[1.6.x] Thaumcraft 4.0.5b Research Cheat Sheet - 1Mil Views!! - Topic above me is a doodoo head. HA!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to clarify there are probably TONS of mistakes in the cheatsheets.
They're not perfect, I'm not perfect.

Which is why I appreciate all the corrections. So thanks~!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to clarify there are probably TONS of mistakes in the cheatsheets.
They're not perfect, I'm not perfect.

Which is why I appreciate all the corrections. So thanks~!

you've already done a great job so far, wouldn't imagine anyone else putting so much work in something like this.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you've already done a great job so far, wouldn't imagine anyone else putting so much work in something like this.
Chris puts a lot of work into his videos as Vaz does with the coding for his mods and his site. I just wish I could do more.

General FYI: Build 58 of TT is out and will be included in Thaumlite 1.3 soon.
It's mostly bugfixes from 57- Here's the changelog.[DOUBLEPOST=1388679654][/DOUBLEPOST]Second FYI: The research for Thaumic Exploration is completed and present on the Addon Compendium. You can find a download for it on Flaxbeard's Github. A link can be found on the guide site by clicking the [TX] checkbox label.

For the lazy people: https://github.com/Flaxbeard/Thaumic_Exploration/releases

Research will be included in the guide side itself shortly.

Mental Mouse

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to clarify there are probably TONS of mistakes in the cheatsheets.
They're not perfect, I'm not perfect.

Which is why I appreciate all the corrections. So thanks~!

Hmm. The thing that bugs me regularly is, there's lots and lots of typographical errors and miswordings in those posts, to the point of making my reader's eye twitch. Frankly, it's bad enough that a full list would include "most of" the entries, and for people to report all of them would flood the forum (or your inbox). While I am certainly grateful for what you've provided already, I will gently suggest that you could eyeball-check the posts and fix the errors you can see. Even a basic sweep could probably clean the work up to the point where it would be worth my trouble, or someone else's, to go through and flag the remaining items with errors. (Because even professional proofreaders don't get all the errors in one sweep.) The new cheatsheet has its share as well, but perhaps not quite as bad -- at least it's not as obvious, perhaps because the entries aren't all laid out together.

This is one way in which Wikis beat forums, in that a crowd of people can more easily cooperate to fix errors like this. Have you considered taking your show to a Wiki, perhaps even the Thaumcraft pages of the Curse Minecraft wiki?
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Deleted member 92873

I swear I'm not trying to undermine your work, this is amazing, and I just want to help in any way I can.
Speaking of which, braaaaaaains.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm. The thing that bugs me regularly is, there's lots and lots of typographical errors and miswordings in those posts, to the point of making my reader's eye twitch. Frankly, it's bad enough that a full list would include "most of" the entries, and for people to report all of them would flood the forum (or your inbox). While I am certainly grateful for what you've provided already, I will gently suggest that you could eyeball-check the posts and fix the errors you can see. Even a basic sweep could probably clean the work up to the point where it would be worth my trouble, or someone else's, to go through and flag the remaining items with errors. (Because even professional proofreaders don't get all the errors in one sweep.) The new cheatsheet has its share as well, but perhaps not quite as bad -- at least it's not as obvious, perhaps because the entries aren't all laid out together.

This is one way in which Wikis beat forums, in that a crowd of people can more easily cooperate to fix errors like this. Have you considered taking your show to a Wiki, perhaps even the Thaumcraft pages of the Curse Minecraft wiki?
First of all I thank you from the bottom of my heart, as a fellow Grammar enthusiast, for attempting to bring this to my notice however this particular issue is and has been in my notice for a while now, like since the creation of the cheat sheets and there have been posts in previous pages in which I've addressed these issues. There are four reasons I haven't tackled these errors (yet).
  1. Most of the typographic/grammatical errors in the cheat sheet are intentionally added as I initially wanted to transcript the Thaumonomicon pages identically. I realized shortly after however that such an endeavor would be too much work than it's worth given that it would require me to constantly check for typo/grammar fixes with each update and missing such corrections would cheapen the value of the cheat sheet's integrity. I have since, to the best of my ability, gone with the approach of fixing typographic errors as I see them, that said I'm only human and I will make mistakes. The thing about my cheat sheets and my personal use of them is that I read it for the aspects and yes, there are SEVERAL misspelled aspects that I have only myself to blame for. I will endeavor to fix this in time, however the next two excuses reasons will explain why this isn't as swift as some would like.
  2. I'm a busy woman. I just got married a little more than a week ago to the love of my life and I'm recovering from the stress involved in organizing your own wedding, though in fairness it was mostly my wife's doing. That said I also juggle a doctorate study and two jobs, one as a full time attorney and the other as a very part time Bachelor level lecturer. With all this said though, I am taking a year off from my work to focus more on my study and my personal life. Yes. I can afford to do this. No, I won't go into how.
  3. I'm lazy. I'm busy but lazy and honestly with regards to the cheat sheets my priority is more to getting research published on the threads and the new site. What time I have free is precious and spent on other things, like researching new thaumic addons, hanging with Vazkii, Kihira and Lycaon in either a skype chat or on our private servers which, by the way, I own, fund and maintain for them. My time is also spent with my wife, who I cannot show enough love to. I adore her. And if I have free time, she comes first above everything. She works as a freelance but high-end programmer, so she too can afford to spend time off.
  4. I'm doing other things. Like I said, I got a lot on my plate in my free time too. I own two private servers for Thaumlite and Magic World 2. I fund them, I maintain them and I play them. I also beta test (or at least I like to think I do) pre-released mods from the authors themselves. Arguable the people in the skype chat and the modders other friends do that a great deal more than I do, but they also have more experience and know-how than I do. I'm a casual. Sue me. With that said however, I will also be working on my own modpack with the help of Chris Haigh (haighyorkie) who currently maintains the magicality modpack on the ATLauncher. I will be working to revamp and rejuvenate that modpack in what I like to think is a new direction while still giving it the feel of it's own unique style. (I'm thinking of something like a magic based/game of thrones feel. Fingers crossed.) Finally, I'm working with Vazkii and Chris to making the guide site where you will find or have found a little to a great deal more quality. I will actively "eyeball" grammatical/typographical errors there before I do here. Sorry loyalists to the forums, I have to expand.
If you really can't stand the issues you've mentioned, I don't blame you. I really don't. If I were to glance upon my work I'd be ashamed at the amount of error, however until there's a time where I can really work on that, I leave it to and beseech you and everyone else to point out grammatical errors as you see them and bug me about them until I fix them. This would help me infinitely and more importantly it'll help the guides, both forum and site. Mostly site. Whether you do it via PM or through this thread, I don't care so long as I get it and I read every reply and pm I get, so don't hesitate. Thanks in advance if you choose to do this.

Secondly I agree with your feelings towards thread vs wiki. I am actually on this site's and RR's wiki team, though given how busy I've been lately I've not been able to at all to approach it as much as I should. Eventually, I'll be incorporating these cheat sheets into this site's wiki but with everything that's been happening lately, I've just not been able to keep up with the commitments I've naively walked into. Pray for me, guys.

In closing I'd like to thank you again for your criticism and my assurance that these issues will be tackled. I can't apologize enough for not being able to give you a definitive time but I hope what I've said is enough to take home.

I swear I'm not trying to undermine your work, this is amazing, and I just want to help in any way I can.
Speaking of which, braaaaaaains.

I would never think anyone was trying to undermine my work unless there was clear cut abuse in their posting and like the person before you I thank you too for your correction. You'll find that your first correction as well as the one you just mentioned has been addressed and fixed. Thank you so much for your help. I can't say that enough.


I'd like to mention in closing that I'm planning to do a large-scale revamp of not only the main cheat sheet's aspect faults but every cheat sheet's aspect faults. The reason that this cheat sheet exists, the bread and butter, in my opinion, are the aspects, and if they're wrong then this thread has no business being here. There are a number of ways I could go about this but I think the best way is to do it from scratch. The usage of Thaumic Cheatery makes this idea more approachable however, again, I never turn down good help. This thread exists for both me and you. I'm not opposed to working together with this.

Thanks guys. Really, I mean that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Danger of losing base research points?
Seek and scan new nodes, re-research impossibble puzzles (to get an easier one), go for deconstruction table. :)

Mental Mouse

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Succubism: The typographical issues aren't at the "can't stand" level, it just looks lazy (which you've already owned to :)). Actually, it looks like what it probably is, that you were typing in the whole thaumonomicon at speed, and never got around to a proofreading pass. Trust me, I'm familiar with Sisyphean tasks....

I do agree that errors in the aspects are way more important, but that's really a different kind of work. But both of them would probably benefit from wikifying up front, because other folks can work on them while you're being busy. I only just registered for the FTB Wiki, so I don't know how they might do things differently -- is there any problem with having people simply create pages as appropriate and copy-paste the info? (I'd assume the Wiki has appropriate templates by now, I'll presumably have to learn them to join in.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a small question, I just started Thaumcraft so I have alot to do. But are you able to 'refill' research points, or do they simply run out.

And this is in the case of having scanned everything (which is alot). Do the clusters do anything?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a small question, I just started Thaumcraft so I have alot to do. But are you able to 'refill' research points, or do they simply run out.

And this is in the case of having scanned everything (which is alot). Do the clusters do anything?

cluster do a bit, but bookshelves do alot more.
if you run in the situation that you've ran out of things to scan, you can use the deconstruction table

Deconstruction Table When taking a good look just isn't enough
: Cognito - Fabrico - Perditio
Required Research: Research Expertise
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Aspect Accumulator
There comes a point in any thaumaturge's career where he is unable to progress with research due to his lack of knowledge.
One possible recourse is the Deconstruction Table. The table allows you to break down objects into their smallest parts which you can examine. There are limits however - the table breaks compound aspects into their component aspects until only primal aspects remain. During this process much knowledge is lost and at best the thaumaturge can hope for is a single piece of primal knowledge.
For example cobblestone (saxum and perditio) will be simplified into 2 terra and 1 perditio, only one of which having a chance of being discovered.
It is also fairly slow and the fewer aspects and object has, the lower the chance to discover something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
cluster do a bit, but bookshelves do alot more.
if you run in the situation that you've ran out of things to scan, you can use the deconstruction table

So put bookshelves near/around the research table and it 'refills' the research points or like what's the deal :p?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So put bookshelves near/around the research table and it 'refills' the research points or like what's the deal :p?

if you place one bookshelf near the research table, it'll randomly refill some research points, but only when you've ran out of points for a certain aspect. so let's say you've 1 motus, then motus will not be refilled untill you've actually used up that last research point. the more bookshelves you've around the research table, the more aspects can be refilled when they run out.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
if you place one bookshelf near the research table, it'll randomly refill some research points, but only when you've ran out of points for a certain aspect. so let's say you've 1 motus, then motus will not be refilled untill you've actually used up that last research point. the more bookshelves you've around the research table, the more aspects can be refilled when they run out.
SAY MOTHERF*CKING WHAT?!?!? I had to delete my player.dat on server because I'd ran out of perditio and sources for it. Bloody hell.
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