[1.7.10] Arch-Mage Craft - Masters of Magic

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

This pack is focused purely on the use of magic to do anything, if there is a magical way of doing something, any none magical ways will be disabled. The pack focuses around 5 core mod, Ars Magica 2, Blood Magic, Botania, Thaumcraft 4 and Witchery. You will need to master all 5 to become a true Arch-Mage.

If you find any bugs with the pack or any exploits (like the Fallen Kanade and Blood Magic interaction, the flower is disabled as a result) let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.

Lastly, I have no art skills but I've created a basic banner, if someone can suggest or make a better one I would be grateful :)

Minecraft Version:
Forge Version:
Pack Version:
Pack Code:

Current Mod List:

Change Log:
Changed the potion IDs for all mods, this may break potions you've already created, but there so many effects now I needed to clean it up.
ID Range, 1 - 127
Vanilla IDs, 1 - 23 (104 left, 107 needed)
To free up slots, any flight or feather fall effect will have the same ID, the effect will come from whichever mod loads last regardless of which mod triggers the effect.
AM2, 29 IDs, 24 - 52 (feather fall 31, flight 32)
Blood Magic, 17 IDs, 53 - 67 (feather fall 31, flight 32)
Botania, 5 IDs, 68 - 71 (feather feet 31)
Witchery, 44 IDs, 72 - 114 (feather fall 31)
Blood Arsenal, 3 IDs, 115 - 117
Forbidden Magic, 1 ID, 118
Sanguimancy, 2 IDs, 119 - 120
Thaumic Exploration, 2 IDs, 121 - 122
Thaumic Tinkerer, 4 IDs, 123 - 126
1 ID Spare, YAY

Added Spice of Life 1.2.3 as a disabled mod.
Updated Ars Magica to
Updated Blood Magic to 1.3.0b-3
Updated Botania to 1.4-158
Updated Sanguimancy 1.1.9Pre-20
Updated Twilight Forest to 2.3.3

Changed some potion ids for Witchery that was conflicting with other mods.
Disabled Gany's Nether spawner upgrade, overpowered compared to the magical spawners you should be using.
Disabled Gany's End Enderbag, use Thamuic Tinkers wand focus to access your ender chest.
Disabled Gany's Surface Mutton, Harvest Craft adds one already.
Updated Apple Core to 1.1.0
Updated Automagy to 0.18
Updated Bibliocraft to 1.9.2
Updated Biomes O' Plenty to
Updated Botania to 1.4-154
Updated Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.5
Updated Chicken Chunks to
Updated Chisel 2 to
Updated Code Chicken Core to
Updated CoFH Core to 3.0.0B9-40
Updated Damage Indicators to 3.2.3
Updated Forge Multipart to
Updated Gany's End to 1.8.8
Updated Gany's Surface to 1.9.5
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.7
Updated Hunger Overhaul to 1.7.10-beta.5
Updated Infernal Mods to 1.6.0
Updated Necromancy to 1.7.1
Updated Nether Ores to 2.3.0RC4-4
Updated Not Enough Codecs to 0.3-snapshot-13
Updated Not Enough Items to
Updated Open Blocks to 1.3-snapshot-547
Updated Open Mods Lib to 0.6-snapshot-301
Updated Thaumcraft to
Updated Thaumic Explorer to 1.1-36
Updated Thaumic Tinkerer to 2.5-446
Updated WAILA to 1.5.8a
Updated Waslie Core to 1.1_B44
Updated Witchery to 0.22.0


Disabled the 1.8 Enchanting Table function from Ganys Surface as it was preventing Ars Magica's Spell Altar from working.


Removed crafting recipes for AM2 boss eggs.
Added Gany's Surface 1.9.4
Added Gany's Nether 1.7.7
Added Gany's End 1.8.7
Updated Appplecore to 1.0.2
Added Animation API 1.2.4
Updated Ars Magica 2 to
Updated Automagy to 0.17.1
Updated Baubles to
Updated BetterStorage to
Updated Biomes o Plenty to
Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.1.3
Updated Blood Magic to 1.3.0a-1
Updated Botania to 1.3-148
Updated Carpenter's Blocks to
Updated ChickenChunks to
Updated Chisel to 2.2.1
Updated CoFH Core to ...
Updated Forbidden Magic to 0.552
Enabled AM2 intergration in Forbidden Magic
Updated Forge Multipart to
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.6.7
Updated Harvest Craft to 1.7.10f
Updated Hunger Overhaul to beta.4
Updated Jabba to 1.2.0a
Updated JourneyMap to 5.0.1
Updated MineTweaker to 3.0.9c
Updated MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod to 3.4.7
Updated NEI to
Updated Nether Ores to ...
Updated OpenBlocks to 1.3-snapshot-534
Updated OpenModsLib to 0.6-snapshot-285
Updated Storage Drawers to 1.2.0
Updated Thaumcraft to
Updated Thaumic Exploration to 1.1-34
Updated Thaumic Tinkerer to 2.5-437
Updated Waila to 1.5.7a
Updated Witchery to 0.21.2


Updated Automagy to 0.14.
Updated Baubles to
Updated Better Storage to
Updated Biblio Craft to 1.9.1.
Updated Biblio Woods Biomes O Plenty to 1.9.
Updated Biblio Woods Natura to 1.5.
Updated Biomes O Plenty to
Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.1.0.
Updated Blood Magic to 1.2.1a.
Updated Botania to 1.3-138.
Updated Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.3.
Updated CoFH Core to 3.0.0B8-36.
Updated Forbidden Magic to 0.55.
Updated Forge Multipart to
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.6.5.
Updated Journey Map to 5.0.0.
Updated Morpheus to 1.5.26.
Updated Not Enough Items to
Updated Open Blocks to 1.3-snapshot-502.
Updated Open Mod Lib to 0.6-snapshot-264.
Updated Sanguimancy to 1.1.8-4.
Updated Thaumic Exploration to 1.1-31.

Disabled sticky effect on Infernal Mobs.
Tweaked the Infernal Mobs config, I had made Ultra’s A LOT more common then I meant to.
Changed Special Mobs config, disabled trolling.
Changed Server Tools configuration to remove OP tag from players to allow Opis to run on the server, (Notice, this may unlink server OPs from your Blood Magic Soul network, Server Tools unlinked me from mine when I first installed it).
Updated Uptime to 1.7.10-
Added Harvest Craft 1.7.10c.
Added Automagy 0.12.2.
Added Necromancy 1.7.10.
Added MrCrayfish's Furniture 3.3.6.
Added AppleCore 1.0.1.
Added Hunger Overhall 1.7.10-beta.2 as a disabled mod.
Added Deadly World 1.0.2 as a disabled mod.
Added Infini Bows
Updated BetterStorage to
Updated Blood Arsenal to 1.0.0-Patched.
Updated Blood Magic to 1.2.0b.
Updated Blood Utils to 1.4_B0.
Updated Botania to 1.2-132.
Updated Carpenter’s Blocks to 3.3.1.
Updated Chicken Chunks to
Updated Code Chicken Core to
Updated CoFH Core to 3.0.0B7-35.
Updated Flat Signs to
Updated Forge Multipart to
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.6.4.
Updated Journey Map to 5.0.0RC4.
Updated Mine Tweaker to 3.0.9B.
Updated Morpheus to 1.5.24.
Updated NEI Addons to
Updated Not Enough Items to
Updated Open Blocks to 1.3-snapshot-470.
Updated Open Mods Lib to 0.6-snapshot-241.
Updated Sanguimancy to 1.1.7-2.
Updated Server Tools Core to
Updated Server Tools Backup to
Updated Storage Drawers to 1.1.7.
Updated Thaumic Exploration to 1.1.-29.
Updated Thaumic Tinkerer to dev version 2.5-402.
Updated Uptime to


Updated Forbidden Magic to 0.53.
Updated Infernal Mobs to 1.5.9.
Updated Special Mobs 3.0.3.
Re-Enabled Special Mobs Hungry Spiders.
Updated Thaumic Exploration to 1.1-22.
Updated Botania to 1.2-128.

Updated Forge to
Updated Blood Magic to release 1.2.0.
Updated Boatnia to 1.2-124
Updated Thaumcraft to
Updated Mantle to 0.3.2
Updated Natura to
Disabled Extra Utilits Spikes due to them causing a crash.
Disabled Hungry Spiders in Special Mobs due to a bug with them rendering many time larger then they attually are.
Reduced the probability of encountering Elite, Infernal and Ultra Infernal mobs (I think).
Disabled Diamond Dollys from JABBA.
Changed the Special Mobs configuration file to re-enabled Vanilla mobs, as Forbidden Magic needs them to imprint it's spawning crystals.
Added Minetweaker.
Added Recipes to craft Ars Magica 2 boss eggs (Lightning and Ender are disabled).
Added Mystcraft.
Added Open Mod Lib.
Added Open Blocks.
Disabled Vacuum Hopper, Sprinkler, Auto Anvil, Healer, Auto Enchantment Table, Block Breaker, Block Placer, Elevator, Item Cannon, Height Map stuff, Fan, Glider, Crane stuff, Luggage, in Open Blocks.
Added Not Enough Codecs.
Added Server Tools.

Disabled Bag of Holding from Extra Utilities, use Better Storage Backpacks, Thaumcraft and Ars Magica for extra player storage.
Disabled Watering Can from Extra Utilities, use magic there are 3 ways I can think of.
Disabled the Peaceful Table
Disabled Infernal Mobs on most overworld mobs (Special Mobs particularly), Taint mobs, and Vanilla mobs can still be Infernal as well as some others, all nether mobs can still be as well.
Added Storage Draws.
Added Morpheus.
Added Nether Ores.
Added CoFH Core.
Added Thaumic Exploration
Added Journeymap as a disabled mod.
Updated Thaumcraft from to
Updated Botania from r1.2-120 to r1.2-123

First release.

Public Test Server:
I should of put this up much earlier but I'm not maintaining the server or the pack anymore, and it looks like someone else filled in the gap I left behind anyway.
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Just woke up, thanks for the interest guys, I've replied to your PMs now, not going to be near a computer for most today though but will be about tonight if you have any issues.
Do you have something against tech mods xD?
Just joking, but ive never played an all magic pack before, i might try this out :D
Hey I may try this I may pm u my minecraft name so look for it.

I also have a youtube channel maybe if I like the pack there may be some videos for it.
Under the name Leolandfunk .awesome
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Just starting out, but I'm digging out an underground base and starting on the basics of botania. I'm thinking of going the way of hydrorangeas and thermalily for passive mana gen, with the confinement, breeding, and butchery flower for an animal farm. A broom from Ars Magica 2 should help collect chicken sheds and eggs... Hm.
Didn't imagine to find a cave system right under the hill which I spawned on.
Do you have something against tech mods xD?
Just joking, but ive never played an all magic pack before, i might try this out :D

It was more that when I play large mod packs I always end up spending most my time on the magic mods, then roll my eye at people using doing stuff with the magic mods and automating it with the tech mods when you can do it with magic anyway ^_^ That and FTB doesn't currently have a magic based mod pack that contains all 5 big magic mods :)

Hey I may try this I may pm u my minecraft name so look for it.

I also have a youtube channel maybe if I like the pack there may be some videos for it.
Under the name Leolandfunk .awesome

I've replied to your PM :) If you want to record it for You Tube feel free, one of the reasons I made the pack was because I was floating the idea for my channel anyway, but I need to fixed the NVIDIA OpenGL issue first before I can do that.
I've just requested a pack update to version 0.2.0, the public test server has been moved to this version as well, until the update goes live, those on the test server can update they pack manually with this zip file or wait for the FTB team to update the launcher: http://www.skid-inc.net/stuff/minecraft/Arch-Mage_Craft-1.7.10-0.2.0.zip

Change Log:
Disabled Bag of Holding from Extra Utilities, use Better Storage Backpacks, Thaumcraft and Ars Magica for extra player storage.
Disabled Watering Can from Extra Utilities, use magic there are 3 ways I can think of.
Disabled the Peaceful Table
Disabled Infernal Mobs on most overworld mobs (Special Mobs particularly), Taint mobs, and Vanilla mobs can still be Infernal as well as some others, all nether mobs can still be as well.
Added Storage Draws.
Added Morpheus.
Added Nether Ores.
Added CoFH Core.
Added Thaumic Exploration
Added Journeymap as a disabled mod.
Updated Thaumcraft from to
Updated Botania from r1.2-120 to r1.2-123
I downloaded the 0.2.0 pack, and it seems to check out when I look at the server list, but when I try to log in I'm stuck at "Logging in..."
I downloaded the 0.2.0 pack, and it seems to check out when I look at the server list, but when I try to log in I'm stuck at "Logging in..."

The server isn't rejecting your connection, just says "Unexpected packet during modded negotiation - assuming vanilla or keepalives : net.minecraft.network.play.client.C00PacketKeepAlive" which I think means you updated your pack wrong. Assuming your modding your FTB instance:

  1. Open explore and navigate to your feed the beast folder and open "Feed The Beast\AcheMageCraft\minecraft".
  2. Delete any minecraft, mods and config folders.
  3. Open the zip file, it should contain a folder called minecraft.
  4. The CONTENT of that folder, not the folder itself wants to go in "Feed The Beast\AcheMageCraft\minecraft".
Downloaded the 0.2.0. This is the crash report:
There is a problem with ether your Better Storage or Thaumic Tinkerer's config file, delete both and try coping them again from the zip file, I just double checked the ones in the zip file are the same as the ones I'm running my instance on.[DOUBLEPOST=1413036221][/DOUBLEPOST]
i followed your instructions. trying to log in again now. still stuck at login.
Can you attach your fml-client-latest.log file please.
@Skid I have now fixed it! Deleted the thing again and then took the .zip file's folders and put them in! Yeah!
@Skid I have now fixed it! Deleted the thing again and then took the .zip file's folders and put them in! Yeah!
You just tried to connect with the 0.1.0 pack version, 0.2.0 should load 59 mods, rather then 53. (Has the server console open on my left screen.)