[1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
note to self. don't ingest the T2 mycotoxin. Even if you are curious.

hey, on an unrelated note, that death quest still not registering. even if err accidentally ingest bad things.

I would make such a horrible chemist.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
note to self. don't ingest the T2 mycotoxin. Even if you are curious.
But ingesting stuff is how you figure out what it does, just make sure you've got a few hearts and no mobs can get to you and you'll be fine. Anyway I haven't found a more pure form yet (maybe carrots?) but Brown Mushrooms give psychogoblin or whatever it's called, it gives night vision and nausea which is kinda useful.

A more general tip though is abuse NEI, it tells you all the recipes, in addition get a chemists journal as it's really useful, it's the only of doing the recipes that require more than a stack in one slot as well. The two other little tips are to use it for ores, it triples them, and that to get tungsten you need to decompose netherrack. That's the only way to get tungsten, this is important as you need tungsten for tungsten plating for the fusion/fission reactors, they are the true secret of MineChem. A fusion reactor allows you to combine atoms into single ones with a higher number, it requires a nether star to power it though and you have to earn the first one yourself, after that you can make them by using the fusion reactor and the synthesis machine, a cheap way of doing it is 48 sugar cane per nether star (2H->He,14O->Cn), you get a bunch of carbon and oxygen left over as well.

But yeah, once you get your hands on a working fusion reactor you instantly hit post scarcity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
But ingesting stuff is how you figure out what it does, just make sure you've got a few hearts and no mobs can get to you and you'll be fine. Anyway I haven't found a more pure form yet (maybe carrots?) but Brown Mushrooms give psychogoblin or whatever it's called, it gives night vision and nausea which is kinda useful.

A more general tip though is abuse NEI, it tells you all the recipes, in addition get a chemists journal as it's really useful, it's the only of doing the recipes that require more than a stack in one slot as well. The two other little tips are to use it for ores, it triples them, and that to get tungsten you need to decompose netherrack. That's the only way to get tungsten, this is important as you need tungsten for tungsten plating for the fusion/fission reactors, they are the true secret of MineChem. A fusion reactor allows you to combine atoms into single ones with a higher number, it requires a nether star to power it though and you have to earn the first one yourself, after that you can make them by using the fusion reactor and the synthesis machine, a cheap way of doing it is 48 sugar cane per nether star (2H->He,14O->Cn), you get a bunch of carbon and oxygen left over as well.

But yeah, once you get your hands on a working fusion reactor you instantly hit post scarcity.
I was just going to post this that I think that's what I need to do. I made a sword with all those poisons + thc that you need to make for that one quest and the first monster I saw in dungeon was a mirage enderman. hit it, and I watched him stop in his track, hp go down, then back up, down, up and finally died and I was like wtf? everything else seems to light on fire. I was like wtf kind of sword did I just make? :} I swear one spider, after hitting him, said "FEED ME TWINKIES" so I know the thc is working. :)

So, I was thinking, self, you need to test each one of these out on yourself self. Was going to ask if there was a good web resource or if I can look at minechem older wiki versions and same as 5? ahh wth, get me a box of twinkies. I'm trying the thc. :) So, this is why all famous chemists look like christopher lloyd. ahhhh makes sense now.

I just 90% finished the chemistry quests. Just the two repeatable quests left which I will do later. It took me a while to figure out how to get chlorine (CL?) by using lapis ore to make one chem that I can get chlorine from. I'm totally abusing NEI. I already have the journal, but curious about the multiple stack ones. How do you make it to scan it first if you need to use the journal to make it? I always make the chemical, use the microscope, then if I want, I can use journal to make more cause it fills in recipe. I assume you're talking about chemicals that will come from other chemicals. argghhh meta chemistry. my brain is committing suicide right now.

This would be evil on a server. I noticed all the bread/food recipes with all the poisons. oh man. here, have some bread, no it's ok. serious. we are not giggling maniacly, just eat the bread. serious.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
ok, one addendum. I tried all the poisons you are able to put on a blade, and most had increasing version of wither on them. Phosgene tho. It did nothing. Nothing in my potion effects. nada. Nothing set me on fire, but while they were on blade, something was lighting mobs on fire. Something was holding them dead in their tracks, unable to move, but I was slowed, but not frozen using one of them iirc. So I'll just reitterate my original question. Is there a good wiki source for minechem other than the github one which just goes over basics on how to do things but isn't truly a resource? I was able to using all this good chemistry stuff, get to bottom of dungeon. woot! yay drugs! I have loot bags for years now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the ones you need the journal for I was referring to things like ore blocks, they require 144 of the chemical to make in one slot but are much more energy efficient than making ingots. It won't let you input a value over 64 in one slot manually.

I take you haven't tried turning a polytool into a weapon yet though? Because some of the stuff like AoE wither is pretty hefty in combat, plus it has the distinct advantage of being able to see every potential effect and what causes it just my searching polytool in NEI.

Leaving poisoned food around on a server would be pretty nasty, particularly if you put multiple effects on it (that's possible right?)

There's no good wiki for minechem unfortunately, but outside of the weak documentation on what the fusion/fission reactors do and how to get them, the NEI stuff, and the basics of the machines/journal it's only the effect list that's missing. I've looked in the code and this is what I found, as far as I can tell outside of hunger restoration and curealls everything should have the same effect with you eating it as hitting an enemy with it. Those two are player only.

Anyway the big list of chemicals and effects, I can format it better if you have any ideas but I put it in a pastebin and just use a find feature to look for them. The potion effects have been left as the names in code as I'm not entirely sure what all of them are. In addition I'm not sure what atropineHigh does. Anyway the list of molecules you can apply to weapons: water, starch, xylitol, sucrose, psilocybin, amphetamine, methamphetamine, mycotoxin, ethanol, cyanide, penicillin, testosterone, xanax, mescaline, asprin, shikimicAcid, phosgene, tetrodotoxin, fingolimod, thc, nodularin, hist, pal2, theobromine, retinol, glycine, alinine, serine, arginine, cocaine, cocainehcl, metblue, meoh, radchlor, caulerpenyne, latropine.

Some of that may be wrong though, I'm just taking it from the most up to date source after all and may be misreading parts, don't think I am though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Spend 2 a 3 hours yesterday evening on this map, after watching @Apple Juice video.
Since I do like chemistry (studied analytical chemistry and polymers ), I found myself interested for this map.

My first automation was using the daylight sensor with inverted signal for the solar generator for automatic charging of the energy cells during the night [I know basic redstone].

Still in the first 'chamber' with the dirt and metals.
Since all those materials 'must' be mined, I will be busy for sometime.

Already planted some oak tree's around in the base, to make it less 'gray'
Going to pick a place for putting my future farm and then breaking some walls for more exploring and death (unto others [I hope])


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i have a question about the quest 'golem factory'. how am i supposed to get soul sand from netherrack? the quest says i have to break it down. the only two methods of breaking it down, i can think of, are chemical decomposer and pulverizer. both dont give me the materials for soul sand. am i overlooking some thing again?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Anyway the big list of chemicals and effects, ...

Some of that may be wrong though, I'm just taking it from the most up to date source after all and may be misreading parts, don't think I am though.

Thanks so much for all the usefull information. Someone mentioned this in an earlier post but yeah, it reminds me alot of EE. I can see how people would think it's cheaty, but not like you push a button and get free resources. Look at skyblock maps and nihilo.

I for one am basically destroying the property to get resources I need. Couldn't figure out how I was supposed to get quartz in large quantity till I realized you could use the quartz slabs, etc. and pulverize them.

I finally made enough energy cells so I setup shop over at that large area. I still don't understand the setup that's near spatial controls very well. I have never used covered cables before. Never used energy cells before. Understand the energy cells get power from controller but you have to guess as to whether they are charging or not and watch the color change (probably should add a texture pack). The initial setup, I didn't understand the dark cable thing since there's a lever, and a dark cable next to it, but a covered cable and turns right to another dark cable, which, I don't see how it ever gets used since it's not close enough to lever so I feel it would be powered (or unpowered) constantly. AE1 documention is good on algo's site but for these parts (energy cells, covered cables), not so much. I got 3 nether star generators but I only have the 1 nether star. I have used this before and the power creation is huge, but TE is limited to 10K RF/t per connection and resonant energy cell limits all i/o to 10k so multiple batteries connected to nether star gen from multiple connect points is only way I've used it properly (and enderIO isn't in pack). I'm going to use heated redstone gen for this I guess. I will connect the power to ae controller, and cells to ae controller, then just dark cable the connection between the spatial io port and controller and assume that's what's needed to not drain off all the energy.

I did get a good thing from that one quest. the bag had a supernatural level gift. A fusion star that has 2000 uses that I assume is used in that fusion reactor. Now I think I need a lead jumpsuit :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Ok, one question again. I got into corrupted and yeah, the energy cell thing wasn't hard at all. Anyways, so I found my way up to that one part and found a chest and the same thing happened to me again, a bunch of chemicals in that chest decayed into something else. All I had to do was open the chest. I don't see how you're supposed to keep it from happening like that.

Oh, and yeah, I haven't played with polytool much so I guess I should. Does that help here somehow?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Ok. made fission reactor. be very scared.

So, same thing happened to me. I made a lead box and put it down, put uranium in it to keep it safe. did the quest. got palladium and vandium. Turned quest in and boom, all the reward chemicals decayed into lead. I didn't even get a chance to grab them and put them in the box. Is this intended? Am I doing something wrong? I get that you put things in the reactor with uranium and you get something half the # that it is. I really really am out of depth here :) I looked at the mod and the things you can make but nothing stood out that would keep this from happening. I'm assuming that normally, you'd get a bit more time to deal with this and put it in box, but because of HQM and sticking things in chest, they decay immediately? And that means everyone has this happen to them?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
oh, and how are you supposed to get more uranium to put in fission reactor? Or can I use the einsteinum and any other radioactive elements I have?

Is the calculation of what you get solely based on what you put in the top slot or does the 'fuel' dictate something as well?

Hey, I just realized, I qualify to be a nuclear scientist. whoo yah.... *drinks some green goo*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure you can only put Uranium into the fission reactor, the output is always two elements that have half the atomic number of the input, it's rounded down for odd numbered inputs.

As far as I know the only ways to get more Uranium are Uranium ores and the fusion reactor, I haven't gotten to the point in ME^3 where you build them yet though so I can't comment on the instant decay other then to say it shouldn't happen. The lead chest or whatever it's called was meant to stop that but generally I just try to store the radioactive elements as items, just decompose when you need the resources.

I'd suggest destroying the fission reactor and going for a fusion, once you get one the nether stars to power it are pretty easy to acquire a lot of as I said. Just make sure to do it first as it requires a couple of hundred uses, it will also make tungsten much easier to acquire so you can rebuild the fission reactor fairly quickly. Plus it lets you do something with all that spare oxygen and stuff you've got lying around from decomposing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Xavion, thanks for info. I haven't seen any more uranium in my mining, that's why I asked. I'll continue looking. as far as the instant decay, I think it's a metadata issue dealing with how the map was setup and not normal (which makes the rewards and things sitting in chests absolutely useless). I disassembled some emerald ore and got some einsteinium or maybe it was the soul sand or netherrack (yargh I don't remember). It didn't decay immediately. I assume that # that says 12 hours or 24 hours is how long you have till it decays. I made some lead boxes and put them all in there but I have to keep watch on the output chest from decomposer chamber to ensure nothing radioactive gets in there. I did the cobblegen -> decomposer and I'm getting oodles of stuff. I'm swimming in atoms.... drowning in molecules... errr yah.

I just got a quest to get the fusion reactor blueprint, so I'm doing that next which leads me to why I'm here.

I've now got two large spatial setups. One I used for corrupted, and the other you start with. Which one is this new level for? If I try to use it in the wrong one, will it get corrupted (as in destroy all my work) or ??? I think this should be pointed out and clarified in the HQM book. I've not had any issues thus far but I'm very wary of going either way with this for fear of corrupting it. guess I'll back up my save and try the big one first.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
cobblegen to decomposer is inefficient, add an intermediate step of pulverizing cobble to get sand then decompose that. Provides enough resources for 16 cobble or dirt or whatever else you want. I think netherrack is 16 for 1 sand and 1 iron, can't remember the exact recipe though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
cobblegen to decomposer is inefficient, add an intermediate step of pulverizing cobble to get sand then decompose that. Provides enough resources for 16 cobble or dirt or whatever else you want. I think netherrack is 16 for 1 sand and 1 iron, can't remember the exact recipe though.
then NEI lies. I looked at that and noticed that sand only gives silicon dioxide and as I type this I realize that probably means you can can better stuff from it. but the cobble gives bonus resources, like I have a bunch of lead and nickel and other various things. the cobblegen is free. using extra utils one, not TE. not worried. :)

I understand the polytool but not really. I was going to add helium thinking maybe I could fly (when you see that dungeon, you'll understand why). it took a full stack of helium (meant to right click I think) and I have an atom spinning around but only can look at that. can't remove the helium or anything. I guess I'll have to play around with it more. What is real funny tho is I have a comletely enchanted tartarite pickaxe and I didn't put any chems on it yet. but that polytool was able to go through obsidian reinforced glass like nobody's business but not pick obsidian itself (well, sat there for 10 seconds while spiders crawled all over). didn't break it. but it took down that glass like 5 times faster than my pick. wierd multitool. I'll play with it more.

Thanks for all your help tho. This pack is pretty cool. I think he did very cool designs and it must have taken him A LONG time to do it all. I still haven't found all the trophies yet but I'm getting there. I don't think I'll finish tho. Even with gendustry, I hate bees. fully loathe them and the forestry tree thing too. I've done it for agskies, etc... but yeah, it's a burnout for me and I start snoozing. This tho, this was fun. I was thinking for a lark it would be funny to see what happens if I put cocaine on my sword. hehe as if I need faster spiders.

Off to make fusion reactor.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
then NEI lies. I looked at that and noticed that sand only gives silicon dioxide and as I type this I realize that probably means you can can better stuff from it. but the cobble gives bonus resources, like I have a bunch of lead and nickel and other various things. the cobblegen is free. using extra utils one, not TE. not worried. :)
What sand gives is 16 Silicon Dioxide, which breaks into 16 silicon and 32 oxygen. however when you synthesise things most basic recipes such as cobble, dirt, grass and netherrack require Silicon and 2 Oxygen with occasional slight additions like an iron for netherrack or a cellulose for grass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
What sand gives is 16 Silicon Dioxide, which breaks into 16 silicon and 32 oxygen. however when you synthesise things most basic recipes such as cobble, dirt, grass and netherrack require Silicon and 2 Oxygen with occasional slight additions like an iron for netherrack or a cellulose for grass.
yeah, I like how this is a good analog comparison for the sieve and nihilo. hehe stuff from nothing, sorta. I will look into that. Make some pulvs and put it next to my setup.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
well, that was fun. I painstakingly put together row by row each piece of the fusion reactor. last row I presume, while walking backwards, I bumped (not the first time) the projector, no issues, just a block, but as I put last piece down, projector vanished. no GUI when I right click and only option was to see outline (hitbox) of projector and I had to pick it. no fusion blueprint. ack. I'm assuming a gui would form if I right clicked like fission.

I'll NEI myself a blueprint, destroy all these blocks and start over again I guess. Just FYI.