[1.7.10] Death's Hardcore Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About the crash, try going to the Chocolate folder on the config file and under the DungeonConfig open the test.prop file with a notepad and set the chance to 0.
That should fix it hopefully.

I tested it and aside from some random drops (which are mostly seeds) it seems to be working fine. I even set some custom chest loot for it ^^

Yep I found the problem a little after I asked. Other then that Chocolate seems to run just fine. We might reduce the spawn rate of the dungeons of course but looking good so far.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After toggling off achievement fireworks my fps still drops to 3-5 for god knows which reason. If I look up to the sky it's roughly fine but when I go down rendering the world with 15 entities hell breaks loose and my fps remains around 3-5. I wait a little in the hope it goes back stable but no luck. Changed my render distance to 1 and even then I'm still not at 40+ fps.

At daytime looking at a herd of cows it was just fine with roughly equal amount of entities rendered. No idea yet what's up with this or if I'll ever figure out what's causing this. :s

I've played big packs before with huge mob density and never had issues there, hmmm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I am on 1.5.1. It seems you know the cause right now or?

Made a void world with a descent sized platform. I let it fill up with mobs but had no fps issues with 80-90 mobs rendered non stop though it was still a void world. Either the issue is a specific mob or something completely else. Hope 1.5.2 has the possible fix.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Normally if I am in single player I have over 200 mobs at least. If you do /xu_killliving it will tell you how many mobs there was. Try it in a regular world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Started a new world and at the first night my fps was dropping a bit again but not as terrible as the last 2 worlds. But I did notice I had F7 enabled somehow during the night by accident which caused some fps loss yet not as severe as before. It wasn't enabled since the start though but fps lost due to this is totally my own fault for enabling this on accident. But beside that I also started getting some block lag. Blocks I mined were returning back. It felt like the local single player server was losing performance and getting behind. Even after disabling F7 thing again the block lag was still present for quite a while. Now daytime passed a little everything became stable again. Will edit shortly what happens in night 2 if I can spot anything.

Didn't make it to night 2 yet and block lag is still present, can barely mine anything even when I don't have fps issues.
Also before night 2 happens my client seems to freeze for some seconds when:
- opening a crafting table and
- eating food.
NEI searches become quite slow too.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The next update MAY corrupt your current world. I will let you know more when it gets closer to update time. Just figured I would give warning to everyone. And sorry about that but couldn't be helped.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Started a new world and at the first night my fps was dropping a bit again but not as terrible as the last 2 worlds. But I did notice I had F7 enabled somehow during the night by accident which caused some fps loss yet not as severe as before. It wasn't enabled since the start though but fps lost due to this is totally my own fault for enabling this on accident. But beside that I also started getting some block lag. Blocks I mined were returning back. It felt like the local single player server was losing performance and getting behind. Even after disabling F7 thing again the block lag was still present for quite a while. Now daytime passed a little everything became stable again. Will edit shortly what happens in night 2 if I can spot anything.

Didn't make it to night 2 yet and block lag is still present, can barely mine anything even when I don't have fps issues.
Also before night 2 happens my client seems to freeze for some seconds when:
- opening a crafting table and
- eating food.
NEI searches become quite slow too.

OK. Not sure what would cause that. When the next update comes out it should help with that. I had a guy who normally got about 5 gps when playing he tried the new update and he was getting just short of 30 fps


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The next update MAY corrupt your current world. I will let you know more when it gets closer to update time. Just figured I would give warning to everyone. And sorry about that but couldn't be helped.
It's fine~ Changelog pls o3o


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Didn't drop fps big time so far so I couldn't try that command optimally. Even if I did I didn't quite notice a change. I did try it a few times when I had huge block lag and client freezes but that didn't help at all either. Will try to play around a bit more.

Getting curious what the possible solution is in the 1.5.2 update. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We will be skipping 1.5.2. We are already 1.5.3a on the dev server. I am actually streaming the dev server right now so if you are interested in the changes come take a look :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I just found this mod pack and I have a problem with this pack. When ever I try to load it FTB closes and nothing happens. I have tried to update java, close anti-virus and windows defender and run as administrator. Any tips to what I need to do to play this awesome sounding mod pack? ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I remember other mod packs closing down when I had Java 8. I had to install Java 7 next to it and tweak a setting in the FTB launcher to make it use Java 7. Any chance that's the cause?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I just found this mod pack and I have a problem with this pack. When ever I try to load it FTB closes and nothing happens. I have tried to update java, close anti-virus and windows defender and run as administrator. Any tips to what I need to do to play this awesome sounding mod pack? ^^

Is there a crash report at all? And do you have enough ram dedicated to FTB?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I remember other mod packs closing down when I had Java 8. I had to install Java 7 next to it and tweak a setting in the FTB launcher to make it use Java 7. Any chance that's the cause?

Let me know if that helps. You do need java 7 for this pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a crash report at all? And do you have enough ram dedicated to FTB?
There was some yellow writing in the console but it closed so fast I could not see it. I had 3.5 GB dedicated to it. But the tip with using Java 7 worked as a charm so thanks for that ^^
Awsome mod pack btw :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I tried using that xu_killmobs and it didn't help at all. Around 92 mobs were killed though. Didn't manage to try xu_killliving as my client froze shortly after when I tried accessing my crafting table multiple times. I got a feeling it's not a fps issue. It seems to be more of a performance issue at night when I notice a bit of delay opening a crafting table for example. The longer into the first night, the longer the client freezes last and ultimately just almost lock up the client completely. My fps dropping is probably a side effect of this but I ain't 100% sure, hard to tell.

Never seen this happen on other mod packs but I never played a pack before with a lot of mobs roaming around. I've played FTB Ultimate while even running a server on my own machine with 2 players. If I'm not wrong that pack is pretty heavy too.

On a side note:
CPU: i5-2500K 3.3GHz
Memory: 8GB total (no clue which or speed)
On the FTB launcher I got the memory slider at 5,75GB.

Anyways, waiting for 1.6.0 or whichever comes next.

/edit 1
After rebooting my client and leaving my hideout cave at daytime everything was just fine again. Let's see what happens in the next night.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Reduce the memory you have on the FTB launcher to 3.5 gig. It's odd but less is better sometimes in regards to that.