[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Not sure how you can say that. Centrifuging lava has been in GT for a long time. It's trivial once you have access to the Nether since you can self-power the whole system with lava itself. And, that occurs a long time before bees can be doing anything remotely interesting.
Centrifuging lava does produce a few useful resources, yes. In my experience, you can certainly create yourself a factory devoted to centrifuging lava. If your pack has a means to teleport this lava from the nether, its even easier. Not sure if InfiTech2 has a means of transporting liquids, I can't recall offhand. That said, its still producing very select resources in mathematically-finite amounts: whereas with bees you're restricted by time, with lava you're restricted by time and the amount of lava you can find (which, granted, is plentiful enough in the nether that you shouldn't have to move your pumping infrastructure too often.)

Not sure how you can say that, either. In Infitech1, it was far easier and simpler to quarry the world that it was to setup bees, and that was in 1.6 with Binnie's ExtraBees machines, which are/were far easier and faster than his new ones. In other words, bees were easier in 1.6, yet quarrying was simpler still. And, you could get every possible resource - including Iridium - from quarrying. There are no Iridium or similar GT metals bees. So, was quarrying superior then ?
We're talking about "many" resources, not all resources. Yes, there's no way for you to get iridium bees. But for the majority of reosurces, again, there's no way I can match your output...no way at all...total or per-second...with quarrying in either game, given a single quarry and a small bee factory.

Fast forward to Infitech2, and Binnie has made his machines far more complicated/difficult/longer. It's actually easier to use base Forestry breeding techniques to breed traits. In other words, bees are even more difficult. As for quarrying, it is still easier and faster to quarry in IT2 than it is to do bees once you factor in the time it takes to scour the world for a huge collectino of Pristine Princesses, setup a line of alveraries, do the background technology and Thaumcraft and MagicBees to get the nice frames and other bee-related stuff, breed the species, breed the traits, power the very expensive Forestry Squeezer and Carpenter, build the alvearies, etc.,.
Viewed as a function of benefit over cost, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get your bees together: it is literally, mathematically infinitely better than any quarrying tool at our disposal in InfiTech. If we ever add RoC and gain the boring machine, we can raise this discussion again: that thing is ridiculous.

Sure, GT 5 makes traditional quarries like the BC quarry less useful, but it makes others like the Thaumcraft Arcance Bore far more powerful. In the time it took to do all the bee stuff I was doing the last world, I could have harvested enough resources to last the rest of the game if I had focused on the Arcane Bore. But, that's kind of...boring...forgive the pun ;-)
We used the arcane bore and established that this was nowhere close to true. We ran it for days and acquired very little, while needing to babysit it (I'll grant that it can probably be fully automated; we couldn't figure it out)

I'll have to politely disagree here. Once you have teleportation of items and energy (which come well before bees reach a stage of being useful), moving a quarry is trivial.
You may have misinterpreted me there? I was allowing that quarried products weren't a huge accomplishment. That said, again mathematically, the trivial effort of finding ores, mapping the edges, moving your quarry, is still infinitely more work than watching bee produce pour in.[DOUBLEPOST=1414675055][/DOUBLEPOST]
Pro tip: Dont stick a liquid void pipe on an RC turbine, i did and now i cannot reload my main world file.
uuugh. Can you delete the rc turbine with an editing app?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fast forward to Infitech2, and Binnie has made his machines far more complicated/difficult/longer. It's actually easier to use base Forestry breeding techniques to breed traits. In other words, bees are even more difficult.

Well I did not know Binnie did this, that saddens me a bit. Bees were already fine, they took forever but it seemed perfectly balanced to me. I wish Binnie would have worked more on trees and butterflies instead of making bees (which were already perfect IMO) harder. Geez. What is with mod designers? Don't they know when enough is enough already? (Edit: I've been corrected, see below)

Once you have teleportation of items and energy (which come well before bees reach a stage of being useful), moving a quarry is trivial.

And on that note, I'd like to remind all people who may not know (like I did not know and it drove me somewhat crazy)... Ender IO has a block called the Dimensional Transceiver which apparently is a direct replacement for the (irreplaceable IMO) Thermal Expansion's Tesseract. If you don't know Ender IO has such a block, and all you know is that TE isn't in the modpack... you might think there's no way to move energy and fluids and materials long distances, like I did. And you might give up, like I did.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah...infinity. In theory, yes. Bees will produce infinite resources if given infinite time.

However, worlds are hardly ever infinite. They last months at best. And, the resources they produce have diminishing returns, especially in GT. At some point, having GT metals/minerals becomes more important.

From a gameplay/balance perspective, I'm not sure if it's useful to compare X against Y using infinity as a time stop value. Rather, something more realistic like weeks or months is more accurate. And, on that scale, I'm not sure if bees "win" the resource race. It takes a huge (player) time investment just to get bees to do anything interesting. Meanwhile, other resource-gathering methods are well into producing appreciable returns. If one assumes the world lasts...3 months, for instance, I'm fairly confident bees would lose the resource race.

However, if you insist upon using infinity as an endpoint, then anything that can be automated will be unbalancing. That includes GT Fusion, UU-matter, ReC Fusion, etc.,.

Also, I'm not sure if you are really trying to equate bees or any other form of resource-gathering with NEI cheat-mode, but it sure sounds that way when player time divided by infinity goes to 0.[DOUBLEPOST=1414676155][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well I did not know Binnie did this, that saddens me a bit. Bees were already fine, they took forever but it seemed perfectly balanced to me. I wish Binnie would have worked more on trees and butterflies instead of making bees (which were already perfect IMO) harder. Geez. What is with mod designers? Don't they know when enough is enough already?.

Well, he did a bit of both, actually. His machines now fully support trees, and I *believe* they also butterflies. He's also introduced flower breeding.

Personally, I really like what he's done. Yes, it's more difficult/longer/complicated, but he's created a very fun system to build and configure. It's no longer simple "acquire a lot of RF power, make bee DNA, then use machines". Rather, there's a wide variety of resources required, a lot more machines, and a more complicated infrastructure. It fits well in this pack, IMHO, but I cede that it's not universally popular. Indeed, I expect most of the community will not like Binnie's Mods in 1.7. It takes someone with a real passion for bees and/or an OCD personality to enjoy it (hey, that's me !).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, he did a bit of both, actually. His machines now fully support trees, and I *believe* they also butterflies. He's also introduced flower breeding.

Personally, I really like what he's done. Yes, it's more difficult/longer/complicated, but he's created a very fun system to build and configure. It's no longer simple "acquire a lot of RF power, make bee DNA, then use machines". Rather, there's a wide variety of resources required, a lot more machines, and a more complicated infrastructure. It fits well in this pack, IMHO, but I cede that it's not universally popular. Indeed, I expect most of the community will not like Binnie's Mods in 1.7. It takes someone with a real passion for bees and/or an OCD personality to enjoy it (hey, that's me !).

That's me too, OCD to the max (lol) so I'll def give Binnie a change to "redeem himself" (since I was so negative about him in my prev post)! I always loved bees more than anything in the game. I didn't know his machines will do tree species now, that is very interesting indeed. I've done all the trees by hand in Direwolf 1.6 modpack, having machines will be a blessing. And if he's actually finished up Butterflies too, like he suggested he was going to do at the start of the summer... wow. Well done Binnie!! Now I can't wait to go test it out. Thanks for that update Miguk!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And on that note, I'd like to remind all people who may not know (like I did not know and it drove me somewhat crazy)... Ender IO has a block called the Dimensional Transceiver which apparently is a direct replacement for the (irreplaceable IMO) Thermal Expansion's Tesseract. If you don't know Ender IO has such a block, and all you know is that TE isn't in the modpack... you might think there's no way to move energy and fluids and materials long distances, like I did. And you might give up, like I did.

Oooooo I'm going to look into this, I'm currently using drums to manually transport oil from pump to base at the moment. In a way doing it manually seems more realistic to me. Having actual oil barrels, I place them onto my 'unloading platform' where they are emptied and processed into fuel. That fuel in turn powers the fuel making process.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Ah...infinity. In theory, yes. Bees will produce infinite resources if given infinite time.
However, worlds are hardly ever infinite. They last months at best.
Extremely subjective. Yours sometimes (always?) do. Mine probably run around 6 months before I get bored of them. I don't know of any public servers running hardcore tech mods that reset their world every 3 months. Input from others on that? My multiplayer experience is sketchy. Maybe Kirara constantly resets and I just have no idea.

And, the resources they produce have diminishing returns, especially in GT. At some point, having GT metals/minerals becomes more important.
We never seemed to reach anything like this point. Also, we'd have to search farther and farther from our base to acquire them.

From a gameplay/balance perspective, I'm not sure if it's useful to compare X against Y using infinity as a time stop value. Rather, something more realistic like weeks or months is more accurate.
Subjective. Again, see above.

And, on that scale, I'm not sure if bees "win" the resource race. It takes a huge (player) time investment just to get bees to do anything interesting. Meanwhile, other resource-gathering methods are well into producing appreciable returns. If one assumes the world lasts...3 months, for instance, I'm fairly confident bees would lose the resource race.
I think you could easily surpass me in one month.

However, if you insist upon using infinity as an endpoint, then anything that can be automated will be unbalancing. That includes GT Fusion, UU-matter, ReC Fusion, etc.,.
Note that two of those aren't present in this pack. And UU-matter requires so much power and time that it almost escapes the problem. Butut in fairness, you can certainly set up a UU matter factory for every resource you want to produce infinitely. I assume you don't want to compare costs of bees to UU-matter however (setup, tiering and running costs).

Oooooo I'm going to look into this, I'm currently using drums to manually transport oil from pump to base at the moment. In a way doing it manually seems more realistic to me. Having actual oil barrels, I place them onto my 'unloading platform' where they are emptied and processed into fuel. That fuel in turn powers the fuel making process.
Agreed, but I really wish there was some reason for me to ship it by train :)[DOUBLEPOST=1414678907][/DOUBLEPOST]
I keep hoping you'll pop up on the Dev server to base with me. The removal of diminishing food returns really brings the food mods back into line. There is a bit more challenge than just a vanilla wheat farm, but right now I just plant a variety of fruits and make 64-size stacks of fruit salads to gorge on. It gets the job done at this point in early game.
Which version of the pack are we on now? I tried to update recently and was confused by the multiple patch folders, got sad, and left.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd hop on just to say hi to fellow infitech2 players. Dunno how seriously I'd play: I couldn't come to terms with infinite-resource bees and it drove me nuts on the last server.
I'd possibly play but I don't have a lot of time, so I'd just end up way behind everyone else. I'm over a week in on single-player and I still don't have a bronze blast furnace even with finding multiple copper and tin veins.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's me too, OCD to the max (lol) so I'll def give Binnie a change to "redeem himself" (since I was so negative about him in my prev post)! I always loved bees more than anything in the game. I didn't know his machines will do tree species now, that is very interesting indeed. I've done all the trees by hand in Direwolf 1.6 modpack, having machines will be a blessing. And if he's actually finished up Butterflies too, like he suggested he was going to do at the start of the summer... wow. Well done Binnie!! Now I can't wait to go test it out. Thanks for that update Miguk!

Binnie has a decent video. It doesn't explain everything, like how the heck your get larvae (you get that from Forestry itself), or all the intermediate products and liquids required, but it does show the basics of the machines.

And, on the positive side, his machines no longer require massive amount of power. They require relatively little power now. However, what they *do* require now is time and relatively large quantities of vanilla resources. You will need large quantities of the following:
  • water
  • wheat
  • sugar
  • bonemeal
  • drones to make bee DNA
...and smaller, but still reliable quantities of:
  • gold
  • redstone
  • glowstone
  • blaze powder (IIRC)
  • flowers or something else to make dyes
None of the steps are a huge deal and none of the machines are that hard to make. It's rather the collection of the whole that's long/complicated. But, it's a really fun learning process, i.e. a great journey. Bee trait breeding makes a lot more *logical* sense now.

Also note that you still need to use other methods to actually mutate new species. I used MagicBees Metabolic Frames in Apiaries and they worked great. Uranium in a Alveary would probably work even better, but that's more complicated than what's actually needed, especially when you consider the biome-specific breeding required.

Re: trees

Yes !! This is the biggest benefit of the machines. I've also done tree trait breeding by hand and it takes a really, really, really long time. There is no Oblivion or Necrotic frame to cause trees to instantly die and instantly mutate. You just have to wait.

Fortunately, there's only about 15 or so tree species that you need to get the best traits from to make a great sapling. That doesn't take *that* long to do if you have enough bees to pollinate. Then, once you have the species, you bonemeal enough to get enough saplings, and then run the saplings through the machines to isolate the traits you want, and then combine them back into a 'pollen' of your choice.

For trees, you use 'pollen' to imprint traits onto. For bees, you use 'larvae'.

You're going to need about 6 to 8 pollen to ensure you can purify a tree. To actually make the finished sapling, you have to take the finish pollen from the machines, and right-click on a leaf block from a tree. Then, graft that leaf block to get the sapling. Re-plant, bonemeal, and repeat until purified.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.1.9 is in the launcher now (1.1.8 too but I guess we skip it like we skipped 1.1.7). I'm gonna go try to have some fun in a creative world! Get right to the good stuff, maybe try out those new Binnie machines...

After watching InfiTech 2 episodes from @Lacandor i realized that i probably messed something up :D He found in Desert Temple at least 5 stacks of best food in game :D

We can't have that, now, can we??!! No soup for you! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which version of the pack are we on now? I tried to update recently and was confused by the multiple patch folders, got sad, and left.

Right now, the dev server is on 1.1.6 with dev updates 1 and 2 added. I also had to manually edit the pack.txt (or is it JSON?) in the pack root folder to use a newer version of Forge. All I had to do was change the forge version number (I think I went to ...2.2233) and try to launch the pack. It fails because the checksum on the next line doesn't match, but the launcher console shows the checksum it gets, do just copy that between the [" "] on the checksum line in the pack file and you should be good to go. I will post exact details this evening to confirm the above.

If you have trouble, shoot me a PM or I can get you in Teamspeak or just dropbox you the relevant files.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And good news everyone.... v1.1.9 is up and fully working. So go and update! :D

Skip v1.1.7 and v1.1.8 they are both broken

Opis and Mapwriter are back in the packs, FYI. I hope Mapwriter dev fixed the problem with waypoints not saving properly, prob did.

If anyone wants a good SSP seed to start off, you may wish to try out "CreativeInfiTech" (that's three capital letters and no spaces)... In the first few moments within 100-200 blocks from spawn, I see a tin vein, a coal vein (both a lignite and a regular), a bauxite/aluminum vein, and a tetrahedrite/copper/stibnite (battery alloy) vein... I know how tough it is to get started with a good spawn like this. I'm tempted to keep the seed but go back a start a survival game, this seed seems pretty good!

Forget all of this, apparently something happened and while I thought I updated to 1.1.9, when I re-ran FTB, it seems I did NOT update to 1.1.9 and instead I was still running 1.1.6 version. I just tried the seed in 1.1.9 and it is totally different. Too bad, that was an awesome spawn location too.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Binnie has a decent video. It doesn't explain everything, like how the heck your get larvae (you get that from Forestry itself), or all the intermediate products and liquids required, but it does show the basics of the machines.

And, on the positive side, his machines no longer require massive amount of power. They require relatively little power now. However, what they *do* require now is time and relatively large quantities of vanilla resources. You will need large quantities of the following:
  • water
  • wheat
  • sugar
  • bonemeal
  • drones to make bee DNA
...and smaller, but still reliable quantities of:
  • gold
  • redstone
  • glowstone
  • blaze powder (IIRC)
  • flowers or something else to make dyes
In a nutshell, you now actually have to do things like set up a proper factory of sorts to get things done. The direction these mods are going is fantastic. We didn't allot enough room for forestry goals in World #1.
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Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I generally fix this in the Hunger Overhaul config by changing the max food from chest loot to 2 or 3, but what I don't know how to fix is villagers giving you 64 of the best food in the game for 1 emerald.

Ban emeralds! :eek: :D

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Want emeralds? Enable PFAA... i have found 5 of them right near spawn in the hill.

The real problem with PFAA is: Tin.... it generates... quite badly... for me... 16x16 chunk = only 40 cassiterite. Wheres copper for example was around 500 pcs
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ooo... Is PFAA working now? I've tried it in older versions and it always crashes on world gen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I pondered PFAA on my recent server reboot, but I can't get over how ugly the textures are. To the mod author's credit, he freely admits the textures aren't beautiful and has solicited for help to make them look better. He seems like a great guy.