The version 1.0.6 is around the corner ! More mods, more quests, more rewards ! Translocators, TreeCapitator, Nether Ores, InGameInfo, Waila Harvestability, Magical Crops, Ender Storage, Wireless Redstone, Equivalent Exchange 3 and Dubstep modified discs !
This light pack is designed for the adventurers, the new players, those who want to discover the magic of Feed The Beast.
Ever wanted to create titanic industries from a piece of wood and an hopper ?
Ever wanted to know how you can craft a Walrus, what is a Quarry for, what are all these Redstone thingies ? This pack is for you !
Follow the Quest Book through a beautiful world, full of new ores and monsters !
Time for you to discover all these mods !
Today, it's your turn !
Update Logs
It's around the corner, can't you see it ?
- Added Galacticraft & Galacticraft Planets
- Added Mekanism & Mekanism Generators & Mekanism Tools
- Added Additional Buildcraft Object
- Added ComputerCraft
- Added Ender IO
- Added Factorization
- Added Damage Indicators
- Added BiblioCraft
- Added BibloWood Forestry & BiblioWood Biomes O'Plenty
- Added Railcraft
- Added ProjectRed Lightning & Exploration & Compatibility & Transmission & Integration
- Added Twilight Forest
- Added Extra Cells [Can you see the Walrus ?]
- Removed RotaryCraft [That's sad, but I had huge crashed issues... ]
- Added Botania
- Added Blood Magic
- Added Witchery
- Added Chisel 1 & AutoLib
- Added Carpenter's Blocks
- Changed the Banner
- Added RotaryCraft
- Removed Fancy Fences
Mod List
Additional BuildCraft Object - Flow86
Applied Energistics 1 - AlorgithmX2
Ars Magica 2 - Mithion
AutoLib - AutomaticMaiden
BiblioCraft - Nuchaz
BiblioWood Forestry - Nuchaz
BilbioWood Biomes O'Plenty - Nuchaz
Big Reactors - Erogenous Beef
Biomes O'Plenty - TDWP_FTW & Adubbz
Blood Magic - WayOfTime
Buildcraft - SpaceToad & Others
Botania - Vazkii
Carpenters' Blocks - Mineshopper
ChickenChunks - ChickenBones
Chisel 1 - Automatic_Maiden
CodeChickenCore - ChickenBones
CoFH Core - Team CoFH
ComputerCraft - Dan200
Damage Indicators - Rich1051414
EnderIO - CrazyPants
Evoc - Prof Mobius
ExtraCells - Leonelf
Extra Utilities - RWTema
Factorization - Neptunepink
FinndusFillies - Myrathi
Forestry - SirSengir
Hardcore Questing Mod - Lorddusk & Newcastlegeek & Vswe
Industrial Craft 2 Experimantal - IC2 Dev Team
InfiniBows - Myrathi
Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
JABBA - Prof Mobius
Jouney Map - Techbrew
Mariculture - Joshie
Mekanism - Aidancbrady
Mekanism Generators - Aidancbrady
Mekanism Tools - Aidancbrady
Minefactory Reloaded - Powercrystals & Skyboy
MobiusCore - Prof Mobius
Not Enought Items [NEI] - ChickenBones
NEI Plugins - Mistakur
NEI Addons - Bdew
Obsidiplates - Myrathi
OpenModLib - Mykee
OpenBlocks - Mykee
Opis - Prof Mobius
PowerCrystalsCore - Powercrystals & Skyboy
Project Red Base - MrTJP & ChickenBones
Projet Red Lightning - MrTJP & ChickenBones
Project red Transmission - MrTJP & ChickenBones
Project Red Exploration - MrTJP & ChickenBones
Project Red Compatibility - MrTJP & ChickenBones
Project Red Integration - MrTJP & ChickenBones
RailCraft - CovertJaguar
Redstone Arsenal - Team CoFH
Simply Jetpacks - Tonius
Tinker's Construct - MDiyo
Thermal Expansion - Team CoFH
Twilight Forest - Benimatic
Waila - Prof Mobius
Witchery - Emoniph
Licenses Links
Railcraft : Click Here
Dubstep & Electro Music Discs Credits
- Windwaker by Mord Fustang
Quest Chapter List
- Chapter 1 : First Steps. You're first ore processing and machines !
- Chapter 2 :
- Chapter 3 :
- Chapter 4 : Fishes & Anvils ! This one is about Mariculture !
- Chapter 5 : Trees & Bees ! This one is about Forestry & Addons !
- Chapter 6 :
- Chapter 7 :
- Chapter 8 :
- Chapter 9 :
- Chapter 10 : Reactors And Stuff ! This one is about Big Reactors.
- Chapter 11 : Orcs And Speed ! This one is about RotaryCraft !
- Chapter 12 : Spells And Spoons ! This one is about Ars Magica 2 !
- Chapter 13 : Opening A Flower Shop ! This one is about Botania !
- Chapter 14 : Achievements ! You need some rewards for this ...
Terms Of Uses
The following rules are in regard of the rules the copyright of some mods.
You can not make any money from this pack, by redirecting his URL via Adfly or anything like this.
[Note From The Author]
I know you're thinking, why the hell am I making a pack for 1.6 ?!
Yes, 1.7 is great, almost every main mods have been updated, and 1.8 is already pointing here and there...
I choosed 1.6 for multiple reasons. The first one is certainly the fact that 1.6 makes your game serveral times smoother than in 1.7. I don't why, but for most of the players, that's a fact !
Second reason is that 1.7 is way less stable, in term of Minecraft in general, than 1.6.Again, I don't know why, probably Mojang who messed some part of the codes, but that's a fact.
Last but not least, I wanted to make a "light" pack. I know, the mod list isn't the smallest you can see, and besides FTB Lite 3, it's a skycrapper...
Actually, when I say "light", I mean that most of the 1.7 packs needs Java 1.7 and about 2 or 3 GB of Ram, when in the same time in 1.6 you can launch twice the amount of mods while reducing your RAM to 1 or 2GB.
Yes, I can launch FTB Monster with 2GB and a poor Java 6 32bit, but when I try to launch a smaller 1.7 packs with 4GB of RAM and Java 6 64bit, it crashes directly...
I hope you'll like the idea of this pack !
Remember, this modpack is in early stage... You can try to play it know, but you'll have only few quests !
Thanks for reading,
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