why not have both? *obligatory girl pic wth that meme is*
I have a trench which I expanded to 3 wide, and later put conveyers all around the area dropping them off at one spot where I have one grinder and it gave me all the essence/gunpowder I could hope for. expanded out, made a dedicated cursed earth 4xgrinder internally 26x26 room that handles the 24x7 death and destruction and gets me more essence / gunpowder, and between the two, I have more than enough to fill my dynamos 20 fold.
Usually I ended up making about 4-5 small grinder rooms (plain dark rooms, upgraded to cursed earth when I could), but now I don't need that.
Do all the TE dynamos stop accepting essence/gunpowder when their power storage is full? I've been manually stopping the supply of essence and let my row of energy cells get to half then kick it back on cause I didn't want to waste essence, but I've got so much now I guess I'll see for myself...