[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Do you use the most recent version of IT2?
Yes I do. Well, i do use 3.1.13 version, since 3.1.14v did little improved, from my perspective.
I`ll try to force-update now, see what would happen.
No, same situation after force updating.
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Do you use the most recent version of IT2? It should be all fixed in that. If not, what recipe exactly does not work? All reactor component now should have :1 and all recipes use the :1 items.

It's my fault, I'm not running the latest version of the modpack because I play on a server where the operator prefers to wait a long time to make sure an update is stable. :)

So sorry if my information is obsolete and incorrect.
Looks like you finally got it working? Did you have to use a pulling pipe (wood/emerald) ?

Dunno if it explodes. Probably not since it moved to RF. Really easy for you to test in creative though.

Oh it always "worked". What it doesn't do is put out 80RF/tick. The hotter it gets the closer it gets to 80RF/tick. That screenshot is at the very top of the swing, it fluctuates between 50-80 it seems.

I tried wooden kinesis and base tier conduit, both of which should handle one industrial steam engine without breaking a sweat. I also tried direct attach to a capacitor bank. None of them pull 80RF/tick off the engine. They pull some fraction and the other piece of the 80 seems to fill that internal buffer. That buffer also drains really, really, really slowly when the engine is off and where it drains to I do not know as the energy doesn't come out of the engine.

Kind of annoying that I can't find any info on this whatsoever online since people switched to TE dynamos the day they were introduced. The Railcraft wiki is useless as it doesn't even mention that "new" gauge, much less what it means with regards to operation of the engine and the production/output of RF.
Yes I do. Well, i do use 3.1.13 version, since 3.1.14v did little improved, from my perspective.
I`ll try to force-update now, see what would happen.
No, same situation after force updating.
So you have GT 5.08.30 loaded? Then please list me the items/recipes that are NOT ":1", so i can fix that next update.
Does this engine explode when that rf gauge is full?


Made a copy of my world, guess I'll find out what happens the "easy" way.
In the past BC engines did explode, but not anymore after the RF switch. Now they stop working until they are fully cooled down. The BC kinetic pipes are lossy, even with RF, as far i know.
Yeah, it was always the tiniest bit weird when it used MJ and its weirder still now.

How attached are you to the notion of using the RC steam engines? Is RF your actual end goal? There's alternatives. In particular, I believe you can connect most RF machines directly to a GT cable, so the RC Steam Turbine (the 200 eu/t one) might be a better solution for you.
Wow, well I must be lucky. I did indeed find a Humanus node with 48 and even more amazing, I didn't jar it up or otherwise damage it. Unfortunately reading the rest of your post is like reading a foreign language (don't take it personal, it's all my fault for not knowing Thaumcraft), so it may take me a while before I truly comprehend. But thanks, I'll start figuring it out right now.

It's scary to do anything with nodes when you realize you don't understand what you're doing. LOL I already destroyed one good node because I was a noob, don't want to keep making such mistakes.

You're missing out on two key Thaumcraft node mechanics: node stabilisers and energised nodes.

Node stabilisers prevent the node bullying. This allows you to put as many nodes as you want around your wand pedestal without them destroying each other. The do cut the recharge rate in half though, but this is more than offset by the greatly increased number of nodes you can have.

An energised node is created by putting a "node transducer" on top of a node on an advanced node stabiliser. The energised node has no buffer of vis (like a normal node) but instead produces vis at some rate per tick. The vis produced by an energised node can be piped around your base using "vis relays". This means you can place a wand in a crafting table, attach a vis relay to the crafting table, and the wand will be recharged continuously without you having to do anything. Your own wand can also draw vis from the relays if you get an amulet of vis storage. With a system set up like this I haven't been to my wand recharge station in weeks, as everything just recharges on its own while I'm doing other things.
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Wow, i don`t know. I only encountered this whole 10k-Coolant-problem.
And i still do not know what recipes are broken for you. I quickly checked all recipes that GT changes and could not find something wrong. But maybe i just missed something...
And i still do not know what recipes are broken for you.
1)Making Coolant Cell: NEI shows only loop recipe - input liquid coolant into cell, while liquid coolant can only be obtained by extracting itself from cell. There is a way to make CoolCell in IC2 Fluid/Solid Canning Machine, which is not shown in NEI. But i`m not sure if its "your" bug.
2)Making 10k Coolant cell: in order to do that, i need to combine Coolant cell with 4 tin plates. The output must be "10k Coolant Cell" with ID 4309, while actual output ID is 4309:1. Neither crafting itself, nor Vacuum Freezing it gives just 4309 ID.
3)Making Overclocker Upgrade: i need 3 "10k Coolant Cell"with 4309 ID (no :1). And since there is now way to make "clean" cell, i cant make that upgrade.
4)Although i cant make OverUpgrade, i still can make "60k NaK Coolant cell" with the same "10k coolant cell" 4309:1.
Hope that helps and makes any sense.
By the way, sometimes there is no visual output at crafting table. Just shift-click output slot and it MIGHT work in some cases
1)Making Coolant Cell: NEI shows only loop recipe - input liquid coolant into cell, while liquid coolant can only be obtained by extracting itself from cell. There is a way to make CoolCell in IC2 Fluid/Solid Canning Machine, which is not shown in NEI. But i`m not sure if its "your" bug.
2)Making 10k Coolant cell: in order to do that, i need to combine Coolant cell with 4 tin plates. The output must be "10k Coolant Cell" with ID 4309, while actual output ID is 4309:1. Neither crafting itself, nor Vacuum Freezing it gives just 4309 ID.
3)Making Overclocker Upgrade: i need 3 "10k Coolant Cell"with 4309 ID (no :1). And since there is now way to make "clean" cell, i cant make that upgrade.
4)Although i cant make OverUpgrade, i still can make "60k NaK Coolant cell" with the same "10k coolant cell" 4309:1.
Hope that helps and makes any sense.
1) That is IC2 missing NEI support, so really not my stuff.
2) that they have now 4309:1 when crafting is correct. The 4309 are wrong.
3) Jep, really missed that one recipe. Fixed for the next version.
4) As i wrote, 4309:1 is correct, so it working is also just right. Also found that 3 10k cells into 1 30k cell does not work, but that is a IC2 recipe i do not touch, so IC2 bug.

That all broken recipes, or are there more?
By the way, sometimes there is no visual output at crafting table. Just shift-click output slot and it MIGHT work in some cases
Your client and server have different recipes. So somehow modversions or minetweaker scripts are different/not correctly syncing.
Test if they work in singleplayer (they should).
Are you using the newest version of IT2? And are your cells old? If yes, they are also effected by the IC2 change adding metaIDs to newly crafted reactor components.