Yes it is cratable now.Is the liquifier craftable now? If so, I may be able to test this later this day.
Another thing: I found an RFTools config file in InfiTech2's config folder. Are there plans to include RFTools? With appropriate recipe changes, I think it would make a fine addition to the EV tier (at least for the dimension- and teleport-related stuff), which, as far as I can determine, hasn't a lot of content atm except as a stepping stone towards fusion. With the power levels required, it would also give people a reason to build a fusion reactor beyond "It's cool and I want to see how it works," and it has a nice ultra-tech aura that would fit a pack named "InfiTech".
Oo... Someone noticed Yes there are plans of RFTools inclusion. But first I want to finish the project I am working on and make sure the pack is as much stable as it can be. Then we will start working on RFTools addition with recipe and power cost changes. It will be indeed considered as kind of end-game. basic stuff like item storage will be MV (early than AE storage system), the Energy network with RFTools will be MV/HV, teleporting EV and dimension creation end-EV and beyond.
(There is TOTALLY NO ETA on this)