[1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

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well my knowledge is 0. i dont know about anything just buy minecraft yesterday. soo where do i start to get play with it?
You bought Minecraft yesterday. I can say that you really should play some vanilla minecraft before you get into the modded stuff, test your knowledge on how many crafting recipes you know. Modded minecraft gets convoluted fast, so just make sure you're ready for it.
trying to play but it doesnt seem to be under the 3rd party tab in the FTB Launcher? i cant find it under the curse launcher ether.
How do I get the pack code?
I already stated what the Pack Code was in my post

The code is: ME3

Some side notes:

* Make a couple of higher tier ME Storage disks for Cobblestone and Elements that have higher Atomic Energy Numbers for the Victory Monument

* The Nether contains tons of Vyroxeres, more than any other ore, a Vyroxeres sword has the Looting effect so you can get more drops from mobs. You should at least come out of it with maybe 60-70 blocks of Vyroxeres Ingots (Yes, Ingots) after pulverizing them.

* For the Energized Glowstone Drum, use the Mycellium you get from a storage Disk found in the Chamber in the Biosphere to make a Mushroom farm (Mushrooms can grow on Mycellium at any light level, using bonemeal on it will make it grow and make plenty when you break it apart) and break down Brown Mushrooms for Psylocibin for the Phosphate. You can also make Fingolimod which will make 16 Mycellium from 1 Fingolimod

* For Destabilized Redstone Drum or if you just want more redstone in general; Go into the Hell Spatial Disk and take the blocks with Skulls, they are chiseled Redstone Blocks.

* If you get a Blue Mahoe; grow them and get more saplings using an Industrial Grafter. They make the highest amount of Biomass possible, this makes clearing the drums victory monument quest much quicker unless you use the Farm Blocks you can find in the Inclusion Chamber to start making an automated Tree Farm. Ethanol requires Biomass in a Still, Biomass produces little Ethanol, so mass harvesting Blue Mahoe makes this all the easier. Using the White Willow saplings you find from the tree in the Construction Area also produces a significant amount, not as much as the Blue Mahoe, but can help out just as well.

* Try and kill a couple of Withers in the Nether Artifact (Yes, there are multiple of them; and is practically suicide in most cases to even bother challenging multiple Withers at once), you can get Nether Stars to help speed you along without having to use the Wither Skeleton Skulls, if you have a Chemically Laced Sword, it may provide some extra oomph to off them. Be sure to have Aspirin or Penicillin to give yourself Regeneration II along with Fire Resistance Potions (Using the Already laced Adamantium Sword you can find in the large building near the facility at bedrock level may save you time as attacking enemies with it will apply the buff anyway.) This also means more Division Sigils for more uses.

** When you enter the Artifact, head to the closest wall and dig into it ASAP the walls are very thick due to the Wither's effect of literally consuming and destroying blocks, this also keeps the blazes at bay, make a small passageway around through the middle of the walls to navigate the chamber to destroy the Blaze Spawners to make it somewhat more manageable.

* If you want more Wither Skeleton Skulls either for Generators or any other reason, Applying Beryllium to the Polytool should make it easier as it gives the Beheading effect, there is a nether fortress in the nether near where the initial portal appears. It is also a good place to get blaze powder amongst other things.

* Regarding the Unstable Ingot tools; Make Semi-Stable Nuggets (Very lengthy process as it requires a lot of diamonds (9 for 1 Ingot) which need to be synthesized and it requires a substantial amount of power to do so, but if you feel you are too slow in crafting, it is an alternative, you can also find a chest with 2 of them near the exterior base of the other ME Chamber.)

* There should be a hidden pocket of ores in the Miner's Delight Disk, if you are in need of Astral Silver early game, it should be there. Make LE TNT as it will destroy everything but ores (Has a High blast radius, so stand clear or use redstone to detonate it.)

* When trying to make either helpful medications or harmful drugs for the repeatable quest, choose the harmful drug route unless you have access to mass produce the Element Sulfur for Penicillin. Breaking down Nether Wart can give you Cocaine Hydrochloride which can be broken down into Cocaine, making one part of that quest easier.

* The Builder's Wand and Destruction Pickaxe are your bread and butter in the Deep Dark, make a large shaft (3x3 or 5x5) from the entry point to the ground, have some elevators as a way to get up or down levels, a Water bucket can act as the initial way to get up or down and can also douse you from being set on fire. The Destruction Pickaxe can clear the stone when you get underground in the Deep Dark. There should be a large cobblestone Stalagmite which can provide cover when you first arrive
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I understand Parcel doesn't check this any more, which is sad, but does anyone know how to properly set up a server for this modpack? He doesn't give a very good explanation.
I think that when you open FTB Launcher and you select the modpack (do not launch it!) you have download server or something like this, and it downloads (i believe) the server files
I think that when you open FTB Launcher and you select the modpack (do not launch it!) you have download server or something like this, and it downloads (i believe) the server files

You download the modpack. You check the forge version and download the forge installer. You install the server. You copy the template folder from the instance into a world folder. Copy over all mods, scripts, configs. Remove all client side mods, run the server.
I'd liked to say that helped, but it kinda confused me more, is there a proper video on this?
I think that when you open FTB Launcher and you select the modpack (do not launch it!) you have download server or something like this, and it downloads (i believe) the server files

I don't think it's available on FTB any longer.
Let's Play, by SilverContrial

Map Trailer


200+ quests
and more loot than you can possibly imagine!

MineChem Spoilers, Effects of all compounds from the source code:

Server download :

Unzip the files and run launchserver.bat

RULES: There are none, break all the blocks you want and explore into any area. If you decide to play on peaceful there won't be much of a point to play the map though since the main challenge is to overcome numerous and hostile mobs.

Regular Download: Go to the FTB Launcher and then the third party pack tab.

Beta Download - Same as FTB Version. This is a raw minecraft directory in a zip folder. You must use MultiMc to play it.

UPDATING: Use updates at your own risk, always backup your save. Since some of the dungeons have been updated, it is possible to get the most current version of them in the your save by going into your save file and deleting dimension 2+, and replacing those with the dimensions 2+ from the new template folder in the minecraft directory.

v1.4.5 change log
  • Changed deep dark dimension to 100
  • Fantasy metals will now spawn in the deep dark
  • Fixed coin quest
v1.4.4 change log

  • Added Bibliocraft
  • Changed how reward bags are weighted, expect better rewards
  • Added an armory room to the main base
  • Added hidden temples in two spatial areas
  • Added roughly 25 quests
  • Fixed a spawner in the spatial area "Dungeon"
  • Fixed some quest bugs
  • Made the nether "accessible"
  • Changed spawning in Nether, Deep Dark, and The End
  • Re-arranged all the quest to be closer together

If you do test my modpack, please post on this thread for any bugs, typos, problems, balancing issues, and constrictive criticism.

Make sure you are using the current version before posting issues with the pack.

  • Wailia
  • Zan's Minimap
  • Applied Energistics
  • Chisel
  • Extra Utilities
  • Hardcore Questing Mode
  • Metallurgy
  • Minechem
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Forestry
  • Open Blocks
  • Carpenter's Blocks
  • Creeper Collateral
  • MSC1
  • Universal Electricity
  • Gendustry
  • Special Mobs
  • Lockdown
  • Mob Properties
  • Utility Mobs
  • Waila Harvestability
  • Holo Inventory
  • BiblioCraft

Twitter: https://twitter.com/parcel31u For all things ME^3/ME^4 related, development and streams on twitch of this pack


  • Where do I get the map? Just create a new world and it will automatically generate.
  • I can't find x item for y quest Try reading the quest book
  • My game crashed Liquid XP in liquiducts doesn't work so well, as well as trying to automate a fission or fusion reactor.
  • Quest won't complete with required items Use /hqm edit to cheat in an OP quest book. From there you can shift click on the glowing quest icons to complete them.


I don't know how or why, but the Corrupted cell is broken for me, even when I have the energy needed... Any advice?
I am way too tired to look through all 66 pages (looking through the first 35 fried my brain, and took over an hour) to see if there was a solution to my problem. So, I will state it here and now. When I am below y-level ~45 and I activate night vision through various ways (chemicals, potions, /effect), everything turns black and white. The purest and darkest black, and the brightest white. If I already have night vision effect and I go below y-level ~45, it stays normal for a small amount of time but then turns all black and white. The modpack is nearly unplayable if it happens, and I find myself wanting not to place torches everywhere when there is no need to if no mobs spawn. (outside on the bedrock ground, that is.)

Is there a solution to the black and white? If not, then I guess I will have to place torches everywhere.
I'm confused. i cannot find the pack in the launcher. why is this?
figured id throw this in to show you what i mean


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