[1.6.x] Thaumcraft 4.0.5b Research Cheat Sheet - 1Mil Views!! - Topic above me is a doodoo head. HA!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ooh god, I can already see it happen...
I've always hoped Azanor would add some more steampunk to Thaumcraft, you can never have enough steampunk in Thaumcraft

Would armor like this be good enough?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Anna :) Long time no speak! I haven't been on the server for a while, had a pretty busy weekend on the SolitaryCraft front after finally getting it out of Beta and all the problems that came with that so i've been knee deep in that stuff. I'll be back on today at some stage to see what you've been doing since i've been gone. I'm pretty sure there's going to be nothing left for me to do but try, build and fail at some good looking structures :p Hope you are keeping well!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Anna :) Long time no speak! I haven't been on the server for a while, had a pretty busy weekend on the SolitaryCraft front after finally getting it out of Beta and all the problems that came with that so i've been knee deep in that stuff. I'll be back on today at some stage to see what you've been doing since i've been gone. I'm pretty sure there's going to be nothing left for me to do but try, build and fail at some good looking structures :p Hope you are keeping well!
Admittedly I've been feeling guilty that I've left you with nothing to do, so I've taken it upon myself to build into the mountains so I don't get in the way. It'll be fun to have you on the server again dude. don't be a stranger, okay?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll be taking a break from the modpack to chunkload my nodes and do some actual work on the threads.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's some things I need to talk about with you guys. Serious time now. This particular post will exist in both the Addon and the Main Thread.

Let me make something very clear. I like to think of myself as someone who gives people the benefit of the doubt and I'm certainly not the type to just sit and bad mouth someone or what they spend the time to work on. But I'm also honest. Brutally so, and there's something I simply must address because it's effected the guides.

Regarding Thaumcraft Extras, I'm torn, there's a person behind it who clearly sees the mod as something that could go far, however I think he overestimates what he has and who he is because in the grand scheme of things there's nothing in the mod that makes me think of him as a major or even moderate author and that's not necessarily a bad thing, I think what he created had potential and I stand by that and I still think it does, however what exists currently is uninspired and uninteresting.

I read a tweet from Wasliebob with the following:


The mere idea that TCE would warrant being in Horizons alone is enough to make me think hard about the relationship between myself and TCE because as someone who admirably asks for recommendations on how he can improve this mod it seems fairly clear that he believes what he has is currently good enough to be among better, more well thought-out mods of the same caliber like Thaumic Tinkerer and that thought worries me.

I have presented on multiple occasions ways in which the quality of the mod could be drastically changed and if I were any kind of capable to write a mod of my own I would put my ideas to pen and paper. I'm not capable though. All I have is ideas and suggestions and to the author's credit he took some of those suggestions and applied them, however it's obvious that he picks and chooses the easiest suggestions and tweaks his mod to follow them. It isn't enough.

I enjoy talking to modders. As someone with a lot of ideas but can't write mods herself, I enjoy giving these suggestions and ideas because at the end of the day I enjoy what comes from them and I enjoy applying them to my little in-game projects and had I thought for a moment that the modder in question would actually take these ideas and suggestions to heart I'd do everything in my power to show off his mod and encourage others to use it. However I cannot in good conscience recommend this mod to anyone for anything other than a good laugh.

It's for this reason I'm removing the TCE post from the front page of the addon thread until a time, if such time occurs, where I can put my hand on my heart and say this mod is worth downloading, installing, researching and applying to your game. As of right now, I can't do that.

I extend my apologies to the creator that this is the case and that I cannot provide him with anymore suggestions or tips. I refuse to hold his hand anymore than I already have done.

Moving on from TCE, I have also removed TheDrunkMafia's Thaumic Infusion research from the addon front page for the simple reason that there isn't any. Since the thread's creation I've not seen update and it's just taking up space for other addons which deserve a place. This is not permanent and will be changed at such a time when ThI is given a stable release.

Finally, ThaumcraftGates and BetterStorage have been added to the front page of the addon thread. Mods with TC integration (Railcraft/BetterStorage) have been given one post to share, as, with the exception of ThaumcraftGates which is a standalone mod, one nomicon entry is simply not enough in the entirety of the respective mod to warrant it's own post.

That's all.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think its a fair decision to remove TCE and any other mod that hasn't made a clear case for being there. Outside of Azanor himself, you and Haighyorkie are 2 of he most knowledgeable people on Thaumcraft. Heck most of what I learned about TC3 came from Haighyorkie. I've watched both of you address issues and go back and forth with TCE's author to no avail.

I feel you're making the right move.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumcraft is a high quality mod, so to keep this quality up I can understand that not every thaumcraft mod is actually up to that quality and thus worthy of being mentioned in the guides. IMHO the dev of TCE chose a mod that may have been a bit too much for him. just because you can write a mod doesn't always mean that mod will be good. but to try and make a mod for thaumcraft which is of high quality... he may have been possible to pull it off in the future, but not right now...

I know the pain of having the right ideas, but not being able to convey them well enough. someone are finally able to do it through years of work, while others never will...