...i added tinkers to the pack.
What do you think?
Ummm....wow. Putting mDiyo and Greg in the same pack !! I'm surprised your tool experience was the worst there was.
For merging TiCo and GT, a black hole should have formed on your hard drive and sucked in your entire computer.
On a more serious note, what you're trying to do is not supported. mDiyo and Greg drama aside, there are indeed very good reasons why TiCo and GT aren't supposed to be in the same pack : TiCo has very cool, but also very powerful tools that have their own construction and balance methods. These are mutually exclusive with GregTech, which uses tools as a gating/progression technique, and Greg has his own way of doing tools.
These mods truly are philosophically incompatible. Their code may be incompatible as well and what're experiencing might be the consequence of trying to merge them.