[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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So is there really any reason to go into the twilight forest? When you think about it you really don't gain much from fighting all the bosses. If you are strong enough to survive the wolves and defeat the boss then the gear they drop is pretty much useless. The only bosses I really benefited from were the Minoshroom (Uncrafting table), Hydra (Fiery blood for the sword with +8 attack damage), and Ur-Ghast (Fiery tears for sword). With all the other bosses it seems like I didn't really gain anything. I feel like I am really just fighting them to fight them.

Currently, not really. I have intended to overhaul progression by the use of the twilight bosses in the over world, but I still haven't got around to it.
Go into the forge config and enable the removal of enities, run the server again and see if that helps.

I figured it out a long time ago. thats how i managed to play with friends on a serwer without crashing a lot. But i posted crash not from serwer but from myself.. Serwer was fine.. Jsut attack of those golems that spawn block of lava underneath You was crashing my client. I managed to teleported myself with server console. but that was not good, because ender island with those firegolems has MAAANANYYY valuable stuff :)
So is there really any reason to go into the twilight forest? When you think about it you really don't gain much from fighting all the bosses.

I don't go to the Twilight Forest for the bosses, I go for the Thaumcraft nodes. There are lots of nodes to jar up and very few of them are tainted.
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Currently, not really. I have intended to overhaul progression by the use of the twilight bosses in the over world, but I still haven't got around to it.
Why not have a separate quest line that takes place in the Twilight Forest? I mean, most of the other major magic mods have an entire quest line to themselves, and I think this would be a cool one as well.
Something like "This mysterious land has long been far out of reach of known magics. Perhaps I'll find something to combat the taint here?"
The quest line could be something like:
- Enter the Twilight Forest. "A safer place?"
- Pick up a few resources that can only be found there, e.g. fire flies/fire fly jars, and twilight forest wood. Also some livingroots and moss. "It's time to examine some of the strange items in this land.
- Kill some zombie dogs. "These strange creatures have an unnatural aura animating them. They are fast and strong and command a variety of powerful abilities. One thing is for sure, there's no way to tame them... go ahead and kill any of them you see."
- Bring a pair of wild deer or whatever they're called to the overworld. (If that can't be checked with HQM just make them kill one of them in the overworld?) You can do this with leashes (I think). (This quest should branch off, not part of the main line.)
- Find a pointy tower and discover a clue about it. (You can check for that book that killing the kobold near the tower gives you.)

Sound like a good start?
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Drastic, I have a question for you. Are you capable of making and then adding in your own structures such as the cities from Crash Landing or the destroyed bunkers from Blast Off?
Drastic, I have a question for you. Are you capable of making and then adding in your own structures such as the cities from Crash Landing or the destroyed bunkers from Blast Off?
He probably can, but I don't think it would really be needed here. There are a ton of naturally generated structures already, and the defining attribute of the world is that it's entirely tainted land.
He probably can, but I don't think it would really be needed here. There are a ton of naturally generated structures already, and the defining attribute of the world is that it's entirely tainted land.
I know, there are just some structures I thought of that would make a ton of sense. They are all still in the tainted land and fit in with the story.
So, question. Is there any way to automate essentia production without a) using golems or b) building a separate distillery for each aspect? If so could I get a tutorial link?
Ok, I will attempt to create what I had in mind. If I can't though (Im not really the best builder) I may just post my ideas here and see if anyone is willing to try and make it.
Ok so I failed horribly. I will just post my structure ideas.

1: The first structure is pretty much just a tainted version of a village. You would shut of regular spawning of villages and just use the tainted one instead. It doesn't really make sense the villages had managed to survive up until you came by. With the tainted village there are no regular villagers (I have a solution to this in another idea), the farms are pretty much ruined but may have 1-2 seeds of any crop, and the buildings are mostly crusted taint. There would be two different versions, one with the wall and one without. When there is a wall it is usually ruined and has several large holes in it.

2: This structure would solve the no villagers problem created by the first structure. It would pretty much be the catacombs found with the gravestone mod (It is disabled in this mod) except that at the end it would have no witherboss spawner nor would it have any of the treasure (Gold diamond iron and emerald blocks). Then the point of even coming here? At the end there would be chests containing one villager corpse each (Or be empty). The chests would look like coffins and be covered up by the grave looking things found at the end of the phantom knight dungeon (Twilight forest). The structure would also be made up of nightstone. Nightstone is a block that I believe is only found in the original catacombs. Because the original catacombs are disabled there is no way to make an altar which requires one nightstone. If you found the new catacomb you would get one block of nightstone then the villager corpses and use the nightstone to make an altar. The altar would require experience and the corpse to revive the villagers.

3: The third structure would be a tower/dungeon with several versions, each one pertaining to a certain group of magic (Thaumcraft, botania, AM2, witchery, blood magic). They would contain some of the basic loot from whatever mod it is they are based off of (Thaumonomicon, primal crystals, etc for thaumcraft) and rarely contain some more rare loot. They would also be trapped with artifact traps and some traps added by the mod along with some of the hostile mobs. The main groups of magic (Thaum, botania, AM2) would be the most common while lesser groups (witchery) would be somewhat more rare. The rarest one you could find would be the blood magic one. In the deepest part you can find a tier 3 altar lacking some of the blocks and the actual altar.

Tell me what you think of these structures. I tried to keep them from being OP.
Ok so I failed horribly. I will just post my structure ideas.

1: The first structure is pretty much just a tainted version of a village. You would shut of regular spawning of villages and just use the tainted one instead. It doesn't really make sense the villages had managed to survive up until you came by. With the tainted village there are no regular villagers (I have a solution to this in another idea), the farms are pretty much ruined but may have 1-2 seeds of any crop, and the buildings are mostly crusted taint. There would be two different versions, one with the wall and one without. When there is a wall it is usually ruined and has several large holes in it.

2: This structure would solve the no villagers problem created by the first structure. It would pretty much be the catacombs found with the gravestone mod (It is disabled in this mod) except that at the end it would have no witherboss spawner nor would it have any of the treasure (Gold diamond iron and emerald blocks). Then the point of even coming here? At the end there would be chests containing one villager corpse each (Or be empty). The chests would look like coffins and be covered up by the grave looking things found at the end of the phantom knight dungeon (Twilight forest). The structure would also be made up of nightstone. Nightstone is a block that I believe is only found in the original catacombs. Because the original catacombs are disabled there is no way to make an altar which requires one nightstone. If you found the new catacomb you would get one block of nightstone then the villager corpses and use the nightstone to make an altar. The altar would require experience and the corpse to revive the villagers.

3: The third structure would be a tower/dungeon with several versions, each one pertaining to a certain group of magic (Thaumcraft, botania, AM2, witchery, blood magic). They would contain some of the basic loot from whatever mod it is they are based off of (Thaumonomicon, primal crystals, etc for thaumcraft) and rarely contain some more rare loot. They would also be trapped with artifact traps and some traps added by the mod along with some of the hostile mobs. The main groups of magic (Thaum, botania, AM2) would be the most common while lesser groups (witchery) would be somewhat more rare. The rarest one you could find would be the blood magic one. In the deepest part you can find a tier 3 altar lacking some of the blocks and the actual altar.

Tell me what you think of these structures. I tried to keep them from being OP.
Yeah, I agree with the first one. However, I think that you should just be able to find some graves of villagers that have villager corpses in them instead of having a second structure. Then you can give out nightstone as a quest reward somewhere rather than changing the world gen. As for the third one, wizard towers are already a structure but making the loot in their chest specialized and maybe adding a few blocks would be cool.
So, question. Is there any way to automate essentia production without a) using golems or b) building a separate distillery for each aspect? If so could I get a tutorial link?

Throw a lava crystal ala Blood Magic (make sure you link it to your network) into an Alchemical Furnace as opposed to coal.
Have as many Crystallizers attached to it via pipes as you think you'll need (if you have two or three and a energized node that produces at least 5 terra vis, you'll mostly be able to keep up) that all go into some kind of varied storage block (prob not a barrel).
Have some way of sorting the crystals into storage pertaining to them, like Storage Drawers with a Controller, since they show icons of the aspects in addition to the color of the crystal.
Whenever you need essentia, throw some crystals into a separate alchemical furnace that pipes into jars.
Throw a lava crystal ala Blood Magic (make sure you link it to your network) into an Alchemical Furnace as opposed to coal.
Have as many Crystallizers attached to it via pipes as you think you'll need (if you have two or three and a energized node that produces at least 5 terra vis, you'll mostly be able to keep up) that all go into some kind of varied storage block (prob not a barrel).
Have some way of sorting the crystals into storage pertaining to them, like Storage Drawers with a Controller, since they show icons of the aspects in addition to the color of the crystal.
Whenever you need essentia, throw some crystals into a separate alchemical furnace that pipes into jars.
I'm okay with manually putting huge amounts of coal blocks into the furnace, which I'll have to do since I haven't gotten into Blood Magic yet. Do I have to crystallize the essentia or can I use a reservoir to store it and pipe that into jars?
Yeah, I agree with the first one. However, I think that you should just be able to find some graves of villagers that have villager corpses in them instead of having a second structure. Then you can give out nightstone as a quest reward somewhere rather than changing the world gen. As for the third one, wizard towers are already a structure but making the loot in their chest specialized and maybe adding a few blocks would be cool.
The current wizard towers don't really pose any threat to you if you know it well though. I also would like to remove the one that is in perfect shape. One, because it managed to survive perfectly while all the others didn't (Doesn't make much sense), and two, because the block that stops you from breaking and placing blocks murders my computer. The TNT trap does too. I feel like it lags other people too.
The current wizard towers don't really pose any threat to you if you know it well. I also would like to remove the one that is in perfect shape. One, because it managed to survive perfectly, and two, because the block that stops you from breaking and placing blocks murders my computer. The TNT trap does too. I feel like it lags other people too.
Oh, yeah, the antibuilder is really annoying. I have to carefully look around the tower to break every one of them because if I try and break a block and it stops me the game crashes because I don't have enough computer memory allocated. The TNT trap I haven't had as much trouble with because I'm never stupid enough to activate it. ;)
I'm okay with manually putting huge amounts of coal blocks into the furnace, which I'll have to do since I haven't gotten into Blood Magic yet. Do I have to crystallize the essentia or can I use a reservoir to store it and pipe that into jars?

While you CAN use the reservoir, I personally prefer the crystal method since it's easier to store and get specific amounts of essentia from, plus you don't have to do jar management or have a void jar wasting a bunch of it. However, I'd assume you can pipe the stuff into and out of a reservoir just fine, but I haven't played around with it so I'm not sure if there'd be any issue with pipes and where they can be placed on it. On the plus side, having it all in jars means you can use essentia mirrors to fuel your Infusion Altar.

The current wizard towers don't really pose any threat to you if you know it well though. I also would like to remove the one that is in perfect shape. One, because it managed to survive perfectly while all the others didn't (Doesn't make much sense), and two, because the block that stops you from breaking and placing blocks murders my computer. The TNT trap does too. I feel like it lags other people too.

But they're WIZARD towers, of all the things that might survive those are the ones I'd most expect to. ;)