[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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anyone with any good nuclear reactor setups? im using nitro diesel atm. im currently quarrying a uranium vein.
Also, should i update? I'm still using 3.2.10, because it seems like theres a lot of problems atm.

EDIT: I see you can get Plutonium for depleted uranium rods, it seems like i can get more plutonium from recycling depleted uranium rods instead of centrifuging uranium. Is it better to get plutonium from a nuclear reactor?
Thats how you did it in Infinity Skyblock at least ( the recycling of depleted rods ).
And Mox would be better, as it would burn faster while the cost and gain is the same.

It could be very different here with Gregtech and InfiTech2, i haven't gotten that far yet to even dream about Nookular power


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thats how you did it in Infinity Skyblock at least ( the recycling of depleted rods ).
And Mox would be better, as it would burn faster while the cost and gain is the same.

It could be very different here with Gregtech and InfiTech2, i haven't gotten that far yet to even dream about Nookular power

based on the centrifuge percentages:

I need 21 uranium 238 dusts to get 1 tiny pile of plutonium 244 by using depleted uranium cell. (15 of these are for centrifuging 3 tiny piles of uranium 235(based on the percentage of 20% chance to get one.))
for a tiny pile of plutonium 244 in the centrifuge, with the slim centrifuge chance of 2% per uranium 238 in the centrifuge, that would require 50 uranium.
I think i'll go for nuclear reactor way(free power). Someone correct me if my maths are wrong here.

Will go for MOX as soon as i have the plutonium to start it.


anyone with any good nuclear reactor setups? im using nitro diesel atm. im currently quarrying a uranium vein.
Also, should i update? I'm still using 3.2.10, because it seems like theres a lot of problems atm.

Just yesterday built my first nuclear reactor)
640 eu/t output, stable. Need 4 quad fuel rod (uranium), so easy to automate rod replacement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone else had bad lag in single player since the 3.2.11.x releases? Before I had no problems but now anytime new terrain is generating animals will freeze then warp all over, block lag, impossible to ride a horse to explore. I tried Opis but wasn't able to pinpoint what was causing it.

FPS is fine but if any terrain is generating it feels like I'm playing on a server halfway across the world using dial up.
Out of curiosity, have you enabled hard stone in GT config? For me it was a very troublesome fps-wise with that enabled.


btw, have you updated? if so, is it worth it?

I'm on 3.2.14 and didn't noticed any serious problems except one thing - the recipe of heavy duty alloy ingot for tier 1 rocket doesn't shows in NEI but I'm not sure that's because of updating modpack. Furthermore by then I will build rockets I will solve this problem) But updating serious boosted loading of minecraft. Anyway I adwise to make backup of game directory before updating.

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks very similar to this one which is the best one of its kind if i remember correctly (cost wise) However it is a shame you arent using some of the iridium reflector designs :)


If you are looking for good nuclear design take a look at this forum thread in IC2 forum i did a while ago. Lots of nice designs for both regular, mox, 5x5x5, mox 5x5x5 and mark 5 reactors (using nuclear control) as well as a guide for how to build them.


Once i get into the nuclear age i will probably try out a few of my high output high efficiency iridium reflector designs like (there are those with higher efficiency also but lower output)

Eu/t: 240 (672-976)
Efficiency: 12 (33,6-48,6) [Meu/fuel rod]
Cost: 512 coal, 793 copper, 4 diamond, 84 gold, 4 iridium reinforced plate, 558 iron, 20 lapis lazuli, 44 redstone, 132 rubber, 655 tin, 8 uranium fuel
By: Blackpalt

Eu/t: 136 (532-782)
Efficiency: 6,8 (26,6-39,1) [Meu/fuel rod]
Cost: 1 advanced alloy, 1024 coal, 994,33 copper, 5 diamond, 60 gold, 8 iridium reinforced plate, 522,5 iron, 16 lapiz lazuli, 1 lead, 34 redstone, 102 rubber, 20 thorium, 1155 tin
By: Blackpalt

Both can be run in both regular and 5x5x5 mode. Especially the thorium one is very well suited for 5x5x5 as it produces little power but a lot of heat (which is energy for 5x5x5 reactors). The uranium reactor especially in 5x5x5 mode should produce a crazy amount of power with the boost to fluid reactors. For instance the uranium reactor produces 1344 heat/s (and 1 l/s of hot coolant = 40 superheated steam/s) with the new x4 boost in infitech should mean you can produce 1344*4X40= 215040 l superheated steam/s with one of these reactors. That means with a 140% turbines (quite many) you would produce (215040+215040/2)*140%/20=22549.2 EU/tick. Quite a significant amount of power from just one 5x5x5 reactor :)

I might also do some of the crazy mark 5 reactors with nuclear control but ive found them to be a bit unsafe in the long run. They usually blow up at some point due to some chunkloading problem or something similar so i will probably stay with nice and safe mark 1 reactors like those above
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Out of curiosity, have you enabled hard stone in GT config? For me it was a very troublesome fps-wise with that enabled.
No I haven't touched the config. This is a fresh install of 3.2.14 but I've had the issue in multiple worlds above 3.2.10.

Wondering if one of the updated mods since 3.2.11 and fastcraft aren't getting along.

JoFlash Studios

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trying to set up a gas turbine to run on LPG, and it needs 4.6875 mb/t of LPG to run optimally. However, the fluid regulators work at a minimum resolution of 16 mb/t. Does anybody know how I can supply the optimal flow here?

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If i remember correctly the gas turbine actually rounds off the optimum flow. I dont remember if it is always up or down or regular roundoff rules but the optimum for you should be either 4 or 5 (likely) mb/t of LPG. you should be able to handle this with an IC2 fluid regulator. They can regulate down to +- 1 mb/t

So basically the optimal output of the gas turbine will vary a little depending on what fuel you have since the optimal flow will be rounded of into an even integer. The more energy per mb of fuel the bigger the potential difference.
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Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The GT fluid regulator cover should also work in 1mB/t steps. The upper/lower corner for 16er steps, left/right for 1er steps. The GT values convert it into 20L/sec or 240L/sec. But that is only the case should the cover work fine and it never worked perfectly fine so far.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Last time I tried to use Better Questing it was maddening to try to cheat through it since the only way to cheat was through the command line and you had to get each quest ID individually from the json file. It was terrible.

You can either A) Hold shift while hovering over a quest to see its ID, or B) Go into edit mode, then designer, and select a quest then click complete.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just had this awesome idea for storage system, and got a huge disappointment.
Is it possible to make compacting drawers compatible with gregtech dusts?
Since dust have 3 forms: tiny, small and normal pile it would fit perfect.
But since drawer only does 3x3 recipe it does not work :(
Ok, I've tested this now, and the answer is no. We can make it so it dust normal <-> small, or normal <-> tiny, but not both. We'd need to set 1 small = 2.25 tiny, and that's not supported. If the mod added support for custom three step compacting maybe, but as is that isn't an option.

The only thing we can set is 1 of something = X of something else, problem is X has to be a whole number. So like, we could set 1 small dust = 2 tiny dust, but then you could turn 8 tiny dust into 1 full dust and obviously that is very bad.
The nerf on the sagmill is great, gosh, even using the ball, it dont reach the old value, wasnt it a little too much?
Use better grinding balls, titanium, naquadah alloy, and neutronium can now be made into grinding balls, a bit better than the corresponding iron/dark steel/tungstensteel of old.

That said, it was nerfed a bit on the overzealous side, and can be toned back based off feed back. I suggest searching "<hold shift>" in NEI though, then looking at the rounds to see all their stats easily.


Looks like Nuclear Control 2 cape list is corrupted. It might be fixed in latest version of Nuclear Control 2, try to download it and use that version instead: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/nuclear-control-2/files/2328439

thanks it loaded fine with the updated version which is awesome but is there any way to fix the corrupt version? i cant access my usual server with the new version :(

its strange since other people seem to be able to load with the old version fine and i used to be able to


No I haven't touched the config. This is a fresh install of 3.2.14 but I've had the issue in multiple worlds above 3.2.10.

Wondering if one of the updated mods since 3.2.11 and fastcraft aren't getting along.

I'm getting a lot of animals rubber banding, block lag and such too now but this was after I updated past .10, and after I generated 500 chunks around spawn (Which shouldnt even be loaded).
Would removing fast craft help any? It often causes issues for my friends clients causing them to be unable to play without erasing its config.


I'm getting a lot of animals rubber banding, block lag and such too now but this was after I updated past .10, and after I generated 500 chunks around spawn (Which shouldnt even be loaded).
Would removing fast craft help any? It often causes issues for my friends clients causing them to be unable to play without erasing its config.

I tried disabling fastcraft and it didn't help but now that I'm in an area where I'm not generating new chunks it's not a problem.


EDIT: I see you can get Plutonium for depleted uranium rods, it seems like i can get more plutonium from recycling depleted uranium rods instead of centrifuging uranium. Is it better to get plutonium from a nuclear reactor?

well on the past as i run mox to get plutonium i also used the power to make UU matter and replicate more plutonium, for RTGs.

Just yesterday built my first nuclear reactor)

it is really the first? anyway looks good, may copy it later. as posted later on you can exchange one quad rod for an iridium reflector to use even less uranium

Use better grinding balls

well the game only shown the dark steel grinding balls on the sagmill GUI.

have anyone aside me having an issue with the pyroluse oven refusing to do the recipe using nitrogen on charcoal? after the updates it just dont do that anymore.
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