i started a game again and this time i made the easy route option, the option to clone yourself early saves the day and you still need to be careful. anyway one of the things that i have noticed is that pneumaticraft plants are a pain for everybody and you need the plants to make those circuits, so i tried to make a cheap an easy to made machine to do the work for me, and i have to say that it works very well. two images are enough to show the machine:
the front
and the back.
and thats it, the repeaters on the top are set to 2 ticks and the pistons are of the sticky variant. the dispensers need to be filled with bonemeal and this machine has 2 chambers for 2 different plants, if you want to grow squid plants or something like that you just change the dirt to the block you need and you are set.
basically when you flip the lever the clock starts and the two dispensers activate, the plant grows and almost at the same moment the pistons go down and the plant drops as seeds. one of the seeds will quickly replants itself and then everything goes again. of course you can set a way to gather the seeds using the space on the sides. and fill the dispensers from the bottom automatically if you want, but this is only the base for the farm, 7 of these and you have all the pneumaticraft covered.

the front

and the back.
and thats it, the repeaters on the top are set to 2 ticks and the pistons are of the sticky variant. the dispensers need to be filled with bonemeal and this machine has 2 chambers for 2 different plants, if you want to grow squid plants or something like that you just change the dirt to the block you need and you are set.
basically when you flip the lever the clock starts and the two dispensers activate, the plant grows and almost at the same moment the pistons go down and the plant drops as seeds. one of the seeds will quickly replants itself and then everything goes again. of course you can set a way to gather the seeds using the space on the sides. and fill the dispensers from the bottom automatically if you want, but this is only the base for the farm, 7 of these and you have all the pneumaticraft covered.