I like the artwork on the video!
I will check out the videos soon thanks for putting them up.
Thank you Greevir for the artwork, keeping Minecraft Classy
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What is the RF transmission rates for the RF pipes and modules?
I'm currently feeding my hydro-electric dam power across the top layer of modules into Flux pipe, but I have machines running out of power and modules in the dam still full of power.
It ONLY supports retro-gen.Does Gascraft support reto-gen of the shale resources?
are there any plans on adding an option to rotate your modular sockets? I know you can pick your socket up, place it somewhere else, apply some changes, pick it up again and place it back on it's original spot, but I'd also like the option of just rotating your socket, apply some changes, and rotate it back to it's original direction...
if there's worry that when rotating the socket, that the socket will do things it shouldn't do to certain sides of the socket you could perhaps add some sort of lockdown mode to the remote that with one click the socket will completely lock up, instead of locking up specific sides of the sockets
also, is it possible to use the redstone pulse from the timer module inside the socket itself? I'm trying to create a ground limestone dropped with the activator/timer module, but I can't seem to get the activator module to pulse with the timer module... I know I can place 2 sockets besides eachother... but I want to have it as compact as possible
I also was thinking... would it be possible to use the inventory module in one socket, showing the inventory of another socket?
What is the rate now? I thought it was 20 before ...Flux energy pipe transmission rate was increased by a factor of 8x in most recent version it appears. Thanks!