[1.6.4] HappyDiggers AMP - Updated - Now with 98% more Awesome!

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We're on 2.7.4 now actually. So far it seems to be running well and if there aren't any more unexpected problems this version will be submitted to the FTB mod pack team on Thursday :)[DOUBLEPOST=1414142662,1413922714][/DOUBLEPOST]AMP 2.7.4 has been submitted to the FTB mod pack team.[DOUBLEPOST=1414395313][/DOUBLEPOST]HappyDiggers AMP has been updated to v2.7.4 with the following changelog:

-Disabled all GT recipe's for getting iridium from osmium, since osmium is not rare with Mekanism
-Updated DragonAPI to v25z
-Updated EnderForest to v25z
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated ReactorCraft to v25z
-Updated RotaryCraft to v25z
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.294
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated QuarryPlus to 2.0-RC4 Please replace the QuarryPlus blocks in your world after this update.

-Updated BigReactors to 0.3.4A2
-Updated DragonAPI to v25g
-Updated EnderForest to v25
-Updated ExtraCells to 1.6.9e
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated HarvestCraftWaila to 1.0.4
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.293
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.9-snapshot-417
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.5.1-snapshot-214
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons 0.1.5-snapshot-119
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.4.1-snapshot-139
-Updated ReactorCraft to v25g
-Updated roguelike dungeons to v1.3.3a
-Updated RotaryCraft to v25g
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hmm i see this right, that with the quarryplus update the enchantment mover was removed?
have no recipe for it and the block from /give or creative mode have no function anymore and no recipe for any other block..

Edit: after checking quarryplus forum, i decide to use the quarryplus version of the 2.7.2 packversion.

and i have another strange bug/whatever..
my applied energistics network disabled themself everytime when i add or remove a cable/bus/interface and i must reset it.. and randomly it disables without anything, very annoying with quarries and auto-processes. the bug begun after using more than ~250eu/t. is it normal?

(~1k cables, ~300 import/export buses, ~120interfaces, 6 quantum chambers, 15 wireless, use 350eu/t power from an mfsu) or are the problems the cables and the enderio cables would be better...
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You found a bug! Thanks for reporting :)

We didn't notice the enchant mover not being able to actually do anything. You can place it, but you can't use it to move enchantments right now.

The reason we moved to this version of QuarryPlus is that this is the original mod by the original author yogpstop. He went on brake a while ago and someone else made a fork of QuarryPlus which is the version you see in AMP 2.7.2. Now that yogpstop is back we prefer to have his version of the mod included. A newer version of QuarryPlus has been released: https://ssl.yogpc.com/mjar:QuarryPlus:1.6.4:2.0-RC5 I don't have time right now, but feel free to try that version and let us know if that improves things. Alternatively others can do what you've already done and revert back to the version of QuarryPlus that was included in AMP 2.7.2.

As for the Applied Energistics issue you reported. We don't see those issues on our server. Our system uses around 550 EU/t. Here are a few screenshots of it:
Our ME controller:

Grinder setup is being fed with granite blocks:

Granite blocks being taken from our ME:


The issue you reported about the ME system getting stuck and needing a reset do happen when you use the slightly newer build of Applied Energistics rv14-finale3. For this reason we decided to downgrade to rv13 in AMP 2.1.2. Downside to this is that Extra Cells fluid access terminals and displays no longer work reliably. But the rest of the ME network, at least on our builds, does work as intended which to us seemed more important then the use of the Extra Cells fluid access terminals and displays.
hmm yes, i use the fluid access.. because at the beginning it seems to be the easiest way for huge amounts of force/lava. but now, i think, i build the quantum tanks with tesseracts and try it out, thank you^^

(i hope the extra cells disks will be working with this version)
Extra cells disks work well. We have several 1M and 16M cells in use for bulk storage of things like cobble and dirt.
doesnt change mod versions of app-energistic or extra-cells and only remove the fluid parts from the system and replace fluid storage with quantum tanks and tesseracts for access from everywhere and now it works very well. big thank you^^
Yes the pack is very much alive. No, there aren't any updates at this time. The 1.7.10 version still needs more work, or rather, the mods need more work although it's getting close to a public release :)

The 1.6.4 branch doesn't have much in the way of updates. Although we do plan on pushing an update next week to fix the issue with QuarryPlus.
HappyDiggers AMP v2.7.5 is in the works. It'll have a few minor fixes and tweaks as well as a working QuarryPlus.

One issue we've only recently discovered is that Ender Forest, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft seem to add about 1m20s to the startup time of the pack by waiting for an update check which fails and cannot be disabled. Reika has made a fix for this but it doesn't seem to be working. I've posted this here but it seems to be ignored so far. If you guys want to shave off 1m20s from AMP's startup time, now is the time to reply to that thread. Be nice, keep it friendly and polite. Just let Reika know you are having the same issue with the V25z version of his mods and would very much appreciate a fix :)
HappyDiggers AMP v2.7.5 is in the works. It'll have a few minor fixes and tweaks as well as a working QuarryPlus.

One issue we've only recently discovered is that Ender Forest, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft seem to add about 1m20s to the startup time of the pack by waiting for an update check which fails and cannot be disabled. Reika has made a fix for this but it doesn't seem to be working. I've posted this here but it seems to be ignored so far. If you guys want to shave off 1m20s from AMP's startup time, now is the time to reply to that thread. Be nice, keep it friendly and polite. Just let Reika know you are having the same issue with the V25z version of his mods and would very much appreciate a fix :)
I just scanned reikas thread and that bug should be patched by now since v1d. From what i read 1.6.4 was 'ages' ago and it's seriously outdated.

As for 1.7.10. Tropicraft right now is a big unknown. Looks like mod author doesn't have a time needed to finish it, so i wouldn't wait for it to finish before 1.8 forge :D
I know that Reika doesn't update the 1.6.4 versions of his mods any longer. That is why he released the URL fix. There was a naming mistake where it had 1.7.10 in it's filename, but it's for 1.6.4 nevertheless. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working.

Anyway, I'm not asking people to do anything difficult. Just push some buttons on that keyboard and politely mention you have the same issue. If enough people respond maybe he'll consider fixing the fix :)

As for Tropicraft. Yeah, that's a bit of an unknown at the moment. They've indicated that early 2015 they devs will come together to discuss it's future. Maybe they'll finish updating to 1.7.10, maybe they won't. Maybe they'll make the mod opensource so someone else can take over.

If we decide to put Tropicraft in the 1.7.10 version of AMP it'll mean that people will have to generate new chunks before they can use it. So it'll be a new world or a move away from your current location kind of deal.
If we decide to put Tropicraft in the 1.7.10 version of AMP it'll mean that people will have to generate new chunks before they can use it. So it'll be a new world or a move away from your current location kind of deal.
It just hit me now: does it mean that you decided that for now, tropicraft will be absent from pack?
We are currently moving forward without Tropicraft, GregTech and Reika's mods. These mods have been replaced by something else. What exactly I'll keep a surprise for now. The new AMP for Minecraft 1.7.10 will bring many changes. Right now we are very happy with the new direction we're taking.

Startup time for the current dev version of the AMP pack has been reduced to about 1m30s which is really nice. And we're slowly getting a handle on the broken chunk generation and poor performance in general of Minecraft 1.7.10. It's truly remarkable that the modding community has put up with the shoddy work Mojang has delivered.

We don't have an ETA yet. But we are going to start server play testing this week. When we do release AMP to the public, it will be a work in progress as always :)
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I'm considering releasing the pack without an end-game mod like GregTech. Everything else is pretty much ready, it's just that the mods that add the really expensive stuff aren't ready (or wanted) at this time and it might be a few months until they are.
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Play testing is going well. We are still finding some issues we'd rather not release to the public. But overall the pack is shaping up nicely. I've begun recording videos of it while playing on the HappyDiggers FTB server. This is the first in the new series and it features Flaxbeard's Steam Power mod which is really good :)

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I had a lot of fun with the 1.6.4 version and looking forward to the 1.7.10 version. Thank you @InsaneJ and the rest of your team for all your hard work, past, present and future. :)