[1.7.10]GT-New-Horizons[Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker][2,5K+ Quests]

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If the ebf is 100 repaired (duct tap) you need 2lv hatches 2amp. If not you need 3 hatches.

Why does it take 5 batteries though? That doesn't make any sense to me..

Edit: never mind, think I found the answer, something to do with how there's more of a loss when batteries are involved.
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
Version --- 05.03.2017

New Mods:

Open Peripheral Addons 0.6-249
Open Peripheral Core 1.4-280
Open Peripheral Integration 0.6-95

Mod Upgrade:

Adventurebackpack 0.9fbeta27
Apple Core 1.3.8
Asie Lib 0.4.7
Avaritia 1.1.3
Avaritiaddons 1.3b
Cofh Core
Cofh Lib
Computronics 1.6.2
Core Mod 1.3.25
Ender IO
Gravitation Suite 2.0.68u
Open Blocks 1.6-753
Open Computers
Open Mods Lib 0.10-464
Open Mudualr Turrets
OpenSecurity 1.0-99
SG Craft 1.13.3
Spice of Life 1.3.8
Tinker's Gregworks 1.0.15
Thaumic Based.1.4.1-1710-8
Thaumic Exploration 1.1-60
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5-540
Tincers Construct
Tinkers Defense 1.2.1d
Universal Singularity 8.4
WAILA Plugins 0.2.0-25
Wireless Crafting Terminal rv3-

Changed/added Recipes:

Avaritia and many other Mods(Added Creative Item recipes to Avaritia 9x9 crafting Table, Singularities completly rewritten)
Biblio Craft (Nerf the whole Mod and wood addons)
Binnies Mod("Fluorescent Dye" recipe not working, and not showing in NEI, Growth medium recipe works with distilled water too)
Chisel(Clauds can be chiseld now)
Core Mod(EXP recipe fix, Soy/Tofu now in the mixer. myterious Crystal macerator recipes and other Core mod item conflicts)
Enhanced Lootbags(Added Fortune Bags to the missing Bags)
Forestry(Stamps added to Client recipes because other servers not hve our plugins)
Galacticraft(Added to most of the GC items Thaumcraft Aspects, Sealbale ME Cable)
Galaxy Space(A bug about the Crafter )
Gravisuit(Advanced Jetpack are in Titanium Tier)
HEE(Suggestion: GT processing of HEE items,Decomposition Table remove because you can cheat with it, Added a Ghost Amulet recipe to the Infusion Table on GTNH Page)
IC2(Added to some items Thaumcraft Aspects, change ic2 values on Tools because * not works well, Change Composite Vest recipes, add a shaped recipe to weeding towel, change Cropstick recipe )
Iron Chests(Added Upgrade recipes)
Minecraft(Pressure Plate Recipe -> Shaped)
Open Blocks( Glider now in the Steel Tier LV, Auto Enchantment Table now Thaumcraft only recipe)
Open Modular Turrets(Change fence recipes a bit)
Open Peripheral Addon(nerf mod)
Pams harvestcraft(Add Cornmeal recipe for the macerator)
Project Red(Electrotine now compatible with Nikolite)
Railcraft(Remove Coal recipe from Adv Furnace because of a bug Charcoal can be made into coke coal, Only Blocks works, Engraver now have a recipe, HS Track recipe fix)
Thaumcraft(Try to hide most of the wand caps and wands in NEI)
Thaumic Tinker(Bottomless Pouche recipe fix)
Thaumic Exploration(fully nerfed now)
Tinkers Construct(Mutton Jerky add recipe)
Tinkers Defense(Aeon Steel , Dogbearium and Queens Gold Arrow Head are move to Extruder recipe only because of a nasty crash)
Diverse Mods(Recipes with enchanted books fixed to choose only this Book)

Code changes:

Avaritia and Addons(Added new Singularities, change eteral singularity, Change Matterball be have a bigger size now)
Core Mod(Field generators rework and add to the core mod, S and Q Tank rework, Glove rework, Adding "The Chemist" and "The Cook "Coins, ordict harvestcraft Flour, Added Mechanist and Sojourner Wand caps for Thaumic Exploration support, added GT Color item recipes, set Unification to Salt from Pams Harvestcraft, , added Railcraft Tanks and stuff to core mod recipe for better reverse recipes)
Gregtech(Field generators rework and add to the core mod, rename Fieldgenerators to Tier 1-8, Added Steelleaf Block, roving all 32, and 128 eu recipes and change it to 30/120/480 eu recipes, change a few Material levels like Black Steel, HSAL, Meteoric Iron and Steel, Reinforced, Stainless Steel, Shadow Iron and Steel, Black, Red, Blue and Dmaskussteel, Realgar, Add Ironwood Rollling Pin, langfile Ore fixes, Energetic and Vibrant Alloy now a Tier down, Add support of reactor chambers in GT transformers , Fix charcoal pit accepting wood planks, fix turbine check in large turbines , rework Rail recipes a bit, Carbon Fiber need now Epoxid, change Biogas recipe to 1000l out at mv, add plastic out of BioMass back , Make the game crash on wrong config with Orgen, fix big diesel EUt with oxygen, making an impregnated stick out of a wood stick now, fix ASS line , change BioGas a bit because it was over-nerfed)
Thaumic Base(We using the fork from KryptonCaptain, Fix Tobacco NPE )
Thaumic Exploration( add this recipe to code because i cant make the construct recipe visible)
Thaumic Tinker(Added forbidden dimension config)

Config changes:

Adventure Backpacks (Backpack Death Place=false so the Backpack is inside your grave now)
Core Mod(Add more Tooltips to the Carbon Parts for the Nono Armor, Tooltip Nitro Diesel works only in MV Dieselgens and up)
Ender IO(Cornmeal in Sag mil recipe)
Enhanced Lootbags(Added new Transportation Backpacks)
Gregtech(Added 60 Ormixe to the Deep Dark Dimension(Need to add that to the Google Sheet), Now Pams harvestcraft Salt is the standart type of salt, Obsidian Plates recipe changed, Haumea Orgen fix, Infinity Catalyst Small Ore now on VegaB not on Venus, New Plutonium 244 Ore Mix )
Galaxy Space(Added many Blocks to Forge microblocks now)
Infernal Mobs(config cahnges because this file on the server was messed up)
Open Computers(Change Max shapesize to 64)
Open Peripheral Addon(add configs)
Thaumic Tinker(Add Bottomless Pouch to the Blacklist in Dim 55 )
Tinkers Contruct(Autosmelt remove from Autoupdates on Tools, Disallow Travelers Belt in Dim 55)
Tinkers Gregworks(Changed many materials in durability, attack, draw speed, wight etc)
Universal Sigularities(Added a burn value to Charcoal Singularity)
Warp Theory ( Warp Rain Effect now set to 25)
Twilight Forest and DE(remove Draconium Orgen in TF)

Serverdat (Added Bacon Gaming Server and Dirthuts 2 GTNH Server)


Jetpack Quests, Armor Quests, Food Quests, Spear, Shield and Qiever Quests, Fast Steel Production with Arc Furnace, Trasportation Quests, Anvil Quest, Add two Automation Quests for the Tico Smelterry, More BBF Quests, Coke Oven Automation Quest, Quartz Quest and Good Circuit Quest, add crop Quest , Alloy smelter Quest in LV Tier,

Fixes: Change Quests rewards/tasks to one kind of cells, fixed Nether Quest reward 14 Obsidian instead of 9, Watering Can Quest move, changed most of the Tier 2 Quests to retrieval Quests, Typo fixes
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Reactions: kris449 and novarek
Woow.... that is a lot of work and time, you put into this modpack.
This modpack is awesome, I said this couple times already., but it deserves credit. :)
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
Yes, thank you very much for all the work, love the modpack. :D

What happened with better questing btw, I am still afraid updating will break my quest log.
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Hello, when I go to create a world in single player it tells me how to activate BiomesOPlenty, unfortunately the only option available is Realistic Alpha. Is there a problem here or am I overreacting? Which mod should take precedence?
Is there any way to get the chunk loader coins in single player (besides cheating)? I didn't realize they were the only way to run the world anchor.
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No recipe yet.
I could do a recipe for sp.
Any suggestion?

Hmm, well the world anchor itself is available at MV and so is liquid ender (ender pearls are the "normal" fuel for the world anchors). How about something with liquid ender in the assembly machine, maybe with gold since they're coins? And double/quadruple the recipe if you want to do the different tiers, maybe at higher voltage tiers?
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
I really want to play this pack, but unfortunately it maxes out my CPU and the game lags to the point where it's unplayable. Is there a mod that's doing this? I don't have this problem with any other modpack.
I really want to play this pack, but unfortunately it maxes out my CPU and the game lags to the point where it's unplayable. Is there a mod that's doing this? I don't have this problem with any other modpack.
The Pack have 215 Mods and is quite heavy. Using alot of Ram and CPU. There is no mod laggs the game. Did you try to lower the view Distance or decrease the details of the game?
I added optifine to try and double my fps. I lowered the draw distance to minimum and was still unplayable. Guess I need a new computer! :/

I don't remember modpacks being so brutal on the computer a few years ago when I used to play MC a lot.
Hey, it seems most of the Thaumcraft researches are hidden. I've tried looking through your public code for hints as to what to research or scan to unlock some of the stuff on the GTNH page, but I wasn't able to find the tweaks for some of the stuff. Obviously I could just use the thaumcraft cheat-sheet, but that's a bit too cheaty. Could you post a progression guide for the GTNH unlocks, or let me know what code to look at to figure out the progression?
Hey, it seems most of the Thaumcraft researches are hidden. I've tried looking through your public code for hints as to what to research or scan to unlock some of the stuff on the GTNH page, but I wasn't able to find the tweaks for some of the stuff. Obviously I could just use the thaumcraft cheat-sheet, but that's a bit too cheaty. Could you post a progression guide for the GTNH unlocks, or let me know what code to look at to figure out the progression?
Look in the script Folder Coremod.zs

Line 1700 and below you find the answer you looking for.
And yes i will make Quests for this in the future.
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