Hi everyone, I finally completed tier 0.5, it took me ages because I couldnt find copper vein

, but digging so many chunks I found every other veins at least, including two tin(casserite) veins.
But the reason I log in, is I d like to add my 2cents about two other mod mentined above. Botania and witching gadgets.
In my opinion Botania is very OP mod and I am not sure it suit to this modpack, and even if it should be locked as very late game tier.
I agree that witching gadgets should be included in this modpack. First, its locked behind Thaumcraft tier anyway and require a lot of work to be useful and second is more important. I like realistic terrain generation, but there is a little problem with bees biomes. Witching gadgets gives you chance to create every bees habitation in a small areas ( at really adequate cost).