[1.7.10]GT-New-Horizons[Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker][2,5K+ Quests]

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Hmmm thats interesting... I did some search online and its not common bug, but it happen to various players in last few years. Doesnt matter which modpack or mc version. In most causes was enough to relunch game. Didnt work on my save.
But it got fixed !!!!! :):):)
After relunching game and going to test world which wasnt affected by this bug, I lunched again main game and its works fine now.
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
F*******k it happen again!!!
And this time none of above methods works.
I even created another world, which of course is fine. Just my mine world is bugged.
I think, I know what caused issue this time. It happened when I was using Forestry (Thaumcraft version) grafter on mutated leaves. Doing this I had Advanced jetpack with flight mode on. To get down I held down Shift key and in the same time W key & LM button were in use. I dont know, but for me looks like this combination of hot keys is causing problems with my game. I remember first time it happened, I was doing same thing. Grafter and forestry leaves.
I am stuck now. I ve no clue, what else I can do.
I didnt try it yet. I ll check and will let u know. The thing which surprised me, even switching to peacefull change nothing. Hungerbar going down slower but in every 4/5 sec you still loose 1 bar.
Is it a FEATURE of the pack for IC2 canned food to essentially bypass spice of life/logic? I don't really like how they can instantly recover hunger WITH additionally saturation without any limits. Is there a way to either disable the canned food or change it's setting for how much hunger it restores?
Hi. Thaumcraft aspects disappear for the second time in 3 days. Is this thaumcraft bug or am I doing something wrong?
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In Thaumonomicon, the description of Golem core: Butcher corresponds to Golem core: Decanting.
Can I add Dr. Zharks Mo'Creatures to this pack or will there be conflicts? I miss all the wide variety of creatures that pack adds.
Version 06.08.2018

New Mods

findit 1.0.1

Mod Upgrade:

Adventurebackpack 0.9-h9
Better Questing 1.0.173e
Core Mod 1.5.33
Crops++ 1.3.1
Electro Magic Tools
Extra Cells 2.3.14bNIGHTLY
Galactic Greg 0.9.9
RF Expansion 1.0.13a
Standard Expansion 1.0.108b
Tec Tech 3.6.6
Witching Gadgets 1.2.9g-GTNH

Mod Changes:

-added cropGeneExtractor
-added cropReplicator
-added cropSynthesiser
-add water lily textures
-added WiP Weedpicker
-added WaterlillyCrop
-added debugweedmaker
-smaller code fixes
-removed fluid canner recipe

Electro Magic Tools
-fixed weird behavior of GUIs due to short Overflows
-fixed Aqua Infused Gen not working underwater
-did some changes to the reflected gens, still don't work.

Extra Cells
-Fix #398 - OreDictionaryExportBus not working with craftable items

Galactic Greg
-added support for small ores in space

Witching Gadgets:
-fixes and some more items
-fixed renderer issures on terraformer
-added River, Ocean, End terraformer focus
-started on vorpal sword

-Usage for PBI #3179
-OC recipes: memory planks autocrafting "economy" #3185
-OC recipes: Cards are not craftable #3184
-OC recipes: Server (T3), screen (T3) #3183
-remove config 0 circuits
-OC IV circuits not have variants
-[Recipe] Solar Panel (Super Solar Panel) #3114
-move fish oil recipes to the core mod
-nei shows wrong recipe for thick neutron reflector #3207
-World Anchor Uncraftable #3235
-exchange recipe tier for personal and passive anchors
-IC2 Personal Safe lacks assembler recipe #3264
-Add Quantium Pipes for super fast new uhv conveyor belts.
-[RFC] GT Solar Panels to strong #3232
-Add UHV forming press for Uv Solar pannel ingredients
-Circuit Downcrafting Exploit #3289
-Typo in item "casting form (large pipe shape) 5994" doesnt have R in large #3285
-added floppys w NBT for OC
-tweaked GT_CraftingRecipeLoader to use the private fields instead of 4 Args in call
-added Lua Bios EEPROM
-increase ore washer tank
-Update GT_MetaTileEntity_WorldAccelerator.java
-Red spectral component not craftable with Ruby lens #3261
-fix wrong obsidian recipe
-Regular Coke Oven Bricks #3346
-Fix to support disabling MACHINE_METAL tinting on machines.
-Add new coins for Dream World in Witchery
-Glowstone dust from biome's plants is unusable (has meta 32767) #3370
-remove all wildcard values and replace it by meta 0

-Gated PBI at LuV
-Make the pre production more expensive start from MV, HV, EV, IV Level
-Usage for PBI #3179
-move fish oil recipes to the core mod
-add new space certus Quartz oremix (need a Nether reset)
-pulled small ores into code
-removed config for custom ores
-removed immensive engineering support
-removed magneticraft support
-removed PFAAGeologica support
-added small ores for GaGreg
-fixes #3226 via
-added some Main Branch PRs
-tiny pile sulfur + raw rubber = rubber #3267
-Suggestion: add small certus quartz ores #3250
-UHV piston use wrong motor tier #3242
-bedrockium wires don't have wiremill recipes #3241
-Configurable max stacks for conveyors
-Update tooltips for conveyor modules
-Light and Heavy Fuel Burn Values #3115 (320 to 305K)
-reverted Blood-Asp#1468 due to buggy behavior with ore grinding
-Look for air instead of tile.air.
-[Suggestion] Change Circuit Assembler "processing" GUI to avoid confusion with Assembler #3274
-increase ore washer tank
-Railcraft Crowbar Recipe Issue #3333
-Red spectral component not craftable with Ruby lens #3261
-fix wrong obsidian recipe
-Jade should be added to the Twilight Forest. #3345
-Universal Fluid Cells Wont Empty #3342
-Revert changes for machine metal support, using different method now via coremod to enable disable.
-change shards ore texture thanks to @LogicFalls
-name fixing Iron3Chloride
-Name tag assembler recipe #3351
-cleanroom not working in LV #3355
-Increase Large Combustion Engine pollution 50%.

Tec Tech
-Init work on collider
-Fix dyes (#11) Remove writes to GT Dyes enum because it caues problems with trying to remove MACHINE_METAL tinting.

Config changes:

Anger Mod
-angermobs and vampirism #3290

Core Mod
-Passive chunkloading incorrect info #3253

-non gendustry bees are op #3347
-osmium queen #3339
-Fences are uncraftable with non vanilla wood planks #3304

-Updated and fixed some stuff in Gendustry lang.
-Gendustry log warns

-Update GraviSuite.cfg

-Jade should be added to the Twilight Forest. #3345
-Suggestion: add small certus quartz ores #3250
-shruken filesize
-added custom veins as named veins
-Add planets to the space quartz mix

-High Pressure Coal Boiler vs Advanced LV Boiler #3371

Open Coputers
-Opencomputers OS #3310
-Various OpenOS items are uncraftable #3312

Special Mobs
-witchery doesn't recognize special mobs blazes which causes problems #3214

Recipe changes:

Twilight Forest
-Add Thaumcraft aspect for Twilight Forest stuff #3236

Carpenters Blocks
-fix recipe carpenters safe

Core Mod
-[RFC] GT Solar Panels to strong #3232

Ender IO
-[suggestion] move ender IO farming station to early HV #3199

Electro Magic Tools
-Nano goggles infusion refuses to start #3262

-Fixed a couple of errors and added the max values if one was set.

-Frequency module is uncraftable #3314

-combs aren't properly accepted in voltage type filters #3358

-Quantum solar panel can't be crafted back to GT EV solar panel #3257

-Mutation frame too OP for gtnh [] #323

-OV scaner craft bug #3245
-nei shows wrong recipe for thick neutron reflector #3207
-Cp Foam and Concrete Bucket #3202

Magic Bees
-Update Magic-Bees.zs
-Metabolic frame #3341

-add iron and gold nuggets to saw recipe
-shift saw in nugget recipe

Project Red
-Red spectral component not craftable with Ruby lens #3261
-fix pr chip recipes using mv circuit
-Added Circuit Boards from PR mod to circuit assembler
-add routec junction pipes to assembler

Super Solar Pannels
-Red spectral component not craftable with Ruby lens #3261

-nerf magic mirror
-Update Thaumcraft-05-Golemancy.zs
-Salis mundis duplication not working #1116
-Red spectral component not craftable with Ruby lens #3261
-fix pr chip recipes using mv circuit
-fix aspects

Tinkers Construct
-make unused pattern to wood pulp

Quests changes:

-Move Gas turbine quest so it is obvious it is an alternative to diesel. Add information that pollution is 50% less with gas vs diesel
-Added Large Gas Turbine, Trading Station, and Automating Power on/off quests.
-Updated witchery and new Project Red quests.
-change coins in quests a bit
-First half of witchery quests cleaned up.
-New quests added for: vacuum hopper, XP shower, carbon crossbow limb, replacement hand pump, cleaver + wiither skulls, salt coins, witch gear, wtich books.
-Part one redesing Robot arms emitter and sensors need a change
-Part two redesing Robot arms emitter and sensors changes
-Coins Coins Coins repatable Quests make the game to easy. #3189
-New Tab ProjectRed quests
-add more witchery quests
-fix a few more witchery quests (coin balance)
-Added new IC2 quests. Added node upgrade quest for World Interaction Upgrade. Fixed some quest issues.
-reduntant quest pre-requisites, smd component, central processor, advanced circuit assembler #3356
-remove mv steam turbine from hv starter quest
-Add Horse spawn eggs to Saddle Quest
-[Quest #1299] Cant detect Dense energy cell #3344
-add handpump quest
-Early game storage (pre-AE) #3277
-Flew to Ceres - can't loot or break the landing balloon #3300
-Reconfigure HV Macerator quest requirements to MV macerator quest #3334
-General Quest Fixes/Typos #3321
-Frequency module is uncraftable #3314
-Pitchblende quest demands red Uranium 238 Ore #3318
-Move Tetrahedrite quest from Steam to LVf #3305
-make advanced ores for the wand as checkbox quest with no reward.
-Make rutile quests optional-Titan Ore balancing #3278
-Rutile is main quest but a or quest. So you can go the rutile or bauxite way
-add more coins to quest
-Alvearies (How to be(e)) incorrect amounts (low priority) #3291
-Contains changes from WarlordWossman for 4 additional Stevescarts quests.
-[RFC] GT Solar Panels to strong #3232
-Ore Wand Quest #3271
-[Quest 803] Wrong circuit for quantum armor #3273
-[Quest 1531] Wrong data stick for rocket #3272
-[Sugguestion] Seed oil quest #3269
-Add Ore Drilling Plant quests #3244
-BBF quest has wrong clay number #3248
-Incompatible Blaze Powder types #3252
-Passive chunkloading incorrect info #3253
-Suggestion: copper wand caps in adept thaum instead of iron #3260
-Wrough iron quest #3221
-Basic circuit assembler quest in an odd place #3224
-fiery bowstring required again in ardite crossbow body quest? #3233
-remove �f
-Add crosbow to the quest
-Mention crop calculator in questbook #3225
-add more quests. Weed Ex Crop Matron
-Crossbow quests #3209
-Sifter quest too generous #3215
-change Solar Quests to new recipes
-[Quest] Remove ore requirement from Magnalium quest #3187
-Stone age quest tab improvements #3191
-Change dolly and glider quests to just retrieve the item #3178
-"Cough Cough - Something needs to be done about the smell" quest #3180
-Space Race Quest Fixes [Minor] #3181
I dont know and never used this mod. If you add it on your own risk up to you. Not report bugs on GTNH side.

Has anyone had any success adding Dr. Sharks Mo'Creatures mod? I know it has a custom mob spawner, not sure if that conflicts with any mods in this pack. I know it works with Gregtech by itself.
I dont think anyone here tried to add this mod.
Just do it and test yourself. There is a chance it wont cause issues, but as far as I remember (I played with this mod back in 1.2.5 or before) this mod is quite heavy on hardware resources, so.... good luck
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