[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lol, I love the suprises you get from the weather..... middle of the day,
I really like this idea. Could be be a few places you learn about in quests that you have to decide if its worth making the dangerous journey to. Maybe a distress beacon and stuff along those lines.

I tend to head off into the wastes within the first week anyways.... Those leaking engines would not be pleasant to live next to. Nor would I want to be growing crops in areas so likely to be contaminated. As soon as the basic water needs are addressed I tend to start my farming at least 150 meters away. That said 1.5 K is a long way to walk at that stage of the game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will that mean I can't do creative?

You have to go into creative by using the NEI.
Hit E to got to the NEI menu.
Change Global to world. Upper right corner.
Go to inventory.
Left click the W next to recipe mode and utilities.
Change Recipe mode to utility or cheat mode.
Then right click on the C+ and A in Gamemodes. Cause those modes are a pain in the AZZ and confusing.
Then go Back Back. Hit C and you'r in creative mode.

A few other notes. Being in creative mode will not stop you from dehydrating or getting to hot. :(
So you might want to set it so that it is always night.
You can do this by right clicking on the times you don't want.
The rising sun, sun, and rising moon symbols.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
This seems like it should work, unfortunately the growth rate and survival chance of dropped cactus blocks in a vanilla automated setup make this take way too long. Also, if you are mass-sieving sand before you set up a cobblegen, you're doing it wrong.

That said, I still think it's a viable alternative once a large-scale farm has been established. Double piston extenders could increase drop survival chance, but that's a lot of resources you could and probably should spend on more effective methods.

All that said, does the watering can work on cacti? That could make the setup less painfully slow.

Edited: failed to fix one phone typo, it seems.

The emphasis was to Start working it, like anything else, with goal to add a third renewable source for water. Yes, once you have harvester/planter feeding crucibles, it's endless water time but that might take time based on your playstyle. To me, the beginning is a rush to get yourself prepped for a very slow midgame and I put off PC for a long time to get infrastructure ready. Also, there is no 'doing it wrong' if it works. Again, I'm trying to setup things that will be usefull for me now and sifting sand, etc... if you have a ton of stones to make cobble is feasible with the reward of the AA in that one quest and an infinite supply of dust. Think outside the box.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to go into creative by using the NEI.
Hit E to got to the NEI menu.
Change Global to world. Upper right corner.
Go to inventory.
Left click the W next to recipe mode and utilities.
Change Recipe mode to utility or cheat mode.
Then right click on the C+ and A in Gamemodes. Cause those modes are a pain in the AZZ and confusing.
Then go Back Back. Hit C and you'r in creative mode.

A few other notes. Being in creative mode will not stop you from dehydrating or getting to hot. :(
So you might want to set it so that it is always night.
You can do this by right clicking on the times you don't want.
The rising sun, sun, and rising moon symbols.

Doesn't that kind of wreck this pack?? I'll admit to switching over to cheat in a QDS for the new map, but this map/pack is meant to be a bit of a challenge.......


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
on a wacky side note, and playing CL in 90+ degree weather with crappy a/c (now that's role playing!)

Is it so wrong that I want to go swimming in my neopolitan ish deep tank with some squid buddies? It just looks so soothing in it's crayon box meltedness when I've got alot of backlog from the high oven... :rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Doesn't that kind of wreck this pack?? I'll admit to switching over to cheat in a QDS for the new map, but this map/pack is meant to be a bit of a challenge.......

It's for making test worlds. It's kind of important as not everybody knows all about all the mods in this pack. Or the changes to the configs.
And in a pack like this you can't really afford to spend time experimenting. Cause that will give you a instant game over.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, my mob trap is collecting a ton of creeper seeds with meta ID of 18 instead of 2. more 18 than 2 actually. I've got so many tho I haven't tried to see if they are usable or not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, my mob trap is collecting a ton of creeper seeds with meta ID of 18 instead of 2. more 18 than 2 actually. I've got so many tho I haven't tried to see if they are usable or not.

Pnumicraft is like that. The metadata changes depending on how it was picked up.
No, I don't know why.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just out of curiosity. is there a chance we could get narraration on the quest book and info logs? a la AG skies? i think it would help ad a bit of flourish. or possibly create a trigger that links to a youtube video that would do the same thing with a machinima video? :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there any kind of like air conditioners or something to keep indoor temperature down. Some of the earlier posts had ideas of shade mechanics. Seems odd that there isn't anyway to lower dehydration rate while your inside or in the shade.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Some thoughts:

1) person prev pages ago that said to do 16 pcbs in etching acid at once is a genius. much easier. as soon as they look like they are despawning, they are ready. and you can get 16 done in one waiting time. yay.

2) A rename of the pack and description change is probably in order. Pneumaticrash Landing. A loss in air pressure caused the ship to lose orbit no matter how many of our crew were on the manual bicycle pumps trying to get back in orbit. Even the captain was doing the wavy hands things trying to ease the pressure on the ship but to no avail. We even tried blowing real hard at the controls but nothing. We resorted to beans but it was the wrong kind of air pressure and we crashed. Our air guns had no effect on the local population and we all died except for the one valued crew member who remembered to bring an actual gun that shoots needles which worked quite well against the invading hordes. Who Knew? He is our savio2r, our last ho2pe, our Air Apparent, his salvation AbsO2lute, his plan is is air-tight.

Maybe include a couple broken drones near the crash since I'm sure I'll be seeing those in a bit as they re-enact the crashing of our ship as I play with them and they land into that dust that's all around and suffocate in it.... tho that was the unstable pack the last time I played with it. Hopefully their AI is better now and not so suicidal in nature, tho I can think of at least one reason why that might be but won't say........

btw, still getting teleporting mobs (zombies are the only ones I'm seeing). and yes, they are teleporting. NEI F7 shows no yellows in immediate vicinity but when I was waiting for my acid bath, I heard a zombie and looked at minimap, nothing, then suddenly he jumped down from top of pressure chamber THEN I saw the mob radar. But, I'm like 5 blocks away from that chamber so they shouldn't spawn that close to me. That seems to be their motus operandi tho since the times that I've been "visited" they are jumping off of an object (smeltery, ship, etc..) and there are zero F7 yellow lines anywhere near there. Everything is lit. it's... (puts on sunglasses) like they are coming out of thin air.... (YEEEEEEEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) *turns and quickly walks off camera*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just out of curiosity. is there a chance we could get narraration on the quest book and info logs? a la AG skies? i think it would help ad a bit of flourish. or possibly create a trigger that links to a youtube video that would do the same thing with a machinima video? :3

That'd be awesome. Palindrome could do that computer voice like she did for her LP:
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tend to like this pack, as it's built around not needing a super fast system, I for one would rather see performance the standard rather than extraneous bells and whistles.

I for one couldn't care less about voice over, or video for the quest book.... they add little and are generally detrimental to performance. I Read far faster than either option
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
hey peps, got my new episode up. we get cobble gen and automated sieving. Check it out.

Magzie's Dust World! E:4

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
I have had some serious wierdness with PC and the upgrades. For instance:

1) You'd think that the item life upgrade wouldn't help if you put more than 1 in, yet the interface allows you to put more than 1. (minor)
2) If you futz with speed upgrades in certain things, wierd things happen. For one, I stuck 5 or so in the uv lightbox and it insta finished the pcb but then when I removed it, the gauge started going around like an analog clock (thought it was going to blow).
3) I just made 10 speed upgrades and stuck them in the charging station while it was charging a cannister and MC froze. I patiently waited and eventually got out of interface, broke the charging station and it disappeared like in creative and nothing was clickable, then MC crashed. One off, didn't corrupt world, things came back. But just a warning, it's a bit buggy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I got the pack downloaded and tried it out. Four deaths in a row, even when I take the easy option. Mobs or dehydration, usually because I overlooked something. At least I learned how to properly secure the darn shuttle before I build a security wall.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be a dumb question, but when I see lp-ers play this map they have a ton of mob drops from when they die due to the sun. But when the morning comes I barely have the amount of resources that they have. What would be the cause for this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be a dumb question, but when I see lp-ers play this map they have a ton of mob drops from when they die due to the sun. But when the morning comes I barely have the amount of resources that they have. What would be the cause for this?

Do you have zombie awareness turned on


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't enabled or disabled any of the mods, as far as I knew all the mods that were in it at launch were the only ones in it lol. What does that mod do?