Hehe Tedy, let me think about the meals i have atm. Sweet Potato Pie, Fruit Salat, Hamburger, Cheeseburger and Bacon Cheeseburger. And a couple of Smoothies.
Tofu Factory sounds big for 1 block, well, and a chest. Mine is already finished.
Here is my MOS, my meal order station (house). To the right is the presser and a chest. Thats all i need for making Tofu automatically (with some Item Conduits). On the left side is my Hamburger/Cheeseburger line and center my Pie and Fruit Salad Tower... nice, eh?

Well its far from done but i have enough space for other meals. I like it.
Just started to watch your Flux Videos and now i know why its a big thing for you. You are just at the beginning and you have aloooooot to do

Hihi after 5 min i thought, why do they make normal Pickaxes and Sword and not the TInkersConstruct/IguanaTweaks versions and then i thought, why isnt it disabled in the config

ChatFawkes ?