They are supposed to spawn in the slime water on the islands.Yeah, I don't think they're supposed to be that rare. Also, I don't think I've found a King Slime since Minecraft 1.5.2.
Also 0.6.2 is live on the FTB launcher now

They are supposed to spawn in the slime water on the islands.Yeah, I don't think they're supposed to be that rare. Also, I don't think I've found a King Slime since Minecraft 1.5.2.
They are supposed to spawn in the slime water on the islands.
Also 0.6.2 is live on the FTB launcher now(non-recommended). Aiming for 0.6.4 (possibly 0.6.3) to be the next stable/recommended version.
Did you select 0.6.2 in the drop down menu? Once you have it selected you can download the server version too. I all mirror the client and server zips on my website.Yeah, I saw that when I woke up, but I can't seem to get it on my server. It keeps trying to download the 0.5.11 version. Do I just have to wait?
Did you select 0.6.2 in the drop down menu? Once you have it selected you can download the server version too. I all mirror the client and server zips on my website.
Also 0.6.2 is live on the FTB launcher now(non-recommended). Aiming for 0.6.4 (possibly 0.6.3) to be the next stable/recommended version.
I don't think it's possible to retrogen the harvestcraft stuff. I'm debating whether or not to make all seeds obtainable from grass because of that. Right now I only have a few set to drop from grass.Do i have to do a retrogen or something to get harvestcraft stuff in an existing world?
could add them as chest drops tooI don't think it's possible to retrogen the harvestcraft stuff. I'm debating whether or not to make all seeds obtainable from grass because of that. Right now I only have a few set to drop from grass.
That would be really awesome actually! I was messing around with the Beyond Reality pack and I noticed they had custom textured ores for Moon and Mars, which I thought was pretty damn cool.Would you be interested in a (very) small mod that adds multiple variants of ores that have similar textures to the stone they generate in? IE, Moonstone iron and gold ore, Asteroid rock shiny/diamond, etc. It would greatly help to bring in a fuller experience in my opinion, as texture edges can be quite jarring.
Ohh that is a pretty good idea, I read an article sometime ago that said NASA had found evidence of molten material on the moon, so that would be pretty neat to have.Obsidian also generates in small pockets near bedrock on the Moon and Mars to simulate a once larger molten core
As for the Yellorite I think I will leave that on Mars, because the reactors already have a slightly lowered output in the pack and there isn't any way (that I know of) to make yellorium renewable.On topic, for personal changes, I've added in VERY small amounts of Yellorium ore to Jungles and Tundra biomes so a 3^3 reactor can be built, but I've decreased the power output of the reactors by 50%.
there isn't any way (that I know of) to make yellorium renewable.
Hoping to have it live on my website and Technic within 24 hours and submit it to FTB as well. Unfinished ChangelogThe botania orechid generates it randomly. It's funny, I've done no tech mods so far, but I'm the only one on the server with any yellorium.
Got an ETA for the next version, by the way?
Sounds great and once again thanks for doing this! It's things like this that makes this community so awesome.I've got a github setup for the ores. You can watch progress here. It shouldn't take but a few hours maximum due to how simple it is, but I don't think I can start work on it until tomorrow.
It'll be quite a lot of ore blocks: all metals using Moon Stone, all metals using Mars Stone, and all metals using Asteroid Stone (3). I'll do a select few gem ores, as well (Asteroid Quartz and Diamond). No generation properties, literally the most basic mod. I'll need to fish up all the oredictionary entries though.
Haha I don't know why, but that got me laughing pretty hard xDso the cheese can go back to being.. cheese.