[1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well, that was fun. I painstakingly put together row by row each piece of the fusion reactor. last row I presume, while walking backwards, I bumped (not the first time) the projector, no issues, just a block, but as I put last piece down, projector vanished. no GUI when I right click and only option was to see outline (hitbox) of projector and I had to pick it. no fusion blueprint. ack. I'm assuming a gui would form if I right clicked like fission.

I'll NEI myself a blueprint, destroy all these blocks and start over again I guess. Just FYI.
The GUI doesn't form from right clicking every block, specifically it doesn't seem to appear by clicking on fusion walls. Try clicking on the cross at the top and seeing if that works.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
gahh that did it. I did it twice and both times, same thing happened. This time the projector didn't disappear. I put some dirt down to pillar up to that cross and boom, projector disappears again. lost blueprint too. oh well. Yeah, it formed. I'll have to make a catwalk or something up to there.

I take it I can use my fusion star for this thing? I got one in a bag. 2000 uses. woot? :} Thanks a bunch!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
ok, so this is like a game of numbers. I need to turn in 20 nether stars. To do this, I need to make copernicium(sp?). #112. I made 1 using zinc I think and multiplying it a couple times. then realized for each star, I need 16 copernicium, so looked into what I had alot of, so used some ferrous and nickel and whatever, and got about 32 but I've now used about 400-500 off of my fusion star.

So, my question is: is the fusion star I got for free, essentially a nether star? Like, if I put one in energy slot, it gets turned into this? If so, I guess I'm ok then and I can continue doing what I'm already doing. Otherwise, it's trying to find the best combination of chems that I can get readilly (using sand instead of cobble which is MUCH slower btw). Is there a quick route to this? I'm wondering now should I have setup shop at the victory monument. I setup a bunch of barrels but I didn't make one for each chem and my overflow chest is overflowing. don't know what everyone else does for this. There's so many chems then you have all the complex chems, etc...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nether Stars are worth 4500 uses at full, just put one into the fuel slot and as soon as you do a fusion it will turn into a fusion star.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did the bar look half full when you got it though? I'd say they just put a partially charged one as the reward, considering how awesome they are it would still qualify as a top tier reward after all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I for one am basically destroying the property to get resources I need. Couldn't figure out how I was supposed to get quartz in large quantity till I realized you could use the quartz slabs, etc. and pulverize them.

Already had a feeling that it was going to be something like that, but only tried it with the quartz decoration block (where the cpu's are too) and got nowhere (even when I made the chisel for converting it back). Was glad to find Quartz-ore stored in the miner's delight cartridge.
As the quartz slabs, I haven't found them in the Inclusions chamber (as mentioned in the Quest book) but I do know where I can find lot's of them. Unless I understood it wrong, that the spawn chamber is called the inclusion chamber and does not refer to the inclusion cartridge.

Did break the wall and made a water elevator to the lowest level (area 5). Have been looking around, under and on top and found up till now 12 entity trophies and 2 VM colored wools (white & magenta).
Did find red wool, but the name doesn't show VM wool, so no go on that one.

For tonight I'm going to "play" with the Biomes cartridge. Already have 4 sentries setup in case I must retreat while screaming with a high pitch

Oh, I had some nice rewards: 2 hardened energy cells, a silver armor set (after I just made my iron one).
and a apiaries set too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, first foray into minechem proper. So, if I understand this correctly, you build the chem thingies *rofl name* molecules, atoms, chemicals, whatever. (stop laughing you chem nerds) You build them by actually adding the # of chemicals that make up the thing, like h2o is 2 hydrogen, 1 oxygen. then you get a little water chemical item. cool. So, I'm looking at this right in the face thinking that if minecraft was around when I was in HS and minechem was also, this would be a HUGE HUGE learning tool to learn chemistry, since every mc'er knows the recipes for things in their head. Would be wierd putting things in a 3x3 grid on a test tho, but still. Very cool little mod. Looked at NEI and realized that at some point in the inclusion chamber I think, on the top level there's a chest and when I opened it it said the californium decayed. I didn't want a glow in the dark steve so I left everything alone in there.

Am I going to get radiated somewhere along the line, and if so, can I turn into the hulk or something, cause that would be cool. wait, if I irradiated a creeper, would that *boom*
"sure" just start chugging drugs and random chemicals... you'll get there...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In the quest to get soul sand and nether warts, I found some soul sand in hell, but no nether warts whatsoever and had to create some using minechem. Is that intended or am I just blind and couldn't find the warts?

EDIT: Also, what is the polytool used for?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Did the bar look half full when you got it though? I'd say they just put a partially charged one as the reward, considering how awesome they are it would still qualify as a top tier reward after all.
Nope. when I put it in reactor, it was full bar. when I used it once, it went to 1999.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Already had a feeling that it was going to be something like that, but only tried it with the quartz decoration block (where the cpu's are too) and got nowhere (even when I made the chisel for converting it back). Was glad to find Quartz-ore stored in the miner's delight cartridge.
As the quartz slabs, I haven't found them in the Inclusions chamber (as mentioned in the Quest book) but I do know where I can find lot's of them. Unless I understood it wrong, that the spawn chamber is called the inclusion chamber and does not refer to the inclusion cartridge.

Did break the wall and made a water elevator to the lowest level (area 5). Have been looking around, under and on top and found up till now 12 entity trophies and 2 VM colored wools (white & magenta).
Did find red wool, but the name doesn't show VM wool, so no go on that one.

For tonight I'm going to "play" with the Biomes cartridge. Already have 4 sentries setup in case I must retreat while screaming with a high pitch

Oh, I had some nice rewards: 2 hardened energy cells, a silver armor set (after I just made my iron one).
and a apiaries set too.
two kinds of quarts. certus quartz and quartz (nether quartz). Certus quartz is what you have to turn in and to get that you need to go into first disk you get and the area leading in is loaded with it. check NEI recipes, or numpad 3 or numpad4 (for waila to see recipe to make/used in) of block you're looking at. You'll figure that one out.

I was talking about the quartz that gives you nether quartz. I hadn't found a whole lot and I wanted a bunch for MAC and other things for AE, etc... Those I found on the "building" area - bottom level of ship that has burnt quartz all around. It's what you're standing on. and all over the ship too but I just took from the floor, made pillar quartz then pulverized it. voila. He made these maps quite sneakily. They are not just thrown together and it shows.[DOUBLEPOST=1408729153][/DOUBLEPOST]
In the quest to get soul sand and nether warts, I found some soul sand in hell, but no nether warts whatsoever and had to create some using minechem. Is that intended or am I just blind and couldn't find the warts?

EDIT: Also, what is the polytool used for?
There are some odd nether warts plants, maybe 10-20? but yeah, they are very hard to find. I was putting glowstone nooks everywhere to try to see. you'll have to go to very bottom level to find most of them and alot of them are danger close to all those blazes. I should have heeded @parcel31u 's advice and finished the chemical questline before going in. Those chems help alot.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have another noobish question, is there a good way to get coins for the bullions in the pay to win quest section, because getting even two is taking forever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
I have another noobish question, is there a good way to get coins for the bullions in the pay to win quest section, because getting even two is taking forever.
you'll be swimming in coins as you progress. trust me. I thought I'd have to make a mint, but I don't think I will have to. Just progress through quests. Find the secrets. dungeon disk will give you lots of grief but tons of bags.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you'll be swimming in coins as you progress. trust me. I thought I'd have to make a mint, but I don't think I will have to. Just progress through quests. Find the secrets. dungeon disk will give you lots of grief but tons of bags.
Lots of grief is an understatement once you get to the redstone level, but yeah, lots of coins. I have one more question though. Is there a way to make an automated tree farm without using forestry multiblock farms?

EDIT: Also, what are the best chemicals to put on a sword?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Lots of grief is an understatement once you get to the redstone level, but yeah, lots of coins. I have one more question though. Is there a way to make an automated tree farm without using forestry multiblock farms?

EDIT: Also, what are the best chemicals to put on a sword?
Look back a couple of pages. Xavion posted a full list and then some.

As far as trees go, yeah no mfr. I can't think of any way other than forestry. :( I think tho that you can use chemistry to make trees pretty quickly through the use of other chemicals tho I haven't found a need for that just yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
How do I use the polytool?
you put an element in it by right clicking it. each element adds something to the tool. see the post I talked about for that info. umm beyond that I've no clue. It's supposed to be real helpfull but to me, it just seemed like a nice multitool and by the time I started playing with it, I had tartarite gear, so I didn't really care much. I tried helium. it's supposed to make mobs fly away, not sure. *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Ok I found a bug/exploit that's pretty simple to find. I am making nether stars for the quest. Using the fusion reactor. My fusion star got to 0 and then started going into the negative. so, maybe I actually created limitless power? hey, that's the way I'm looking at it. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I found this in an epic reward bag.
Went to the url : http://gamestream.rainwave.cc:8000/game.ogg
it plays a different song each time...?