Just the way I roll - if I'm keeping a bee around for the long-haul (like Demonic for glowstone), then I do the No Effect thing (plus longest life and fastest production). If it's going to be cycled out, I generally leave it alone unless it's causing mass havoc (like raining Fire Charges). Dirt turning to sand over there is pfft. Darkness is pfft (especially since the Apiarist gear negates it.) Only reason I mentioned it was in case the dirt to sand affected the Shimmerleafs left by the Wispy Bees in some way other than making them pop off the ground. (Nope. And not too worried, since I've got a truckload of the things over by the Thaumics.)
At the moment, I'm about 10 bees away from a full set of princesses, plus a stack of drones for each. (Going by the Apiarist Database, anyways.) I know I need to wait for March to get the Leporine, though, and two of the missing ones might be Vis and Pure, which are possibly not actually available in the pack.