"Minecraft Mods are like elements on the periodic table; they are the building blocks of creation. It is up to the modpack creators to twist or form these elements into an amalgamation with stronger properties than the original element. Yet one must remember that there is no bronze without tin and copper." -Kyle98750


(Post all Issues/Crashes Here)
(I'll get working on making the wiki a thing)

Note: This is a hard pack.
Ultra-Low Voltage (ULV)
Low (LV)
-Bluepower Tubes
Medium (MV)
-Binnie's Mods
-Logistics Pipes
High (HV)
Extreme (EV)
-Applied Energistics 2
Insane (IV)
Ludacrious (LuV)
Zero Point Module (ZPMV)
Ultimate (UV)
Maximum (MaxV)
Config Changes for the Legendary Gregtechers out there:
-Harderstone = true
-Stack Size = 16
-finiteWater = true
I was rather torn about whether or not to include these in the default pack, I decided not to because I feel the minority prefers it but it still is there and doesn't break anything by turning it on.
Mods I am working / thinking about adding:
Will be added:
Possibly: (Depending on Poll)
-Galacticraft (IV Tier)
-Minefactory Reloaded (HV Tier)
Ore Generation:
The ore generation is GregTech's ore generation. This is ALOT different from the normal, small but frequent clusters. One ore vein can be thousands of ore. Yet there are only one of these every 3x3 chunks. I add this so I don't have people telling me the ore gen is broken because they haven't found anything. It's there.
GregTech Troubles:
Gregtech Survival Guide
System Requirements:
I would recommend allocating 4GB of RAM to Minecraft with a PermGen of 256Mb.
!!!Note!!! - This is a pretty beefy pack and needs a decent computer.
Version 2.0.2: *Submitted to FTB
**Mod List is now Complete, nothing more will be added. =D
***This is the last release on GregTech 5, anything after this (besides bugfixes) will be GregTech 6.
-Added OPIS
-Added Galacticraft Core
-Added Galacticraft Mars
-Added MicDoodle Core
-Added GalacticGreg
-Added Tabula Rusa
-Added Ancient Trees
-Added Power Converters
-Added IHL: Tools & Machines
-Added ZTones
-Added Gem Blocks for Greg
-Added Ztones
-Added DragonAPI
-Added RotaryCraft
-Added ReactorCraft
-Added ElectriCraft
-Added Thaumic Exploration
-Removed Realistic World Generation *Incomplete Mod
-Removed Voxel Map *OPIS
-Updated OpenComputers -> 1.4.9
-Updated Bluepower -> 0.2.857
-Updated Automagy -> 0.19.3
-Updated BuildCraft -> 6.3.6
-Updated Botania -> R1.5 162
-Updated The Twilight Forest -> 2.3.3
-Updated IndustrialCraft 2 -> 2.2.679
-Updated PneumaticCraft ->
-Updated Walia -> 1.5.9
-Updatd Binnie Mods -> 2.0-pre6b
-Updated Chisel -> 2.3.7
-Updated Thaumcraft ->
-Updated Factorization ->
-Disabled Automagy Version Checking
-Disabled OpenComputers Version Checking
-Disabled RailCraft Version Checking
-Enabled GT Naquadah Generation, also added Meteoric Iron Veins to the moon and Amber Veins to the overworld.
-Disabled Thaumcraft Amber generation
-Tweaked GT Ore Generation a bit. Tin should now spawn higher and thus be more prevalent in mountains. (50-130)
-Added some new tiers for Jabba barrels, also converted all recipes to plates. (Titanium, Tungstensteel)
-Disabled Elevator XP Drain
-Turned Off RailCraft Metals Chest *No Free Compressor Work
-Created Many Custom NEI Filters with INPureCore to clean up NEI, culled the following:
*I found the Minetweaker one quite finicky, especially with MetaData
--Gendustry Gene Samples
--Genetics Serums and Serum Arrays
--All GT Ores that don't generate and all of the different types of ores (black granite, ect.) only stone varients of ores that generate in the world should show up in NEI
--BiblioWoods Forestry in a similar way INPureCore culls vanilla BiblioCraft
--All Ores from any mod that don't generate in the world.
--Ender Zoo and Twilight Forest spawn eggs
--Twilight Forest "stage" blocks, the unlocaized ones that say show up when you activate a carmite reactor.
--More things that you don't need to see.
-Make Bluepower volcanoes rarer, 0.02% -> 0.01%
-Disabled all ReactorCraft world generation (Except Fluorite)
-Added Cadmium and Indium to the GregTech config.
-Set fluorite to only generate at 10% of it's normal capacity. *This is due to how late game ReactorCraft is, I don't want players accumulating hundreds of stacks of this stuff when they are looking for something else. (Tin)
!!Note!! - RotaryCraft is set to be harder in this pack, the difficulty control is set to 3, the boring machine will need maintenance and the extractor needs a new drill head every now and then.
Version - 2.0.1:
Version - 2.0.0:
**Mod List is now Complete, nothing more will be added. =D
***This is the last release on GregTech 5, anything after this (besides bugfixes) will be GregTech 6.
-Added OPIS
-Added Galacticraft Core
-Added Galacticraft Mars
-Added MicDoodle Core
-Added GalacticGreg
-Added Tabula Rusa
-Added Ancient Trees
-Added Power Converters
-Added IHL: Tools & Machines
-Added ZTones
-Added Gem Blocks for Greg
-Added Ztones
-Added DragonAPI
-Added RotaryCraft
-Added ReactorCraft
-Added ElectriCraft
-Added Thaumic Exploration
-Removed Realistic World Generation *Incomplete Mod
-Removed Voxel Map *OPIS
-Updated OpenComputers -> 1.4.9
-Updated Bluepower -> 0.2.857
-Updated Automagy -> 0.19.3
-Updated BuildCraft -> 6.3.6
-Updated Botania -> R1.5 162
-Updated The Twilight Forest -> 2.3.3
-Updated IndustrialCraft 2 -> 2.2.679
-Updated PneumaticCraft ->
-Updated Walia -> 1.5.9
-Updatd Binnie Mods -> 2.0-pre6b
-Updated Chisel -> 2.3.7
-Updated Thaumcraft ->
-Updated Factorization ->
-Disabled Automagy Version Checking
-Disabled OpenComputers Version Checking
-Disabled RailCraft Version Checking
-Enabled GT Naquadah Generation, also added Meteoric Iron Veins to the moon and Amber Veins to the overworld.
-Disabled Thaumcraft Amber generation
-Tweaked GT Ore Generation a bit. Tin should now spawn higher and thus be more prevalent in mountains. (50-130)
-Added some new tiers for Jabba barrels, also converted all recipes to plates. (Titanium, Tungstensteel)
-Disabled Elevator XP Drain
-Turned Off RailCraft Metals Chest *No Free Compressor Work
-Created Many Custom NEI Filters with INPureCore to clean up NEI, culled the following:
*I found the Minetweaker one quite finicky, especially with MetaData
--Gendustry Gene Samples
--Genetics Serums and Serum Arrays
--All GT Ores that don't generate and all of the different types of ores (black granite, ect.) only stone varients of ores that generate in the world should show up in NEI
--BiblioWoods Forestry in a similar way INPureCore culls vanilla BiblioCraft
--All Ores from any mod that don't generate in the world.
--Ender Zoo and Twilight Forest spawn eggs
--Twilight Forest "stage" blocks, the unlocaized ones that say show up when you activate a carmite reactor.
--More things that you don't need to see.
-Make Bluepower volcanoes rarer, 0.02% -> 0.01%
-Disabled all ReactorCraft world generation (Except Fluorite)
-Added Cadmium and Indium to the GregTech config.
-Set fluorite to only generate at 10% of it's normal capacity. *This is due to how late game ReactorCraft is, I don't want players accumulating hundreds of stacks of this stuff when they are looking for something else. (Tin)
!!Note!! - RotaryCraft is set to be harder in this pack, the difficulty control is set to 3, the boring machine will need maintenance and the extractor needs a new drill head every now and then.
Version - 2.0.1:
-Added Automagy
-Updated IndustrialCraft 2 -> 671
-Updated PneumaticCraft -> 1.5.5-58
-Updated Botania -> 1.4-156
-Updated Logistics Pipes ->
-Updated NEI Integration -> 1.0.6
-Disabled Factorization Dark Iron Generation
-Disabled Wild Caves 3 Bone Ore Generation
-Disabled Vanilla Stone Tools - Use Flint
-Changed Funky Locomotion Per Block RF to 1500 from 500
-Extra Utilities Watering Can now requires iron plates
-Fixed Torch Recipe to be usable in inventory
-Fixed Bluepower Paint can recipe, it was backwards...silly me
-Fixed Blood Magic Altar being craftable.
-Added Compressor recipes for Extra Utilities Compressed Cobblestone, removed crafting recipes
-Removed all instances of .transformDamage() from the Minetweaker script
-Discoved the NEI.hide() function in Minetweaker, attempted to clean up NEI
-Organized the Minetweaker script a bit (Still a bit messy)
-Added Automagy
-Updated IndustrialCraft 2 -> 671
-Updated PneumaticCraft -> 1.5.5-58
-Updated Botania -> 1.4-156
-Updated Logistics Pipes ->
-Updated NEI Integration -> 1.0.6
-Disabled Factorization Dark Iron Generation
-Disabled Wild Caves 3 Bone Ore Generation
-Disabled Vanilla Stone Tools - Use Flint
-Changed Funky Locomotion Per Block RF to 1500 from 500
-Extra Utilities Watering Can now requires iron plates
-Fixed Torch Recipe to be usable in inventory
-Fixed Bluepower Paint can recipe, it was backwards...silly me
-Fixed Blood Magic Altar being craftable.
-Added Compressor recipes for Extra Utilities Compressed Cobblestone, removed crafting recipes
-Removed all instances of .transformDamage() from the Minetweaker script
-Discoved the NEI.hide() function in Minetweaker, attempted to clean up NEI
-Organized the Minetweaker script a bit (Still a bit messy)
-Removed Spice of Life
-Removed Air Overhaul
-Removed Reika's Mods **TEMPORARILY Until V4 Drops, then I have an idea.
-Removed EnchVil
-Removed Special Mobs
-Removed SpecialAI
-Removed ExtraCells
-Removed Forbidden Magic
-Removed Hardcore Ender Expansion
-Removed Hopper Ducts
-Removed IHL Tools & Machines
-Removed MFFS / Resonant Engine / Universal Electricity
-Removed NEI Plugins - NEI Integration
-Removed NEI Forestry - NEI Integration
-Removed Rougelike Dungeons
-Removed Rotatable Blocks - No longer supported
-Removed Thaumic Energistics
-Removed Utility Mobs
-Removed Zombie Awareness
-Removed Opis
-Removed Extra Biomes XL
-Added BuildCraft Compat
-Added NEI Integration
-Added AESU
-Added Factorization
-Added Custom Main Menu
-Added Custom Backgrounds
-Added Infinibows
-Added Not Enough Keys
-Added Qmunity Lib
-Added Resource Loader
-Added Thaumcraft Gates
-Added VoxelMap
-Added Reliquary
-Added Wild Caves 3
*I might have missed some, I really gotta start logging my changes as I make them.
-Disabled All Version Checkers
-Bumped up AE Power a Slight big More - 8x - 12x
-Bumped up Enhanced Portals Power - 15x- 16x
-Fixed torch recipe to be shapeless
-Various other things that I cannot remember
-Removed Spice of Life
-Removed Air Overhaul
-Removed Reika's Mods **TEMPORARILY Until V4 Drops, then I have an idea.
-Removed EnchVil
-Removed Special Mobs
-Removed SpecialAI
-Removed ExtraCells
-Removed Forbidden Magic
-Removed Hardcore Ender Expansion
-Removed Hopper Ducts
-Removed IHL Tools & Machines
-Removed MFFS / Resonant Engine / Universal Electricity
-Removed NEI Plugins - NEI Integration
-Removed NEI Forestry - NEI Integration
-Removed Rougelike Dungeons
-Removed Rotatable Blocks - No longer supported
-Removed Thaumic Energistics
-Removed Utility Mobs
-Removed Zombie Awareness
-Removed Opis
-Removed Extra Biomes XL
-Added BuildCraft Compat
-Added NEI Integration
-Added AESU
-Added Factorization
-Added Custom Main Menu
-Added Custom Backgrounds
-Added Infinibows
-Added Not Enough Keys
-Added Qmunity Lib
-Added Resource Loader
-Added Thaumcraft Gates
-Added VoxelMap
-Added Reliquary
-Added Wild Caves 3
*I might have missed some, I really gotta start logging my changes as I make them.
-Disabled All Version Checkers
-Bumped up AE Power a Slight big More - 8x - 12x
-Bumped up Enhanced Portals Power - 15x- 16x
-Fixed torch recipe to be shapeless
-Various other things that I cannot remember
I highly recommend the addition of Fastcraft by Player, it greatly increases performance for most people, especially chunk generation.
The included textures are Pyrolusite's Alternate Textures for Gregtech and his UI Textures.
If anyone makes any videos or screenshots, I will gladly add them to this page.
Good Luck, and let Greg embrace you in your Travels!
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