Go to edit profile, at the very bottom change that to this
ermSize=256m-XX:MaxPermSize=512m (Thats how mine is working)[DOUBLEPOST=1384938536][/DOUBLEPOST]-XX: PermSize=256m-XX:MaxPermSize=512m
^no space*

^no space*
Go to edit profile, at the very bottom change that to this
-XXermSize=256m-XX:MaxPermSize=512m (Thats how mine is working)[DOUBLEPOST=1384938536][/DOUBLEPOST]-XX: PermSize=256m-XX:MaxPermSize=512m
^no space*
sadly im getting the "failed login: bad login"
welcome to #minecrafthelp. 1.6.4 clients are currently getting Failed: Bad Login error when trying to log into 1.6.4 multiplayer servers. Please wait patiently as Mojang fixes the issue.