Artifact armor might be a little OP at the beginning, but so usefullI wonder how Artifacts mod disbalanced in this pack. I played with them in Madpack 2, but monster`s power scaling in time and artifacts can help a bit.
Here you have about 100% drop 1 random artifact from rare and unique mobs, and from dungeon chest too. With full set of +2.5 HP diamond artifacts you can kill Wither easily. Disable this mod if you want interesting gameplay through spells without temptation of OP gear drops.

On the server i own, a friend and i have a double chest full of this armors, but we don't use them ... I have my Ars magica armor while he have is terrasteel armor from botania

IMO Artifact doesn't disbalance the pack and is really usefull beacause of the tower it add (free food and stuff at beginning easier than battletower),it help deal with infernal mobs at beginning and become quickly useless when you can make your own armors after.
TL;DR : Artifact is good only at beginning and it help have a quick start for exploration,which is the goal of the pack