[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Could turn chacoal into alumentum and it would help with thaumcraft and last longer in boilers.
since you cant use gregtech power in thaumcraft XD
Indeed, my previous playthrough I had a setup where I used the ash from the HP boilers and some other ingredients to make alumentum for my BBF but this time I went with more HP boilers, and since alumentum couldn't be used in those I opted to skip them... I might go that route once I build a GT large boiler but for now I have no massive need to set up that system.
I don't end up using that much charcoal even running seven HP boilers non-stop since they use charcoal so slowly.

-edit- added in a clarifying word
Why wires craft so strange ? Tin isolated with wool and red alloy with paper ?! Where good old rubber ? Sorry for my english...
Edit: Does anyone know a good way to make a dye farm? I used to use the dynamism tablet but it is very gated now so it isn't really possible to use the bone-meal on grass + water + vacuum chest. I want to get into working on my railcraft station but I need lots of dyes, arethere any reasonable alternatives?

If you only need red dye, an iron golem farm works well for producing stacks of red flowers, in addition to iron.

It can be crafted early, too! Cobble, glass, water, lava, some signs, and oak doors. And a golden lasso to kidnap some villagers.
From what ive seen it consumes an entire bucket of fluid at a time which then lasts for X seconds. So potentially you could fairly well estimate how much steam it produces by giving it say 10 buckets of said fuel and see how long it lasts similarly to what you have done. The larger the amount the more accurate the measurement. Then to get the fuel value you multiply the duration times the production speed of said boiler and divite by number of buckets. I think doing it with a bronze boiler first and then doing the tungstensteel boiler would be interesting to see if they keep the same difference in efficiency. If your thesis of 40% that is not actually so bad as that would make it 60% in a tungstensteel boiler (if efficiency is the same as for solid fuelds). That together with a tier 4 turbine would give an end efficiency of 84% which is roughly the same as a turbo diesel generator.
The thing that I'm curious about is that tooltip/wiki either says 25% or 80% efficiency, which is way away from what we've observed. I wish knew where the code for this was, but not like I can read code well anyway.
I might test the tungstensteel boiler myself in game in a bit if i manage to get ahold of a decent amount of tungsten.
Do you not have a creative test world? I feel like that is a must with tech-modded Minecraft.
Why wires craft so strange ? Tin isolated with wool and red alloy with paper ?! Where good old rubber ? Sorry for my english...
5.09 Gregtech changed the recipes for ULV and LV cables to use paper and black carpet/string respectively - rubber is used for MV cables and beyond. Some people do not like this change, and have added Minetweaker scripts for a rubber recipe for ULV and LV cables, but I'm not sure who in this forum has it.
5.09 Gregtech changed the recipes for ULV and LV cables to use paper and black carpet/string respectively - rubber is used for MV cables and beyond. Some people do not like this change, and have added Minetweaker scripts for a rubber recipe for ULV and LV cables, but I'm not sure who in this forum has it.

Ok, I have to get used. Thanks for fast reply.

You CANNOT have a good server that is not whitelisted because griefers will always come (even when you can have the option to reset chunks its bad).

their are mods and things that are able to prevent greifers. ive been on many servers where you cant grief. and its not griefing when someone is gone for a week and the protection is up. there are ways i even use it on my server. also helps protect YOUR personal metal veins so people cant up and mine all your ores you find.
their are mods and things that are able to prevent greifers. ive been on many servers where you cant grief. and its not griefing when someone is gone for a week and the protection is up. there are ways i even use it on my server. also helps protect YOUR personal metal veins so people cant up and mine all your ores you find.
None of these anti-grief mods are 100% perfect. Bear in mind there's all kinds of griefing, not just the standard break-and-steal-your-neighbour's-stuff.

Its simpler (and smarter) to just screen players as they come in.

Once upon a time, the public server did have a "claims" system to let you lock up a personal vein, dunno if they still have it.
None of these anti-grief mods are 100% perfect. Bear in mind there's all kinds of griefing, not just the standard break-and-steal-your-neighbour's-stuff.

Its simpler (and smarter) to just screen players as they come in.

Once upon a time, the public server did have a "claims" system to let you lock up a personal vein, dunno if they still have it.

i dont think i could play on a server that wouldnt allow me to lock up veins. especially gregtech packs. i mean who wants someone else stealing their diamond ore that took for ever for them to find? also sure there are a few things ive found with some of the most popular grief protections mods out there. thats why i fine tune private systems for server protection on my own. sure not many people can or need a whole team. but i can leave my server and have no issues with any griefing, stealing, harrasment, or breaking of the rules. only issues that ive had with any server is mods themselves breaking. or even the protections being so good that even SFM, dynamism tablets, block breakers, etc of the players own cant break or do things. (then i just have to tell them the right thing to type in though.) any whitelisted server isnt considered public. its a private server that gives everyone the CHANCE to join. public servers are open to anyone even the griefing children, its just that they protect against it. those who cant get their own way on a server usually leave. also there are better ways to clean chunks. mods also fix that.

i dont mean to annoy or hurt anyones feelings with my statement id just like to throw out that there are many other options that help a lot of people to play minecraft. and im all for a server that the pack dev made, people really need help with gregtech to fully understand it. i feel the creator of the pack is the main person we should all look to for answers, the best way would to be on the server he runs/maintains/owns etc. i mean even just to be able to pop into a lobby and ask questions in game. with little or no effort to speak to him. (no need for chat systems, extra searching of the internet, or pming him personally.) i mean everyone on here is great help for somethings but things to deal with the changes in the pack may not be so easily answered.
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I feel that the thing that a whitelist does could be accomplished with mods... but to be honest, why bother? It just increases the overhead processing need of the server without any "player-felt" difference... And as most people whom have run a tech-modpack on a server they are usually already on the verge of overweight, in the sense of amount of players they can support.
My general personal rule about mods is that if it only help the (server)administrator it shouldn't be a continuously running mod. More "fun" per MB(or whatever) is the way it should be.
I feel that the thing that a whitelist does could be accomplished with mods... but to be honest, why bother? It just increases the overhead processing need of the server without any "player-felt" difference... And as most people whom have run a tech-modpack on a server they are usually already on the verge of overweight, in the sense of amount of players they can support.
My general personal rule about mods is that if it only help the (server)administrator it shouldn't be a continuously running mod. More "fun" per MB(or whatever) is the way it should be.

again i agree i have a few private servers usually for personal testing of mods and pack me and a few friends come up with. then there are the public servers XD i was just dissapointed when i tried to get on the public server and saw that it was white-listed. i wasnt planning on staying in the server too long just had a few questions. i just ended up coming on here and asking a lot of question that just add to the amount of pages on this forum. it seems like others do this too.
Use/Chop/Fishing/Alchemy all require "HV" components.

Yup. I disagree with the gating of some of those cores. Especially the alchemy and farming cores. It is a nuisance having to manually slot in/out alchemical jars and farm by hand.
i dont think i could play on a server that wouldnt allow me to lock up veins. especially gregtech packs. i mean who wants someone else stealing their diamond ore that took for ever for them to find? also sure there are a few things ive found with some of the most popular grief protections mods out there. thats why i fine tune private systems for server protection on my own. sure not many people can or need a whole team. but i can leave my server and have no issues with any griefing, stealing, harrasment, or breaking of the rules. only issues that ive had with any server is mods themselves breaking. or even the protections being so good that even SFM, dynamism tablets, block breakers, etc of the players own cant break or do things. (then i just have to tell them the right thing to type in though.) any whitelisted server isnt considered public. its a private server that gives everyone the CHANCE to join. public servers are open to anyone even the griefing children, its just that they protect against it. those who cant get their own way on a server usually leave. also there are better ways to clean chunks. mods also fix that.

i dont mean to annoy or hurt anyones feelings with my statement id just like to throw out that there are many other options that help a lot of people to play minecraft. and im all for a server that the pack dev made, people really need help with gregtech to fully understand it. i feel the creator of the pack is the main person we should all look to for answers, the best way would to be on the server he runs/maintains/owns etc. i mean even just to be able to pop into a lobby and ask questions in game. with little or no effort to speak to him. (no need for chat systems, extra searching of the internet, or pming him personally.) i mean everyone on here is great help for somethings but things to deal with the changes in the pack may not be so easily answered.
A whitelisted server can still be considered public and it makes the best overall experience for everyone. Its public in the sense that anyone can join except known problem-makers. This includes people who are known to cause problems that none of your solutions actually solve, such as sexual harassment, bigotry, excessive cussing, etc. If someone doesn't want to go through the process of gaining access to the public server, that's their problem.

I get that you'd like to see a public server be totally-hands-free access, but bear in mind: a huge segment of players absolutely refuse to play on a server that is not whitelisted. I'd rather piss off the hands-free people than piss of the people who just want a sane world to play in.

Whitelisting is absolutely the most appropriate direction for a official or quasi-official public server.
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A whitelisted server can still be considered public and it makes the best overall experience for everyone. Its public in the sense that anyone can join except known problem-makers. This includes people who are known to cause problems that none of your solutions actually solve, such as sexual harassment, bigotry, excessive cussing, etc. If someone doesn't want to go through the process of gaining access to the public server, that's their problem.

I get that you'd like to see a public server be totally-hands-free access, but bear in mind: a huge segment of players absolutely refuse to play on a server that is not whitelisted. I'd rather piss off the hands-free people than piss of the people who just want a sane world to play in.

Whitelisting is absolutely the most appropriate direction for a official or quasi-official public server.

i like the privacy of white-listed public in a way. also helps prevent certain people/players that grief or harass others. any public server i set up is automatically set to ban someone for certain criteria. some criteria for server banning or the white-listing is totally personal tbh. i just like to join those totally public servers to get new ideas from a different player base. just me looking for a easy method to ask questions on a server. was actually amazed there isnt a large totally public server for this pack though. i usually can find a bunch for most third party packs.
i just like to join those totally public servers to get new ideas from a different player base. just me looking for a easy method to ask questions on a server. was actually amazed there isnt a large totally public server for this pack though. i usually can find a bunch for most third party packs.
I'll be honest, I've never really seen a totally-open server. I thought nobody wanted to be responsible for hosting such a thing :\

I certainly don't blame peeps for not wanting to start one up for any kind of serious GT pack. It takes very little effort to destroy someone's hundreds of hours of work in a pack like this.

(If you're up to the challenge, go nuts :p )
I'll be honest, I've never really seen a totally-open server. I thought nobody wanted to be responsible for hosting such a thing :\

I certainly don't blame peeps for not wanting to start one up for any kind of serious GT pack. It takes very little effort to destroy someone's hundreds of hours of work in a pack like this.

(If you're up to the challenge, go nuts :p )

sigh its actually really hard to break bases, grief others so far. only thing that could possibly be an issue is the language which we took care of too. swear words in sentences are auto blocked, and certain other words that are said are given warnings. allows for people to vote on certain things such as, if someone was to call someone a name that person can vote to have the person calling them a name to get a warning. (this is limited to more offensive words, i mean if someone called you a butt we overlook it) also repeated sentences and spam is also taken care of. WE (friends and i) have been testing gregtech stuff with our protection mods. also some public protection mods. so that a few of my friends can open their own public servers with this pack.
sigh its actually really hard to break bases, grief others so far. only thing that could possibly be an issue is the language which we took care of too. swear words in sentences are auto blocked, and certain other words that are said are given warnings. allows for people to vote on certain things such as, if someone was to call someone a name that person can vote to have the person calling them a name to get a warning. (this is limited to more offensive words, i mean if someone called you a butt we overlook it) also repeated sentences and spam is also tooken care of. WE (friends and i) have been testing gregtech stuff with our protection mods. also some public protection mods. so that a few of my friends can open their own public servers with this pack.
I hope you understand none of this is really a great argument to make a public official server wide open.
I hope you understand none of this is really a great argument to make a public official server wide open.

oh no i didnt mean to change the server to open public. i was just shocked it wasnt. i prefer the in game talking to get information about modpacks. where i or others could be shown how it can work. someone mentioned that its easy to grief if its not whitelisted and people are selected. i do not wish to impose to change your ways, server ways. i was just trying to inform on protection mods and things that should be used even in the case of whitelisted servers. who knows how someone would act in game after they got accepted.

id also like to apologize but ive seen the Phoenix team on other forums. what mods, or things do you guys make/work on?