Hello , thx for the great work with this pack

But i have a problem.. i was play with my friends this pack ver. ~ one month and yesterday they can't connect to me on LAN game and
have a crash.
I can play single , but my friends no.. - Join game -> Crash
If i create new world , we don't have a problem , connected succesful , all ok. But our save world .. i don't want play a single

, we have a progress.
I have a crash log + FML latest log (part) , can u help me ?
What i was do : Update Java (8.121 up to 8.131) , restart our PC , reinstall pack , copy all my folder (all pack) on PC friends , cut our "Technic Base (home)" with MCEdit 2 on new World (i can't load world).
+ i update modpack -> 1.4.11 (crash again our World)
Crash log :
Latest Log-FML :
I little modded this pack , added few new addons for fun ( endertech , mining hatch (night vision) , FTBLib (warps) , Veinminer at last) , with this mods playing 2-3 weeks , no have a problem.
And i disabled GT pollution in config + disable Hunger Overhaul mod , we playing Peaceful mode (only progress , technic plane)
I found this in crash pack:
at ic2.core.network.RpcHandler.onConnect(RpcHandler.java:104) ~[RpcHandler.class:?]
But we don't use IC 2 blocks..
Agrrhh... I was a fool, removing older backup files to save space
PS: Sorry for my bad english.