[1.7.10] Flux Galaxy - A Space-Based MagiTech Modpack

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@MissyElliottSmith Hmm it does have some (limited) functionality, so that is why I added it. Gonna be testing the newer builds to see if they run when launched (was having issues with running all of the latest versions, so that's why I didn't update OpenBlocks to latest build)

@Zerren those textures are looking awesome to me :D
I really wanted to use better colors for the ores (I have my own texture pack and I've done all mod ores to fit vanilla better) but they're most straight rips from the mods you generate, except Lunarium, which is original. The color palette comes from an ANCIENT Painterly spinoff I made back years ago. Feels nice and radioactive. Safe, surely.
@MissyElliottSmith Hmm it does have some (limited) functionality, so that is why I added it. Gonna be testing the newer builds to see if they run when launched (was having issues with running all of the latest versions, so that's why I didn't update OpenBlocks to latest build)

I can appreciate the difficulty in mod interoperability, especially with a pack this large. There is a mod in this pack causing nasty server/client stuff, resulting in timeouts due to it. I'm not sure if you are planning to add more mods, but I beg you do not. This pack is "heavy" as it is...
I have to say I'm LOVING 1.7 in terms of modding. It's been a while but there have been some crazy improvements in MC and Forge. I have code set in now that will allow me to add in entire stone types of ores with literally 4 lines of code per stone type.

Whenever micdoodle8 adds new planets, I'll be ready.

Large image warning again:


Ugh. I hate the default asteroid rock texture GC comes with. It doesn't tile, is too high resolution for VMC, and the color is weird.

TODO: Make the quartz drop quartz and make the charged version puff blue smoke like AE2's does.
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Whenever micdoodle8 adds new planets, I'll be ready.
I remember seeing a couple of commits related to Pluto, but don't know what happened to that. There is an addon for Galacticraft called More Planets, but that would add wayyyy to many dimensions for this pack.

The ores are looking great btw :)
I might venture into that scene by recreating the Kerbol system from Kerbal Space Program for Galacticraft. Laythe could be an awesome Overworld analog but with loads more water, and with the sky being dominated by Jool's presence.

I'm almost done with Interstellar Ores, as well. Just a few more things to polish up and we'll be ready to ship.
What is up with these GalacticraftCore-BETA-1.7-3.0.5.FG13.jar, Galacticraft-Planets-BETA-1.7-3.0.5.FG13.jar, MicdoodleCore-BETA-1.7-3.0.5.FG13.jar files? Are you customizing the Galacticraft files? I thought your changes were just through configs...
What is up with these GalacticraftCore-BETA-1.7-3.0.5.FG13.jar, Galacticraft-Planets-BETA-1.7-3.0.5.FG13.jar, MicdoodleCore-BETA-1.7-3.0.5.FG13.jar files? Are you customizing the Galacticraft files? I thought your changes were just through configs...
Yes the only changes I've made are:
Removing certain unused NEI handlers
Increased meteor spawning
Increased meteor spawning
Honestly should be in the config anyway.

First build of InterstellarOres is up. I'm doing some bugtesting, if you guys want to help https://www.mediafire.com/?ccsjsui71ziq24s . Just.. throw down ores, put them in grinding machines, slap them with picks, etc. Nothing should break, but hey

EDIT: They don't have smelting recipes. Grind them or something. If you're on the moon, you're grinding all of your ores anyway

What your worlds can look like with this mod now. Large image warning again


Carry around some LOX to fill up your Oxygen Tanks for an hour and go mining on the moon!
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I've loaded the 063 server files from the website, and have 063a from technic on my client. I am getting "Fatally Missing Block" error.

[B#439] 2014/11/07 01:02:34 [INFO] [01:02:34] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [ArmorStatusHUD, BetterTitleScreen, NEIPlugins, thaumcraftneiplugin, TiCTooltips, bspkrsCore] at SERVER

Aren't some of these client only?
I've loaded the 063 server files from the website, and have 063a from technic on my client. I am getting "Fatally Missing Block" error.

[B#439] 2014/11/07 01:02:34 [INFO] [01:02:34] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [ArmorStatusHUD, BetterTitleScreen, NEIPlugins, thaumcraftneiplugin, TiCTooltips, bspkrsCore] at SERVER

Aren't some of these client only?
Those are all client mods, but some of them can be ran serverside. None of them are included with the server zip though.

Edit: @MissyElliottSmith can you possibly whitelist me for your server? perhaps I can assist in trying to figure out what is causing the timeouts.

Edit2: Found this issue on the Galacticraft tracker. Apparently it was an issue with AE according to the submitter, but he did mention timeouts were happening when on the moon and using mekanism teleporters. Not sure how much that can help (since it was eventually marked as a non-galacticraft issue), but perhaps possibly try testing teleporting to the moon on your server?
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The timeout occurs any time someone logs into the server:

[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: Offendor: truetyper/TrueTypeFont.loadImage(Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;)I
[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: =============================================================

I see a similar message in the server logs as well:

02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================
[02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: Offendor: org/luaj/vm2/lib/OsLib.exit(I)V
[02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================

There is a mod in the pack doing naughty things.


The current version of open blocks has an auto anvil issues, and I don't know what to do. If I upgrade open blocks I get these awful running behind messages:

[02:13:19] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 13803ms behind, skipping 276 tick(s)
[02:13:25] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 3880ms behind, skipping 77 tick(s)
[02:13:47] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 6201ms behind, skipping 124 tick(s)
[02:14:08] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 8803ms behind, skipping 176 tick(s)

I have a decent server, never had these before, and I've installed fast craft to try and mitigate it. No dice...

I mean, it could be any mod, but its hard to tell since I can bring open blocks back to the default/063a version without auto anvil nasties.
Hmm that is pretty crazy that the server is behind on that many ticks after only updating OpenBlocks. The only way to know for sure what is causing that much delay is profling the server with something like OPIS or WarmRoast.

As for those errors you posted, I want to say it's something related to ComputerCraft and OpenPeripheral because of the "org/luaj/vm2/lib/OsLib.exit".

I don't know if any players on your server use things from OpenPeripheralCore + Addons, but can you also try removing those two mods server-side for a day or two and see if the timeouts continue? I would test on a local server, but I don't think I'll be able to recreate the same conditions as your server.
I couldn't find any bugs immediately, so I'm gonna deem Interstellar Ores 1.0.0 stable. There are a few TODO things like get base smelting recipes for every ore (but grinding in every machine that knows the oredictionary works). If for some reason you don't have AE installed, it will skip the dropping of Certus Quartz and the ores will both instead drop Nether Quartz.

Also make the Quartz have the awesome glow like AE does. Should be easy, I'll just copy AE's code for it lol
After poking around, it seem the below error is benign:
02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================
[02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: Offendor: org/luaj/vm2/lib/OsLib.exit(I)V
[02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[02:12:48] [Thread-16/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================


As for this error:
[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: Offendor: truetyper/TrueTypeFont.loadImage(Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;)I
[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[11:56:44] [Client thread/WARN]: =============================================================

No idea. It seems to be in several logs on the net, but I didn't find anything specific that called it out.


On to the massive lag issue. It definately is from open blocks. I ran a test server, going from a 062a to 063a, with all open blocks mods/files disabled, and the tick errors/lag didn't show up. Something in the latest open blocks beta build just isn't playing nice. I'm curious if anyone else is see this lag/errors on thier servers? Regardless. If you want, I can find a way to send you my server's 062a world, as it seems to be a good way to catch problems for whatever reason.
You also have FastLeafDecay if you only want that feature and not the whole Random Things pack

Sent from my CUBOT ONE using Tapatalk
I read in earlier comments that Deadly World was ok to remove without breaking progression. What about Botania and Thaumcraft? Can they be removed or are they needed to progress?
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