[1.6.x] Thaumcraft 4.0.5b Research Cheat Sheet - 1Mil Views!! - Topic above me is a doodoo head. HA!

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Thanks for the Grammar corrections, however I already know all these. The reason they're not in the thaumonomicon is because they're transcribed exactly as seen. Spelling errors and grammar and all.

aah sorry, I did not know that as I haven't checked the new research in the thaumonomnomnom yet...

You could use the cheat sheet before upgrading your version of Thaumcraft.

Writing an "Unlock All Research" command would be slightly more complicated to do and would mostly just duplicate the effects of the cheat sheet. No idea how I'd go about making it only unlock specific version's researches. I'm honestly surprised I managed to write even this mod considering I haven't written a mod since MC 1.3. XD

aawh, too bad. I had it happen a few times now that my research got cleared, and I had to edit the .dat files to get it back. luckily I had another world with all the nbt data of the research aswell, otherwise I seriously had to start all over
Yes, I'm still working on the modpack.
Chicken Shed
Armor Status HUD
bspkrs Core
Damage Indicators
Better Storage
Ars Magica 2
Archimedies Ships
Auto Utils
Battle Towers
Better Dungons2
Blood Magic
Chicken Chunks
CodeChicken Core
Craft Heraldry
Dragon Mount
Ender Storage
Enhanced Core
Enhanced Portals
Extra Utils
Flat Signs
Forge Multipart
Hotbar Swapper
Infernal Mobs

Inventory Tweaks
Map Writer
Not Enough Items
Open Blocks
Pet Bat
Sound Control
Tinker's Construct
Thaumcraft 4
Thaumic Tinkerer 2
Thaumic Cheatery
TP Stone

Twilight Forest

Marked for Removal
Last edited:
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I tried Infernal Mobs in my modpack for a while, but it ended up just being a pain in the ass. The "sticky" modifier makes zero sense. If you hit the sticky mob with a sword, your sword falls on the ground. Fine. The sword got "stuck" to them or something. If you stand back and shoot the mob with a bow... your bow falls out of your hand?! If you shoot the mob with a wand... YOUR WAND GETS STUCK TO THEM SOMEHOW?! And Jegus help you if you run into a sticky mob that shoots fireballs. Murphy's Law dictates that whatever item gets sucked out of your hand WILL land in an open flame.
I tried Infernal Mobs in my modpack for a while, but it ended up just being a pain in the ass. The "sticky" modifier makes zero sense. If you hit the sticky mob with a sword, your sword falls on the ground. Fine. The sword got "stuck" to them or something. If you stand back and shoot the mob with a bow... your bow falls out of your hand?! If you shoot the mob with a wand... YOUR WAND GETS STUCK TO THEM SOMEHOW?! And Jegus help you if you run into a sticky mob that shoots fireballs. Murphy's Law dictates that whatever item gets sucked out of your hand WILL land in an open flame.
I feel like a zone spell from ars Two would do wounders though. You may drop it, but you're so far away it'll be quick to pick it up, especailly with a coin of fortune.
I tried Infernal Mobs in my modpack for a while, but it ended up just being a pain in the ass. The "sticky" modifier makes zero sense. If you hit the sticky mob with a sword, your sword falls on the ground. Fine. The sword got "stuck" to them or something. If you stand back and shoot the mob with a bow... your bow falls out of your hand?! If you shoot the mob with a wand... YOUR WAND GETS STUCK TO THEM SOMEHOW?! And Jegus help you if you run into a sticky mob that shoots fireballs. Murphy's Law dictates that whatever item gets sucked out of your hand WILL land in an open flame.
Yeah, I'm thinking about nixing infernal mobs. It's just a hassle, especially when the most you get from it is some diamond loot you'll probably never use and just throw away.
I've recently added Forestry and Magic Bees to the modpack.

TIL; You can use oreberries to create copper caps.
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I feel like a zone spell from ars Two would do wounders though. You may drop it, but you're so far away it'll be quick to pick it up, especailly with a coin of fortune.
OH. This reminds me guys.

I wouldn't expect Reliquary to last any longer in the pack and I'll tell you why.
There were two main reasons I kept it around. To craft a dragon egg to synergize with the dragon mount mod and for the coin of fortune.

Each of these uses have been replaced with the inclusion of Magic Bees with the Draconic Chunks + Essense of False life recipe and the Magic Magnet.

That said, it still seems to be that the dragon egg is still hard to come by once the one in The End's been farmed. So for now, Reliquary is optional.
I feel like a zone spell from ars Two would do wounders though. You may drop it, but you're so far away it'll be quick to pick it up, especailly with a coin of fortune.

No. The farther you are away the WORST it gets. Whatever item you're holding in your hand when you damage one gets chucked at THEIR feet.
OH. This reminds me guys.

I wouldn't expect Reliquary to last any longer in the pack and I'll tell you why.
There were two main reasons I kept it around. To craft a dragon egg to synergize with the dragon mount mod and for the coin of fortune.

Each of these uses have been replaced with the inclusion of Magic Bees with the Draconic Chunks + Essense of False life recipe and the Magic Magnet.

That said, it still seems to be that the dragon egg is still hard to come by once the one in The End's been farmed. So for now, Reliquary is optional.
fair enough but I kinda feel like it would be a wee bit of a take away from magic. Even with thaumic beese in it. I feel like biomes o plenty with the whole dragon summon ritual might fit in slightly better. Also can't you disable specific effects on infernal mobs in the config?[DOUBLEPOST=1385413144][/DOUBLEPOST]
No. The farther you are away the WORST it gets. Whatever item you're holding in your hand when you damage one gets chucked at THEIR feet.
aaaah right... I suppose a better option might be taking an invisibility spell with yah so it doesn't agro. or a dispell projectile it might get rid of it's potion effects. But i'm not fully sure.
fair enough but I kinda feel like it would be a wee bit of a take away from magic. Even with thaumic beese in it. I feel like biomes o plenty with the whole dragon summon ritual might fit in slightly better. Also can't you disable specific effects on infernal mobs in the config?
I've been a little worried about using mods like BoP and BiomesXL in case they get too demanding on the modpack. This is a light modpack. I don't want to overwhelm the user or the computer with mods.
I've been a little worried about using mods like BoP and BiomesXL in case they get too demanding on the modpack. This is a light modpack. I don't want to overwhelm the user or the computer with mods.
Could just have it set to default generation and still get the gems from it I believe. Also surprisingly the single block apiaries apparently do a number on servers. Same as the fuel boxes from Railcraft... I was like "wuuuuut" when I herd about it in dires latest video with slow.

Wounder what other blocks are server breakers that wouldn't suspect.
Could just have it set to default generation and still get the gems from it I believe. Also surprisingly the single block apiaries apparently do a number on servers. Same as the fuel boxes from Railcraft... I was like "wuuuuut" when I herd about it in dires latest video with slow.

Wounder what other blocks are server breakers that wouldn't suspect.
Can't say much about RailCraft, never looked into it much. I can see Apiaries though with their particle effects and such. Point is you go into Apiraries with a choice. I don't want the modpack to be right-off-the-bat stress intensive on the computer or the user.
I've just finished the latest loadout for the modpack.
I'm going to be devising a way for people to download and test this pack without infringing on permissions. I want to do this by the book.
Yes, I'm still working on the modpack.
Chicken Shed
Armor Status HUD
bspkrs Core
Damage Indicators
Better Storage
Ars Magica 2
Archimedies Ships
Auto Utils
Battle Towers
Better Dungons2
Blood Magic
Chicken Chunks
CodeChicken Core
Craft Heraldry
Dragon Mount
Ender Storage
Enhanced Core
Enhanced Portals
Extra Utils
Flat Signs
Forge Multipart
Hotbar Swapper
Infernal Mobs

Inventory Tweaks
Map Writer
Not Enough Items
Open Blocks
Pet Bat
Sound Control
Tinker's Construct
Thaumcraft 4
Thaumic Tinkerer 2
Thaumic Cheatery
TP Stone

Twilight Forest

Marked for Removal
I'd definitely drop Infernal Mobs entirely for Special Mobs; it's a much more consistent way to add variety to mob spawns. No more crazy zombies with a dozen modifiers that kills you if you look at it funny! Though do watch out for those jumping creepers and burning zombies!
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I'd definitely drop Infernal Mobs entirely for Special Mobs; it's a much more consistent way to add variety to mob spawns. No more crazy zombies with a dozen modifiers that kills you if you look at it funny! Though do watch out for those jumping creepers and burning zombies!
Looking into this now. Will test after typing up the latest loadout.
Latest Loadout
  • Ars Magicka 2
  • Archimedes Ships
  • Armor Status HUD
  • AutoUtils
  • Backpack
  • Barrels
  • BattleTowers
  • Better Dungeons 2
  • Better Storage
  • BiblioCraft
  • BiblioWoods[BoP, Forestry, Natura]
  • BiomesOPlenty
  • Blood Magic
  • bsphrsCore
  • ChickenChunks
  • Chicken Shed
  • Chisel
  • Chococraft
  • Code Chicken Core
  • Craft Heraldry
  • Damage Indicators
  • Dragon Mount
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Ender Storage
  • Enhanced Core
  • Enhanced Portals
  • ExtraUtils
  • FlatSigns
  • Forestry
  • Forge Multipart
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Magic Bees
  • Map Writer
  • MystCraft
  • Natura
  • NEI Addons
  • NEI Plugins
  • Obsisiplates
  • OpenBlocks
  • PetBat
  • Reliquary
  • Ruins
  • SoundControl
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Thaumcraft 4
  • Thaumic Tinkerer 2
  • Thaumic Cheatery
  • TP Stone (May be replaced with CrystalWing)
  • Translocator
  • Twilight Forest
  • Witchery
Been asking around for a couple of good names for the Modpack. So far, got two good ones.
  • More Magic than Johnson (MMJ)
  • Guild Arcane Crisis (GAC)
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Heya guys (and Anna :P) I've finally done the videos for 4.0.5 Update. I've been ill for the last few days so haven't been able to record :(
Part 1:
Part 2:

Let me know if you enjoy them or if you find them useful at all! I shouldn't have missed anything but by all means shout at me if I have :P
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Hey man, just literally bumped into your videos.
Good work with them, I was wondering when they'd appear!
You still planning on doing the TTv2 videos? Was thinking of putting the first one up on it's cheat sheet.
EDIT: Happy new Avatar~!
:P I don't know why I always choose eyeballs, i'm sure some psychologist can give you a reason why my brain seems to pick these things. I just call myself random!

I am continuing the videos with TT2, i've recorded the rest of them tonight, just got to go through rendering and editing and such. Hopefully i'll have them out later tonight/tomorrow. Vazkii has told me he added new stuff and has asked if I can do a full on non-spoilery spotlight (pretty nervous about that!), to have the first one on the cheat sheet would be amazing. Massive thanks as always Anna :) The rest of them after part one continues on my second channel as I try to veer all Minecraft related stuff that way. TC4 will be staying on the first channel though for the moment :)