[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
I want to make quarries allowed in my game and change the recipe to thelp one used in Beyond Reality (I think it's a decent balance between it being as easy as the default recipe and being completely disallowed). The recipe is 4 diamond gears and a robotic arm in an assembly machine. How could I do this with Minetweaker? I already attempted to do it following the format in the config files and using all the correct item ids, but the game gives me an error, telling me the format is wrong. Any help? Thanks in advance.

The Quarry is disallowed because Jason intentionally set the modpack up that way. You need to build an Ender Quarry in this modpack, and according to the recipe all it needs is some fairly basic GregTech machines to get the Ender Infused Obsidian blocks that make it up. Being that GregTech is in this pack it's intended that you build up a GregTech infrastructure to create this Quarry, as that's the whole point of this modpack, to be GregTech focused. If you're making the recipe so easy it circumvents Jason's intended purpose of making you go to the trouble of setting GregTech up.

I may still be learning a whole lot about GregTech but I learned the point of this modpack early on. If you really want to get to quarrying early on, why don't you just go cheat in an Ender Quarry and a setup for some power and be done with it? If you want to get to higher end GregTech fast, that's the way I'd suggest you do it. Skipping the early game, whilst not recommended, is your choice, even if I disagree with recipe alterations you want to use.

If you just want to mine resources faster or find where they are other posters have suggested how this might be done earlier on in this thread.

Cheers ...


Michael Villaronga

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm really enjoying the pack. Its taking me back to my days of originally playing modded mine craft when all you really had available was IC, BC and RP. I'm finding myself having to build out lots of interesting contraptions to automate things. Which is just what I like.

I had a couple of questions that I hope will let me plan out things better. I read that the GT machines can carry power to other machines but I can't for the life of me figure out how. I'm on basic/LV machines. How much charcoal does the Large Bronze boiler take to get to max heat or is there a way to check its heat? I have half a chest and 4 coal cokes running. This should be more than enough to keep up once it hits max temperature with 180 secs to make one coal and having the coal last 160 seconds. And are there any other options other than a reservoir to supply it with water? I turned it on briefly and it was eating the water out of my RC water tank faster than it was being produced. It looked like I would need 4-6 of them to keep up. Also the only way to control it until you get MV is with a soft hammer? The control panel looks like it takes 34eu/t @ 1 amp in the assembly. I guess I could convert up and put a battery box behind it with four batteries in it but that just seems silly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi. Bug report.
Thaumcraft Desintegrate enchantment, which gives speed boost to stone, dirt, etc and makes mining other blocks impossible is BUGGED
I misclicked my macerator with that pick and macerator got desintegrated.


The Quarry is disallowed because Jason intentionally set the modpack up that way. You need to build an Ender Quarry in this modpack, and according to the recipe all it needs is some fairly basic GregTech machines to get the Ender Infused Obsidian blocks that make it up. Being that GregTech is in this pack it's intended that you build up a GregTech infrastructure to create this Quarry, as that's the whole point of this modpack, to be GregTech focused. If you're making the recipe so easy it circumvents Jason's intended purpose of making you go to the trouble of setting GregTech up.

I may still be learning a whole lot about GregTech but I learned the point of this modpack early on. If you really want to get to quarrying early on, why don't you just go cheat in an Ender Quarry and a setup for some power and be done with it? If you want to get to higher end GregTech fast, that's the way I'd suggest you do it. Skipping the early game, whilst not recommended, is your choice, even if I disagree with recipe alterations you want to use.

If you just want to mine resources faster or find where they are other posters have suggested how this might be done earlier on in this thread.

Cheers ...


I picked the particular recipe fairly arbitrarily because I like the build craft quarry better than the ender quarry simply because of how it works. I would not mind the construction of the BC quarry being as difficult as that of the ender quarry, I just want it to be possible. Once I know how to use Minetweaker properly, I will probably give the quarry a recipe different from but as difficult as and requiring as much infrastructure as the ender quarry. Again, I don't want it to make things easy, I want it because I like the BC quarry. So if anyone might explain how I could change the recipe of the quarry, I would greatly appreciate it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you know how GT ore-generation works you should know that the BC quarry isnt very usefull in in this pack. You would excavate a few veins, but finding the ore you want would be quite rare. I think Greg made the ore-gen like that exactly to counter the all-mighty BC quarry. With the work to set up the quarry you could also check which ores are in the area yourself, propably even faster.
The Ender-Quarry still works fine since it it can mine a huge area, if you mine 1km^2 you will propably have every vein at least once. Setting it up isnt harder than the normal quarry...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
its pretty strange how people whine about laggy and server and clientside resource hogging BC quarry yet ignoring a jewel under their feet and refusing to even try thinking
Its like "hi, there is new Iphone 6s with 90% discount- No, I need iphone 4!. Sorry, the Iphone 4 production has been susp... -I need iphone 4! idc what you say, I need Iphone 4! -BBut the newer Iphone 6s is with 90% disc..-I said I need iphone 4 or 4s, I like them beter! -But the hardw.. -"blah-blah" ".

BC quarry without Mystcraft is the worst thing ever. I d like to punch in tthe face all those idiots who totally ruin the landscape with their X km^2 quarries.

If you play solo, then search the configs. Its probably some 0 needs to be turned into 1 or vice verca.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
The BC quarry is actually superior to the ender quarry in this pack in some respects. Since it mines horizontally, you can mine a specific ore vein very efficiently, assuming you set up the quarry at the top of the vein and have a trigger in place to stop the quarry when it gets to the bottom of the vein.

That trigger isn't hard to set up: have a redstone torch at the bottom of the vein that sends a signal (wirelessly or otherwise) to the quarry/energy cell. Once the quarry mines that redstone torch, it means its reached the bottom, kills the signal, and stops quarrying.

@Eridium I don't actually recall how the quarry was disabled, but if I did I'd try to help you re-enable it (after making my warning about the balance implications). FWIW IC2 has an "advanced miner" that operates in a similar fashion to the BC quarry and doesn't wreck the landscape as much.

edit: I just remembered that the bc quarry has to "clear out" a section above its digging area prior to mining, so this is a big hit against its efficiency. That said, its still more efficient than trying to do it with the ender quarry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
its pretty strange how people whine about laggy and server and clientside resource hogging BC quarry yet ignoring a jewel under their feet and refusing to even try thinking
Its like "hi, there is new Iphone 6s with 90% discount- No, I need iphone 4!. Sorry, the Iphone 4 production has been susp... -I need iphone 4! idc what you say, I need Iphone 4! -BBut the newer Iphone 6s is with 90% disc..-I said I need iphone 4 or 4s, I like them beter! -But the hardw.. -"blah-blah" ".

BC quarry without Mystcraft is the worst thing ever. I d like to punch in tthe face all those idiots who totally ruin the landscape with their X km^2 quarries.

If you play solo, then search the configs. Its probably some 0 needs to be turned into 1 or vice verca.

Agreed. The BC Quarry realy has no benefit over the ender quarry. Its mechanics are just outdated in my opinion. The only thing positive is you can visualy see it mining. But honestly thats not worth using it over the Ender-quarry at all. It only loads one chunk at a time versus the BC quarry loading all chunks the whole time. As well one quarry can be set to handle a pretty much infinitly big area so you dont have to replace it that often. And on top you can upgrade it to be super-fast. One reason for the BC Quarry to be disabled is probably the fact you can abuse it as a huge chunk loader. In the end its your decision but trust me when I say the mechanics of the Ender-Quarry is way better. However, you will need at least a 3000k EBF to get yourself the required Enderium. So its not an early-game item.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The BC quarry is actually superior to the ender quarry in this pack in some respects. Since it mines horizontally, you can mine a specific ore vein very efficiently, assuming you set up the quarry at the top of the vein and have a trigger in place to stop the quarry when it gets to the bottom of the vein.

That trigger isn't hard to set up: have a redstone torch at the bottom of the vein that sends a signal (wirelessly or otherwise) to the quarry/energy cell. Once the quarry mines that redstone torch, it means its reached the bottom, kills the signal, and stops quarrying.

@Eridium I don't actually recall how the quarry was disabled, but if I did I'd try to help you re-enable it (after making my warning about the balance implications). FWIW IC2 has an "advanced miner" that operates in a similar fashion to the BC quarry and doesn't wreck the landscape as much.

Okay thats true. But still I dont see it being worth all the troubles at all. One has to decide that for himself though.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Okay thats true. But still I dont see it being worth all the troubles at all. One has to decide that for himself though.
Yeah. One of the nice things about this pack is that quarrying in the traditional sense isn't even remotely as useful/popular as in other packs.

When was the last time you played a pack where more people used the arcane bore than an ender quarry? That tells a big story.

Incidentally, 6 arcane bores with upgraded foci is one of the best ways to wreck a vein. Granted throwing numbers at a problem isn't really comparing apples to apples.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Again - this MP doesnt have mystcraft. Whatever you will try to mine with BC quarry - will leave a HUGE crater here and there. Watch youtube if you havent seen these worlds which are several months and digged from one end to another. How good BC quarry is - has 0 meaning. Because it wreaks the worlds and turns it into bedrock level crater by any player, who can make 2+ of these quarries. Have fun living in such a multiplayer world, I m against it and fully support its disabling.
If you want to reenable - search configs. I am pretty sure there is nothing more to say on the topic.


I picked the particular recipe fairly arbitrarily because I like the build craft quarry better than the ender quarry simply because of how it works. I would not mind the construction of the BC quarry being as difficult as that of the ender quarry, I just want it to be possible. Once I know how to use Minetweaker properly, I will probably give the quarry a recipe different from but as difficult as and requiring as much infrastructure as the ender quarry. Again, I don't want it to make things easy, I want it because I like the BC quarry. So if anyone might explain how I could change the recipe of the quarry, I would greatly appreciate it.
A quick way is to just allow the shapeless conversion of the ender quarry to the BC quarry:
Open minecraft/scripts/Buildcraft.zs in an editor (I recommend something better than the MS notepad, e.g. Notepad++ or Sublime)
look for the following lines:
# Specials
quarry.addTooltip(format.red(format.bold("WARNING! One time use only. Upgrade to Ender Quarry!")));
Change them to this:
# Specials
# quarry.addTooltip(format.red(format.bold("WARNING! One time use only. Upgrade to Ender Quarry!")));
var enderQuarry = <ExtraUtilities:enderQuarry>;
# allow conversion of Ender Quarry to BCQuarry
recipes.addShapeless(quarry, [enderQuarry]);
If you just want to have the original recipe back just add a "# " (without quotes) in front of recipes.remove(quarry);
If you have the alternative recipe in minetweaker form you should be able to insert it after "recipes.remove(quarry);", but you also need to copy over all lines starting with var and containing an item from that recipe.

Assuming nothing else was done to disable the quarry it should work now. I tested both looking up the recipe in NEI and crafting the quarry from the ender quarry. A quick test also shows it happily starts quarrying.

P.S. I am not responsible for any harm this change can cause and not for any violation of coding guidelines by adding the var definition directly there
P.P.S. I must say I am also in favor of the ender quarry, but this is your choice


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Again - this MP doesnt have mystcraft. Whatever you will try to mine with BC quarry - will leave a HUGE crater here and there. Watch youtube if you havent seen these worlds which are several months and digged from one end to another. How good BC quarry is - has 0 meaning...Because it wreaks the worlds and turns it into bedrock level crater by any player.
Careful Sliderpro. This is completely invalid. You can't take your opinion of a cratered world and use that to make objective claims about its quality as a quarry. Personally I don't give a shit about a cratered world so long as those craters are far from my base.

Have fun living in such a world, I m against it and fully support its disabling.
This was unnecessary. Nobody has suggested that it should be re-enabled by default, so there's no sense being argumentative or antagonistic.

You and I both agree that there's no need for the BC Quarry in the pack, but after giving positive advice about its usage, its best to either help with the original inquiry or just move on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hm... Im sure this got discussed a couple of times here already. But im a little worried about the oxygen costs for my steel if I want to use the EBF for making steel. I calculated 380 seconds which is longer than six minutes for a single steel ingot. Not mentioning the million of EU you will need to spend for a single steel ingot. I feel like the recipe for steel is a bit too annoying.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
hm... Im sure this got discussed a couple of times here already. But im a little worried about the oxygen costs for my steel if I want to use the EBF for making steel. I calculated 380 seconds which is longer than six minutes for a single steel ingot. Not mentioning the million of EU you will need to spend for a single steel ingot. I feel like the recipe for steel is a bit too annoying.
Are you using the wrought-iron-to-steel recipe? Its a lot quicker.

Regarding oxygen, once you have a better electrolyzer running, you'll be producing a ton of oxygen as a byproduct. At that point steel becomes much simpler.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you using the wrought-iron-to-steel recipe? Its a lot quicker.

Regarding oxygen, once you have a better electrolyzer running, you'll be producing a ton of oxygen as a byproduct. At that point steel becomes much simpler.

That is true. But Im not electrolyzing enough to be anywhere near producing enough oxygen. I could just let my system running over night and store the produced oxygen in big tanks. But I would be happy if there could be recipe where you get lets say 250mb of oxygen from charcoal (in the Electrolyzer). That way I wouldnt have to use the BBF all game long.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
That is true. But Im not electrolyzing enough to be anywhere near producing enough oxygen. I could just let my system running over night and store the produced oxygen in big tanks. But I would be happy if there could be recipe where you get lets say 250mb of oxygen from charcoal (in the Electrolyzer). That way I wouldnt have to use the BBF all game long.
This was honestly never a problem for me. There's so many electrolyzer recipes that produce oxygen that I'm surprised its a big issue for you.

At the end of the day I can't really see a strong argument to add more oxygen sources: if you check NEI recipes for oxygen you'll find there's already a ton of them, and you're really going to need to run some of those processes in order to advance anyway. For instance: if you aren't making stainless steel yet, you may as well start your chrome production now. You'll need a ton of it, and one of the primary sources is ruby dust. Which also produces oxygen.

A quick google suggests that Obsidian is a decent source of oxygen. Not confirmed.
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A quick way is to just allow the shapeless conversion of the ender quarry to the BC quarry:
Open minecraft/scripts/Buildcraft.zs in an editor (I recommend something better than the MS notepad, e.g. Notepad++ or Sublime)
look for the following lines:
# Specials
quarry.addTooltip(format.red(format.bold("WARNING! One time use only. Upgrade to Ender Quarry!")));
Change them to this:
# Specials
# quarry.addTooltip(format.red(format.bold("WARNING! One time use only. Upgrade to Ender Quarry!")));
var enderQuarry = <ExtraUtilities:enderQuarry>;
# allow conversion of Ender Quarry to BCQuarry
recipes.addShapeless(quarry, [enderQuarry]);
If you just want to have the original recipe back just add a "# " (without quotes) in front of recipes.remove(quarry);
If you have the alternative recipe in minetweaker form you should be able to insert it after "recipes.remove(quarry);", but you also need to copy over all lines starting with var and containing an item from that recipe.

Assuming nothing else was done to disable the quarry it should work now. I tested both looking up the recipe in NEI and crafting the quarry from the ender quarry. A quick test also shows it happily starts quarrying.

P.S. I am not responsible for any harm this change can cause and not for any violation of coding guidelines by adding the var definition directly there
P.P.S. I must say I am also in favor of the ender quarry, but this is your choice

Thank you for this. I think this is what I'll do. In all honesty I just enjoy the way BC quarries work, with the arm and all. To an extent I'd even say it's sentimental value for the "good ol' days" of using quarries in Tekkit. Granted I highly enjoy the challenge of this pack that Tekkit didn't have, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love that BC quarry.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How are people feeding plasma into their large plasma generators? Since the large generators will accept up to 150% of their max flow, it's a significant efficiency hit, and they take fluid a lot slower than any pipes allow. I have some fancy split GT pipes, where I half the flow at each branch, but it requires lots of shutters and is very inconsistent.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
How are people feeding plasma into their large plasma generators? Since the large generators will accept up to 150% of their max flow, it's a significant efficiency hit, and they take fluid a lot slower than any pipes allow. I have some fancy split GT pipes, where I half the flow at each branch, but it requires lots of shutters and is very inconsistent.
That's actually a neat solution you used.

Does the fluid regulator itself still generate too much throughput?