating to open a tier 5 bag to gain tier 1 rewards.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how can I add additional assembler recipes? in which mt script do you edit the spot loader recipe?
also, where do you remove the recipe for the normal chickenChunkLoader? I tried adding a new recipe in vanilla.zs, but although it shows up in NEI I can't craft the item.
This is done within InfinityCore mod, so it doesnt cause problems for those who disable Chicken Chunkloaders, because they are bit buggy at times