[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I'm into the electric age now and I'm still not able to run an AE network because of the power requirements, you have to be quite developed before you can even this about this IMHO so I'm thinking you'll be living in that cave for quite a while!
Fwiw, here's my basic AE system and how I save power.

Image 1) Terminal area and barrels. Barrels so that I can get some "common" items out without activating the system.

Image 2) Standing at the terminal area triggers this wireless redstone signal. I used to send the signal wired until we added WR-CBE. This is tidier.

Image 3) Where the signal arrives on the right. If no redstone signal is going through there, nothing is activated. Of note: there's redstone wires coming from the three molecular chambers. If they're busy working (Items in Inventory=true), they also send a signal, ensuring the system stays on while autocrafting. Also note a power-override switch so that I can turn the system on permanently while debugging it (which happens a lot)
90% of that just went over my head ... i havnt been able to find quartzite for that stupid etcher, so im stuck in LV land, i wonder if it wouldnt be worth seeing if you can add nether quartz into the recipe instead of just plain quartzite? :P ill confess, i just suck at mining with this oregen.
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I'm into the electric age now and I'm still not able to run an AE network because of the power requirements, you have to be quite developed before you can even this about this IMHO so I'm thinking you'll be living in that cave for quite a while!

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Yes, I'm having a very difficult time getting going in this modpack. I found coal but that's it so far. And a nice big ocean so I can explore. All I ever seem to find is Magnetite, and maybe infrequently a Bauxite. At least on SSP I can start hundreds of worlds but it doesn't seem to matter. I finally picked this world with the big ocean so at least I can get around easily, and without the big food cost of walking. Speaking of food, I'm also struggling with early-game food supply and the hunger mod, no berry bushes. I hate killing pigs and sheep and cows, but it's all I can do right now, but I know someday I'll wish I hadn't done that.
Yes, I'm having a very difficult time getting going in this modpack. I found coal but that's it so far. And a nice big ocean so I can explore. All I ever seem to find is Magnetite, and maybe infrequently a Bauxite. At least on SSP I can start hundreds of worlds but it doesn't seem to matter. I finally picked this world with the big ocean so at least I can get around easily, and without the big food cost of walking. Speaking of food, I'm also struggling with early-game food supply and the hunger mod, no berry bushes. I hate killing pigs and sheep and cows, but it's all I can do right now, but I know someday I'll wish I hadn't done that.
You really need to start near the ocean, or get a water tank up in no time to survive. If you do start near an ocean/a river, I can recommend fish sticks. Also remember you can make rice and paddies.
You really need to start near the ocean, or get a water tank up in no time to survive. If you do start near an ocean/a river, I can recommend fish sticks. Also remember you can make rice and paddies.
Having varieties of fruit can help, juice and fruit salad will get you buy as you start up.
I also just realised i spent the day searching for quartzite and i dont want a low voltage laser engraver -_-
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This is the big drawback to GT oregen IMO. Going caving used to be exciting, you'd come back with all sorts of needed ores. But now, going caving is rather boring, not to mention a waste of a lot of good torches. :rolleyes:

But that negative feeling is balanced by the overwhelming "YES!!!" feeling you get when you finally discover a big ore deposit of something you really need.


I just started a new game, got killed by a Giraffe (lol), and when I broke my grave and got my stuff back, the book that shows all the GregTech ore levels turned white, and I can't open it now. Not a big deal, but it looks like something stripped some NBT tags from the book perhaps (i.e the gravestone mod)? I already know where the ores are anyways (theoretically LOL), but reporting it as odd behavior.
Using the pink book is a BIG help... I mined down to y=20 and started in a 32x32 tunneling grid and I managed to find 2 combined veins in the same location of pyrite and chalcopyrite. My iron and copper needs will be fulfilled for quite awhile. Now to find the elusive tin...

There seem to be a LOT of underground ravines in the newer worldgen. Seems like every time I've started a 1.7 world in either vanilla or a modpack I find a ton of intersecting ravines. Usually it's made finding abandoned mineshafts simple, but not so far this time. Wanting those chests...
Ive set up shop right next to the biome that contains my Fortress ... found the mother of all limonite nodes nearby, by mother of all, i mean its got to be at least 10 chunks ... maybe more.
ive also found a pyrite vein and even diamonds (about 300 or so meters north) - tin only seems to occur in rather high altitude biomes, like alpine forests, that being said ive found two of those, as well as tetrahedrite, both in my base and in the nether.
Alot of ores are rather difficult to notice in the nether too imo, anything copper or tetrahedrite, also alot of ores that have a black texture just seem to get lost in the vanilla netherrack textures.
Modpack Update v1.1.7 - EnderIO Overhaul
Forge Updated to

Updated Mods:
- AsieLib to 0.3.2
- BigReactors to 0.4.0rc11
- Biomes O plenty to
- Carpenter's Blocks to
- Computronics to 1.2.0
- EnderIO to
- Galacticraft to
- GregTech to 5.05.13
- Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.6.4
- IHL Tools and Machines to 0.513
- Logistics Pipes to
- Magic Bees to 2.1.22
- MineTweaker to 3.0.9B
- ModTweaker to 0.6.22
- NEI Addons to
- NEI to
- Open Computers to beta 2
- Pam's Harvestcraft to 1.7.10c
- PFAA to 0.2.13 (still disabled per default)
- PneumaticCraft to 1.2.13-28
- ProjectRed to
- ProjectZulu to 1.3f
- Refined Relocation to 1.0.6h
- Thaumcraft to
- Thaumic Tinkerer to 2.5.399
- Translocators to
- WarpBook to 2.0.35
- Wireless Redstone to
- YAMPST to 1.1.7

Fixes and Changes:
- Basic Capacitor now uses any Red Alloy Ingot
- Few AE2 were not craftable. They are now.
- Small Dusts into Standart Dusts crafting fixes
- Cropnalyzer craftable with GT Copper Cables
- Crop Harvester recipe needs fully HV parts
- Exploit with infinite salt fixed
- Pneumaticcraft plants spreading disabled
- Fixed Tombstones bug where items were loosing their NBT data (Enchants and tool materials with GT Tools)
- Removed outdated entries in MT3 scripts, and little script cleanup
- Fixed Electric Locomotive and Metals Chest crafting
- Fixed Daylight Sensor crafting
- Fixes a crash with RR when using Relocator pipes and CESU (or other inventory with diferent input/output slots)
- Enabled hidden recipes in IC2
- EnderIO changes:
- Changed recipe of Dimensional Transceiver
- Nichrome is no longer craftable using eIO alloy smelter
- Reseted EnderIO config:
- See commit: https://github.com/JasonMcRay/InfiTech-1.7/commit/68120489f33cc3ddcbf28de1ca9b5663e41bb6bd for changes (there is a lot)
- Disabled Kinetic Wind Generator from IC2
- Made Charcoal Creation more feasable with eIO Smelter
- Fixed Solar Helmet crafting recipe to require GT parts (solar panel)
Using the pink book is a BIG help... I mined down to y=20 and started in a 32x32 tunneling grid and I managed to find 2 combined veins in the same location of pyrite and chalcopyrite. My iron and copper needs will be fulfilled for quite awhile. Now to find the elusive tin...

There seem to be a LOT of underground ravines in the newer worldgen. Seems like every time I've started a 1.7 world in either vanilla or a modpack I find a ton of intersecting ravines. Usually it's made finding abandoned mineshafts simple, but not so far this time. Wanting those chests...
Quick question... so far the high-elevation veins lignite and tetrahedrite have been plainly visible on the cliffsides. Can I expect the same of cassiterite? It looks like it'll be VERY similar in appearance to the surrounding stone so maybe I won't be able to see it from a distance, but how visible is it up close?
You may or may not need to use the waila display to help find it. but i think i found mine when i was looking for in a cliffside from a distance cause it just didnt seem quite right with the textures.
I've updated to 1.1.7, and every time I try to launch I'm told my version of Forge is wrong, that I need version or newer. From the changelog, I should have, right? But it doesn't appear to use it when trying to launch. Pastebin of the log: http://pastebin.com/ai65Bpxg
(Reading from the log, it doesn't try launch with .1232, but rather .1223. Why, I have no idea.)

I've tried forcing an update, but no joy.
Hey guys, been enjoying the pack, and I have a shameless plug for some of my work. The CustomOreGen mod now has a configuration for Gregtech that provides more realistic (and less chaotic) generation of GT ores in the overworld. There is also the PFAA Geologica mod that also generates ores in realistic patterns, except provides its own version of the ores, as well as different types of oil, oil shale and natural gas, all of which are fully supported by Gregtech (much thanks to Greg). Geologica is based on CustomOreGen, so it's easy to customize, and with a bit of XML skill can be configured at a very deep level.
You sound like a guy that knows about this PFAA mod. I wanted to try something different so I enabled it and created a new world, but I don't see any difference in the way ore generated. It still looks like the Gregtech method. Any tips on configuring?[DOUBLEPOST=1414359963][/DOUBLEPOST]Hmm.... I just told the FTB launcher to update me to 1.1.7 and it asked about backing up the configs as usual but then launched the game instantly. It did not download a new modpack, it then told me I had the wrong forge version. Definitely something odd going on here. Gonna delete the install directory (after backup) and try again.
Now it is downloading the pack.
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It wont even show that 1.1.7 wont even show up for this pack. ive tried everything i know about updating anything minecraft but it still wont show up that 1.1.7 is an update that has been pushed out.
Jk i just had to close out the launcher. All is good now. Time for some more minecraft for the next 12 hours XD
Hmm... I don't see 30 mods being removed from the 1.1.7 update, but that is what I ended up with. Think I'll wait a while and try to download again.
Yeah i downloaded it, let it load up while i play a ranked game of league of legends (i won, mid gold level, and my computer is that awesome that i can run both at the same time) and it showed that forge is the wrong one/missing. it said both.
If thats the case, Jason may of packed the wrong version of forge in the file, the 1.1.6 version uses 2023 if memory serves?
Either that, or your download didnt work properly try that first.
then try removing the older version of forge from the game folder.
if you cant do this, you may need to setup multimc.
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If thats the case, Jason may of packed the wrong version of forge in the file, the 1.1.6 version uses 2023 if memory serves?
try removing the older version of forge from the game folder.
if you cant do this, you may need to setup multimc.
How do i remove the older version?