[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I wish all mods have a block description for NEI! like the enderio...(?) mod (or extra utilities ?) you look up the recipe for a block or item and if you switch pages for different ways to craft that item you eventually get to item description! this is a must for all mods imo, this would make EVERYTHING 2 times as fun!

I mean if the forestry machines actually mentioned they don't support MJ anymore it would have saved me hours of game play trying to figure out stuff!... tho forestry might have description ... a lot of blocks i have no idea what they do and i have to watch spotlight because wikis isn't always updated (neither is spotlights but spotlights usually is a bit more updated)

By the way does anyone know open computers here? i try to mount different filesystems and it works, i even label them, but the mounts disappear if i reboot the computer, is this normal behaviour? and how do you access mounts by their labels instaid of their path directory?
I definitely don't want to access them by address or their random mount points... want to call with labels exclusively.

I got into open computers because of the adapter block, i thought it could convert power from different mods very easily but i haven't tested enough yeh BUT from what i can tell so far (probably wrong) it just allows different mods to power open computer blocks and not different mods with each others?

Can anyone please tell me how to convert enderio power into EU ?

I'm very confused here but yesterday i did a lot of progress with power convertion but there seemed to be no way to convert into gregtech volts from all the mods???
So far i think i solved BC, IC, GT powers, maybe forestry too with the electrical engine (is that the solution to RF power convertion into volts?) all the ways to convert the ones i cannot convert yet is done with Thermal Expansion and other mods we don't have in this mod pack such as power converter mod (not complaining but there SHOULD be a way to convert everything to any mods power if it is a balanced mod pack imo but i'm probably just clueless)

I haven't touched Thaumcraft at all except for the shard tools ( i like water and earth :D ) is that one way to convert power ?

I only recently learned a bit more about bees so i might get some tin protection going too!

...and is Gregtech power called volts or is it just EU?

TL;DR: I need haaaalp, i'm desperate for tin and power convertion! :'(

This may help you in some way, I'm powering a forestry tree farm by whacking a IC2 generator next to the farm block power hatch, Enetbridge handles it. I just use charcoal produced from the farm itself to power it. Works like a charm

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To convert RF(enderIO) power to EU (IC2) power you dont need anything. If you will connect the RF carrying conduit to EU consuming machine, thanks to Enetbridge the power will convert automaticaly, without the need of anything special. Same goes vice versa. If you cant connect eIO conduits to IC2 machines, please open up the issue on our github (with screenshots if possible) so we can raise the problem to appropriate mod developers.

GregTech power is still EU, but for simplicity its better to call it GTEU (since its not directly compatible with IC2 EU).[DOUBLEPOST=1414510188][/DOUBLEPOST]If you want to convert RF to GTEU, you need the GT Transformer block connected to RF conduits

I just want to convert everything to GTEU as i love it for some reason, the IC mfsu and batboxes are good for testing and simple to place and use but doesn't connect to much, GT connects to more things than IC does so i prefer GTEU for other stuff, Enderio/extra utilities have some sweet stuff, for a while i had to use enderio fluid tanks to empty drums but i found out that extra utilities can do that instaid at a faster rate! :D

Problem is also that some pipes and power storage solutions require end dimention items and blocks, i'm far away from that it seems so GT all the way! (still bronze age though haha, been playing a bit too much on creative world to actually learn how stuff works... if i can convert all power types and find a way to get tin i'm good to go![DOUBLEPOST=1414511958][/DOUBLEPOST]
This may help you in some way, I'm powering a forestry tree farm by whacking a IC2 generator next to the farm block power hatch, Enetbridge handles it. I just use charcoal produced from the farm itself to power it. Works like a charm

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Enetbridge? i'm not sure what that is even after looking it up briefly but i dont always want to connect my wires and cables directly to ore processing machines etc, i just want to pool up all power in a central place, can i do that with Enetbridge?

Does energy storage machines count as power consuming machines?
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Etnetbridge is for energy conversion, it helps allow for different mod and energy interaction using different conversion ratios.

If you want storage then look at the greg tech battery boxes

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Wow this is pretty amazing, I had no idea that in 1.7.10 you can run an RF generator like a BigReactor and just EnderIO the power over to some IC2 machines. My goodness!

Modded minecraft is so hard because look at all the mods, even 100+ in some packs and you literally have to learn each one of em inside and out, AND you have to stay current with all the updates as new features and stuff gets added. I just learned there's an Ender IO block to replace the Tesseract called a Dimensional Transceiver (I think). Ender IO is quickly becoming an irreplaceable mod since TE has been slow off the mark with 1.7 fluid and power conduits and since it isn't in any of the current GT modpacks.
I'm having a terrible time trying to generate some EU so I can move to the electrical age. I'm making loads of steel but all the EU generators require parts made by EU machines to make. I just found the Basic Steam Turbine, which I could build but it doesn't seem to do anything. It took in 24,000 steam but it doesn't seem to be doing anything with it. Help!
Etnetbridge is for energy conversion, it helps allow for different mod and energy interaction using different conversion ratios.

If you want storage then look at the greg tech battery boxes

Yeah I guess you can run Ender IO conduit into a GT transformer, it will emerge out as GT power (EU/t for volts, # packets/t for amps) and you can run that into a Battery Buffer to store it, I made some GT sodium cells when I found a salt ore vein.

I'm having a terrible time trying to generate some EU so I can move to the electrical age. I'm making loads of steel but all the EU generators require parts made by EU machines to make. I just found the Basic Steam Turbine, which I could build but it doesn't seem to do anything. It took in 24,000 steam but it doesn't seem to be doing anything with it. Help!

I'm struggling too, all my time is spent digging up coal and by the time I macerate it to double it and clean it, my boilers are out of coal and I need to go mine more. Argh! LOL

The basic steam turbine is def what you want to use. Here's my setup: Two 1x1 HP Railcraft boiler run off coal dust, Ender IO pressurized fluid conduit into Railcraft steel tank (to store your steam up), Ender IO press. fluid conduit out of RC tank into GT Basic Steam Turbine, directly next to Turbine is a GT Battery Buffer Box with 16 sodium batteries (overkill, you only need the single or 4x Buffer probably), and then since 16x Buffer is 4 amps output, I use 4x Tin cable out of the Buffer Box which can handle 4 amps of current. I place all my machines on this line, some in front of it and the rest on top of it. This will give you 32EU volts and 4 amps so you can run 4 machines at once (they all use 1 amp for basic machines I think).

For the Steam Turbine, the white dot on one face of it is the electric output side. Rotate that white dot using a GT wrench to make it face your Battery Buffer (which also has a single dot to show its output side). The dot cannot face upwards (or downwards, probably). All other sides can be used as input for steam.

Oh I should add... don't make a Battery Buffer first, it takes some machines like Electrolyzer to make the batteries for it. So just run 1x tin cable from the Steam Turbine and put your machines on that cable. Build the Electrolyzer to turn Salt dust into Sodium dust, and then build a canning machine to fill the GT battery alloy hulls with the sodium. THEN you're ready for Battery Buffers.

To summarize... make a RC tank to store your steam (you can't make it "on-demand" quickly enough usually), and make GT battery buffer box and batteries to store your EU. Once you get there, then you should be stable for a while... but as I said earlier, I really need to stop using coal, maybe build a tree farm for charcoal or something... the other power option with GT is the Basic Gas Turbine, and I've learned you can GT Centrifuge all sorts of foodstuffs to make methane gas which the Gas Turbine can use to make power. That's our other option in GT it seems, for early-game power. Or, obviously, use other mods.
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How did you get the sodium into the battery hulls? That is one of my biggest problems. I can't make any batteries because I need to make them with a canning machine, but the canning machine requires EU to run????
How did you get the sodium into the battery hulls? That is one of my biggest problems. I can't make any batteries because I need to make them with a canning machine, but the canning machine requires EU to run????

The GT Basic Steam Turbine outputs EU (or technically, it outputs GT power, which is similar to EU but more complex). All the GT machines like the Canning Machine run off this GT power, just run a 1x tin cable off the Steam Turbine and drop your machines down adjacent to it. Don't make the cable too long, 1x tin cable loses 1 EU/t for each block it extends from the Turbine.

You have to progress logically. Build a simple GT power network as I stated in my previous post. Build a few machines like the Wiremill and Plate Bender to save on materials as you make more GT stuff. Eventually build the Electrolyzer and Canning Machine, and you'll be able to make batteries relatively easily if you have salt, lead and antimony (Stibnite Ore can give you that). I took out the words "relatively easily". LOL

If it's any consolation... one week ago I was just as confused as you seem to be about how to proceed... and today I'm the one giving out the tips. You'll be a pro in no time!
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Yeah I guess you can run Ender IO conduit into a GT transformer, it will emerge out as GT power (EU/t for volts, # packets/t for amps) and you can run that into a Battery Buffer to store it, I made some GT sodium cells when I found a salt ore vein.

I'm struggling too, all my time is spent digging up coal and by the time I macerate it to double it and clean it, my boilers are out of coal and I need to go mine more. Argh! LOL

The basic steam turbine is def what you want to use. Here's my setup: Two 1x1 HP Railcraft boiler run off coal dust, Ender IO pressurized fluid conduit into Railcraft steel tank (to store your steam up), Ender IO press. fluid conduit out of RC tank into GT Basic Steam Turbine, directly next to Turbine is a GT Battery Buffer Box with 16 sodium batteries (overkill, you only need the single or 4x Buffer probably), and then since 16x Buffer is 4 amps output, I use 4x Tin cable out of the Buffer Box which can handle 4 amps of current. I place all my machines on this line, some in front of it and the rest on top of it. This will give you 32EU volts and 4 amps so you can run 4 machines at once (they all use 1 amp for basic machines I think).

For the Steam Turbine, the white dot on one face of it is the electric output side. Rotate that white dot using a GT wrench to make it face your Battery Buffer. The dot cannot face upwards (or downwards, probably). All other sides can be used as input for steam.

Oh I should add... don't make a Battery Buffer first, it takes some machines like Electrolyzer to make the batteries for it. So just run 1x tin cable from the Steam Turbine and put your machines on that cable. Build the Electrolyzer to turn Salt dust into Sodium dust, and then build a canning machine to fill the GT battery alloy hulls with the sodium. THEN you're ready for Battery Buffers.

To summarize... make a RC tank to store your steam (you can't make it "on-demand" quickly enough usually), and make GT battery buffer box and batteries to store your EU. Once you get there, then you should be stable for a while... but as I said earlier, I really need to stop using coal, maybe build a tree farm for charcoal or something... the other power option with GT is the Basic Gas Turbine, and I've learned you can GT Centrifuge all sorts of foodstuffs to make methane gas which the Gas Turbine can use to make power. That's our other option in GT it seems, for early-game power. Or, obviously, use other mods.

I have played around with GT's battery buffers and transformers on creative, i love them <3
Battery buffers are genius, there is not batteries for every voltage though and i'm not sure if that is intentional or not but i loved to solve this problem by using transformers and lapocronic energy orbs and of course the battery buffers to hold the LEOs, stores 1,e+8 GTEU each, as a ZPM battery has a capacity of 2,e+12 that is 20 000 LEOs.

I would love to find a zero point module (ZPM) this battery has two trillion GTEU and that is simply amazing.

I built this contraption to drain the ZPM as quickly as possible with many super conducting wires and transformers also a whole lot of other stuff but time to try some more power converting then back to single player survival minecraft :)
You may or may not need to use the waila display to help find it. but i think i found mine when i was looking for in a cliffside from a distance cause it just didnt seem quite right with the textures.
I did *finally* find my tin! The texture was much easier to see from a distance viewed slightly off-center, and I ended up finding it very close to spawn. I had searched at least 1000m in each direction from my base and came up with nothing. So now I can finally start bronze age for real, and while those slow machines are chewing up my ores I'll do all the Thaumcraft research. I debated cheating that in since I've done it so many times before, but there's a LOT of downtime during bronze age and there's only so much building I need to do right now.
Arrgh!! I didn't have the integrated circuit in the plate bender. That's why it wasn't working. I really wish Gregtech had indicators on the machines to tell you how much power they have stored.
Battery buffers are genius, there is not batteries for every voltage though and i'm not sure if that is intentional or not

I would love to find a zero point module (ZPM) this battery has two trillion GTEU and that is simply amazing.

It's not a perfect video, for instance I built a 16x battery buffer and she doesn't mention that it's 4 amps output, I only learned the hard way when my 1x cable blew up along with my electric furnace. LOL But she does show the ZPM module and shows the missing batteries to explain all of that for those of us still struggling in the Bronze Age. lol

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It's not a perfect video, for instance I built a 16x battery buffer and she doesn't mention that it's 4 amps output, I only learned the hard way when my 1x cable blew up along with my electric furnace. LOL But she does show the ZPM module and shows the missing batteries to explain all of that for those of us still struggling in the Bronze Age. lol

Yeah it was her videos that helped me understand the fundamentals of GT power system, yours too :)

Before i was like:.. battery buffers? wtf is this?/ arggh where is the capacitors or energy storage devices? xD

Also the scanner, i'm using it constantly when i'm testing stuff in creative, very useful for GT stuff.

Also the chest buffers, so many buffers in GT, you can use the chest buffers as regular chests if you want, and those item buffers are the only things besides transformers that can actually use LuV ZPM UV Max Voltage etc.
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Yeah it was her videos that helped me understand the fundamentals of GT power system, yours too :)

Before i was like:.. battery buffers? wtf is this?/ arggh where is the capacitors or energy storage devices? xD

Also the scanner, i'm using it constantly when i'm testing stuff in creative, very useful for GT stuff.

Also the chest buffers, so many buffers in GT, you can use the chest buffers as regular chests if you want, and those item buffers are the only things besides transformers that can actually use LuV ZPM UV Max Voltage etc.

Not my videos, I don't make any. Must be somebody else but the few videos out there sure are helpful. I think I might try a creative world too, it's such a long grind in survival I'll prob never get to try any of the higher tier stuff out! Her video showing her Ultimate train world is pretty neat. I'd love to do something like that, but to do it in surival is nothing but a nice dream... it'll just never happen. Gotta use creative mode more often I think. In fact I just learned how to set up a keyboard macro to type /gamemode 0 and /gamemode 1 so I can pretty much instantly switch back and forth. I think that will help immensely, I prefer to build in normal survival but I just want to cheat all the items in so I don't spend all my hours digging and exploring.
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I'm not sure how you guys do it but it is not working for me :(

My enderio is only friendly with itself and extra utilities it seems.

IC2 power can send power into enderio but not the other way around..

So once enderio gets hold of the energy its stuck in that system.

I tried the energy conduit against all transformers and energy storage devices of IC2 and GT5 but doesn't connect to anything.
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i just installed this pack, and everything runs just fine.

However, NEI is not working for me at all, have spent like 2h on google trying varius things.. :/
And yes, i have tried to press "o" and also tried to go into a singelplayer world with creative mode and so on.

Anyone know why NEI aint working?
i just installed this pack, and everything runs just fine.

However, NEI is not working for me at all, have spent like 2h on google trying varius things.. :/
And yes, i have tried to press "o" and also tried to go into a singelplayer world with creative mode and so on.

Anyone know why NEI aint working?

Are you sure all mods are running and that forge is running as well?

I have the same problem with v1.1.7 no mods gets to run not even the forge mod loader.

If you want to get it to work properly downgrade it via FTB launcher to make it run v1.1.6
Are you sure all mods are running and that forge is running as well?

I have the same problem with v1.1.7 no mods gets to run not even the forge mod loader.

If you want to get it to work properly downgrade it via FTB launcher to make it run v1.1.6

i just found out that the 1.1.7 was broken.. I totaly missed the first huge red line.. lol
Will try 1.1.6 now! :)