[1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok firefox1234 try setting a waypoint for x: 424 y: 9 and z: 999 when you teleport there you should be on top of the area

this is what the room is like when you get there mine out the top left hand corner and it will lead to a roof full of "me wireless things" (sorry can't remeber exact name of them)
(image link http://imgur.com/oUWwA3h just in case the image doesn't load

did you try "/hqm edit " (- the quotes) and then shift click on the quest?
Yes and I still cannot claim it

Feed the beast 122

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well other than that i don't know. on the version updating did you do a force update (as well for v1.4.4 when i updated it got rid of all my mods and i had to delete the me^3 folder and download again from recommend to get my mods back.) wait who in your sever got the quest done?
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, so a few issues here, the last of which game breaking. These are all from my experience while playing with a friend though, and we did move the world from 1.4.1 to 1.4.4:
-In the Nether, there was no base spawned like the 1.4.4 quest said there would be(though flying spiders are the absolute worst)
-Couldn't find the Egyptian coin, but this is because we couldn't update the specific world needed because we ported the save over

The last of which is the most confusing and the worst: We just finished building the Nuclear Fusion Chamber, when I; I didn't see it as complete, I still saw the blueprint overlay, and my inventory was acting wonky. My friend, who finished it while I was working on bees, could see it fine and everything was normal for him(he was the server). I disconnected, reconnected, everything looked fine and my inventory was back. We tested a few chemical combinations just to make sure it worked, the fusion star was in, everything was looking up. Then, after putting a transfer node on the Fusion Chamber, the game crashed, apparently terminally (friend is the one working w/ it, I don't know if a rollback is possible). Even if we're sure that transfer node+fusion chamber is the cause, this is a big problem in compatibility


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The armory is kinda small, so I wouldn't update just for that. And yes, the nether is meant to be more of a challenge.
I don't know if "Challenge" is the word I'd use to describe the nether...See, here's the thing. You can't Esc, inventory, type, or anything when you're in a portal. And when you spawn in a lake of lava, 20+ ghasts around you, well...It's pretty much impossible. Literally. There was nothing to do but copy "/gamemode 1", and jump into lava, hoping I could t and ctrl+v in time not to die. I don't think challenge is the word. It's pretty much impossible in my eyes. I cheated to achieve that quest, and am never going back to the nether unless forced. I recommend at least giving the player a platform to start on in the lava made of cobble or something, and not making it so that there's so many ghasts right off the bat. Just my suggestion.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I have a question. We've gone searching and searching, and can't find the answer. So, we found the ME stuff in the mesa. Took all the stuff, added lots more power. Awesome. Now, we've noticed that our cells are...Well...They're recharging themselves. And we can't figure out why. We're not charging them as far as we're aware, and we can't find anything linked to them. I don't mind spoilers, but do you have any idea why all our AE energy cell thingies are charging themselves?

Feed the beast 122

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I have a question. We've gone searching and searching, and can't find the answer. So, we found the ME stuff in the mesa. Took all the stuff, added lots more power. Awesome. Now, we've noticed that our cells are...Well...They're recharging themselves. And we can't figure out why. We're not charging them as far as we're aware, and we can't find anything linked to them. I don't mind spoilers, but do you have any idea why all our AE energy cell thingies are charging themselves?

ok the why they can charge is if you have a set up like this to charge them not sure how they are doing it on your end.

the energy cell must be connected to the controller for it to work as shown the difference as the one that is plugged in rather than the one that is not
(Agian image link just in case the image dosen't load http://imgur.com/eMgJMhG)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I have a question. We've gone searching and searching, and can't find the answer. So, we found the ME stuff in the mesa. Took all the stuff, added lots more power. Awesome. Now, we've noticed that our cells are...Well...They're recharging themselves. And we can't figure out why. We're not charging them as far as we're aware, and we can't find anything linked to them. I don't mind spoilers, but do you have any idea why all our AE energy cell thingies are charging themselves?
The cells only charde/discharge when the ME controller is active and they are connected to the system.

The default setup that comes in the map uses a dark cable to connect the controller with the rest of the network. The dark cables are only active when you apply a redstone signal. So, the controller is never connected to the cells or the pylons and not charging/discharging the system even if it gets energy from conduits. (Nice trick there Parcel!)

With the new stuff, you might have changed this cabling setup causing all be connected all the time. This way you will start charging/discharging the energy cells. Since you are charging, you might have an excess of energy going inside the network and with the energy cells being constantly connected to the controller, they are charging.

That is not a bad thing! its actually good! Means you have a lot of energy production :)
The system with the dark cable to only connect the rest of the network to the controller when you press the button to load/unload a disk and disconnecting immediately the network, is awesome to save energy when you dont have ways to recharge it, like at the beginning of the map. Later... when you can produce lots of energy, its not necessary anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok the why they can charge is if you have a set up like this to charge them not sure how they are doing it on your end.

the energy cell must be connected to the controller for it to work as shown the difference as the one that is plugged in rather than the one that is not
(Agian image link just in case the image dosen't load http://imgur.com/eMgJMhG)
You should not have two controllers attached to the same network.... When you press the button to load the disk, the dark cable will activate and you will end with two controllers in the network. Anything can happen then....

Also, you are attaching a controller to a network that has energy cells and pylons in the network. This will activate the pylons and you will be wasting a lot of energy to feed the pylons since only the excess of energy that goes in the network is used to charge the cells. If you want to charge them this way, I would advise you to remove the cable that connects the pylons to the network and only add it when you want to load/unload a disk. Even better, make sure the pylons connection is through a dark cable, so the pylons only stay active while the big button is pressed and you will save a lot of energy!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, we got all of the stuff, made a bunch of ME storage drives and disks (Including 2 64k discs; we found the materials to make them. Where? Idk. Maybe a reward bag or something.) And hooked all 4 pillars of energy cells up together with the cable we found outside.

Feed the beast 122

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so does anyone else have the same problem that i have when i enter nightmare. here's the crash report http://pastebin.com/SBvkMbqD it happens when i start to go into the level. i have tried starting a world on peacful still didn't work. (it's ok if there is no answer or you just don't know an answer. i can accept that) also if anyone needs some help i can be able to help them. i may not know the exact answer but i will do my best to help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just started playing the pack yesterday and am enjoying it. with regards to the nether, there is some kind of bug or glitch with nether portals not "linking" correctly. ive had this happen in the dw20 pack a few times where exiting from the nether puts me around 100 blocks away from my base. in this pack however you just get stuck in the middle of nowhere. in my stupidity i forgot to make a waypoint at the base so that only compounds the issue of getting back.

maybe include a warning if someone goes to the nether about making a waypoint first unless you want to wander around bedrock forever.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just started playing the pack yesterday and am enjoying it. with regards to the nether, there is some kind of bug or glitch with nether portals not "linking" correctly. ive had this happen in the dw20 pack a few times where exiting from the nether puts me around 100 blocks away from my base. in this pack however you just get stuck in the middle of nowhere. in my stupidity i forgot to make a waypoint at the base so that only compounds the issue of getting back.

maybe include a warning if someone goes to the nether about making a waypoint first unless you want to wander around bedrock forever.
Intended and
you have the coordinates to come back.... Its actually your first quest.....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Down near the chest at the very bottom? There's nothing but yellow clay down there, and when I mined it all out, there was nothing there >.>

On a completely unrelated note, why am I still a new member, despite having been here over a month now? Something to do with post numbers?
If you are still having trouble finding it, if you stand at the second to lowest spawner location (should be.. <-419,8,990>) and face towards where the glowstone was, youll see it in the left side of your view.. behind some yellow clay. (I only had to break 1 block to get to it.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, this pack is Awesome!! Something weird happen. I retrieved the Egyptian Coin, turned in the Quest and received the reward including the display case. I figured I would display the coin since the quest didn't take it. I continued to play for a bit, then shut off Minecraft for a few hours. When I returned I was running around questing as normal when something caught my eye. My display case was opened & the coin was gone. I know I put it in there as well as closed the case. The odd thing is I am play in single player:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What setup/upgrades are you guys using for the Polytool from MineChem? There is very little info about this item, and the 1 video I found is in a different lang. I Know that you have to add stacks of chems, but what would be a good combo? I would like a fast mining tool & or strong weapon. Any help would be awesome. Thanks in advance:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HaHa, I have been play for awhile, and I just now found out that there is a floor/bedrock lvl under the building lvl. What is up with the mini-mes running around that just rush you and pick you up.lolol Also, is there any use for the building that has a HUGE spatial room, or the one right by the elevator with the village trading post in it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GAH finished the main quests, visited all the worlds, still missing some trophies/wool. Hunting through all of them... weeeee