[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A few days ago I learned that quarry of extra utilites digs 10 minutes chunks 9 !!! It looks like a strong magic. I suggest strongly complicate the (limit) on or disable. Also you can see and pomp of the extra utilites.

Sorry for my English, if not everything is clear.
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A few days ago I learned that quarry of extra utilites digs 10 minutes chunks 9 !!! It looks like a strong magic. I suggest strongly complicate the (limit) on or disable. Also you can see and pomp of the extra utilites.

Sorry for my English, if not everything is clear.
I haven't gotten as far as using the Ender Quarry myself, but if it is that fast here, i can see the need for being either nerfed, made harder to make / higher upkeep perhaps, or even disable it ( even though it is by far the best made Quarry regarding Chunk Loading )

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just make the power consumtion exceptionally high? Although i do think one should promote the GT miner rather than the ender quarry
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Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did a creative LV setup of the steam to methane power route for my current single player world. Skipping a few steps due to lack of game time. Its a fairly big setup but should be fairly easy to make in steps.

You should be able to start building the steam part in the early game, add on the LV machines, bronze boilers and blast furnace as you go on and finally the steam to methane conversion.

Ive set it up so i use steam for my continous machines like LV machines and blast furnace. I get a slight excess of steam when i run all methane lines so steam slowly builds up over time if i dont use any other machines.

This setup allows me to store a large amount of energy in the form of methane which is really handy if you want to do oil drilling for instance. Just a few drums of methane and some gas turbines and you can easily set up miners/oil rigs with a nice compact setup. Each drum can hold 11520000 EU worth of fuel compared to a drum of steam which is 128000 eu or 90 times the energy density.

The conversion of steam to methane has an efficiency of about 98% and consumes only a bit of carbon dust. Ofc it also produces a lot of oxygen which comes in handy as well as the option to produce large amounts of hydrogen.

With a bronze boiler you get about 385 mb of methane per charcoal piece or 17325 eu. A drum of lava in a high pressure lava boiler would give you 3514 mb or 158130 eu. This includes losses due to efficiency of steam generators and transmission losses.
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The receipe of quartzite screw (for me terminal) ceased to display. I'm not sure this is happened after update (I'm on 3.2.11) but about week ago the recipe was available. Maybe some configs broken?

edit: updated modpack to 3.2.13 - the recipe works fine again.
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As a semi noob is it worth generating a world with the current gregtech/HQM issues or should I wait till the fixes come in?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't had any trouble with HQM.

I did just notice that Steelleaf got nullified though. That's rather important too.
edit: Oh, someone else pointed that out already. Looks like all the Thaumcraft-exclusive materials got nullified. Steelleaf, Knightmetal, Fiery Steel, Fiery Blood, Astral Silver. Enderium got nullified too which is a strange thing to miss considering it's required for a lot of things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...how do I get Dragon Blood for the Fiery Blood infusion? I did some IC2 brewing and got Dragonblood with no modifiers, which is what I expected I'd need, but it's in a stone ic2 mug, not the gregtech bottle required for the infusion. I cannot get it out of the mug via a fluid extractor.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...how do I get Dragon Blood for the Fiery Blood infusion? I did some IC2 brewing and got Dragonblood with no modifiers, which is what I expected I'd need, but it's in a stone ic2 mug, not the gregtech bottle required for the infusion. I cannot get it out of the mug via a fluid extractor.
Create it with GT brewing? Pretty sure it's just a process of fermenting dark beer, like how you ferment beer to get dark beer.

Joel Falk

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A neat little trick i found for early game fuel production using thaumcraft.

Usually i have been using cobblestone as a source of perditio for alumentum but today i found that if you macerate any wood log into 6 wood pulp you can then turn those wood pulp into 54 tiny piles of wood pulp with 1 perditio each. So you can produce 18 alumentum from 1 wood log. Also since it doesnt need to break down terra it is twice as fast as cobblestone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A neat little trick i found for early game fuel production using thaumcraft.

Usually i have been using cobblestone as a source of perditio for alumentum but today i found that if you macerate any wood log into 6 wood pulp you can then turn those wood pulp into 54 tiny piles of wood pulp with 1 perditio each. So you can produce 18 alumentum from 1 wood log. Also since it doesnt need to break down terra it is twice as fast as cobblestone.

That's a nice one - I saw UNG_God using it in one of his videos for alumentum too and immediately poached it. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are Coal/lignite coal veins supposed to spawn on the moon?
I checked the ore guide, and then the configs, and from what i could see, its a vein thats only suppose to spawn in the overworld.
But in a test world, i went to the moon in creative to test with the meteors, and randomly found a coal vein.

Is this intented behaviour? Than, what about other veins that the book says dont spawn on the moon, can they?

Edit: here's a screenshot:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're post reminds me of a question I've been meaning to ask for a long long time.

What is lignite good for anyways? It is really just a very early energy source I always ignore for better options?

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are Coal/lignite coal veins supposed to spawn on the moon?
I checked the ore guide, and then the configs, and from what i could see, its a vein thats only suppose to spawn in the overworld.
But in a test world, i went to the moon in creative to test with the meteors, and randomly found a coal vein.

Is this intented behaviour? Than, what about other veins that the book says dont spawn on the moon, can they?

Edit: here's a screenshot:
It is not intended behaviour, but Its not a big deal. :)


Okay, i have a question :3

I have started over a couple times, and the furthest i got was, _almost_ able to start with MV stuff ( i was in the proccess of making aluminium, takes a lot of power :/ ).

Anyways, i started over, why doesn't matter..

But i have an issue, i have honestly, No freaking clue about how to relatively "easily" find the ore veins i need.
Sure i know their elevation and whatnot, but is the only way to spend a bazillion pickaxes mining through a mountain if in hopes of finding Cassi/Tin?

Is there some magic trick i can use to narrow down where to find a specific vein, besides the elevation?