Seems like you are really only able to think about what the pack currently is and not what it COULD be.
- Add Galacticraft
- Add some recipes (lets use TE to keep it simple)
- Induction Smelter: Pyrothium + Block of metal -> "Unrefined Fuel Crystals" (using any of the unused ExAliquo materials. Or heck, make the crystal a %-based byproduct)
- Magma Crucible: Fuel Crystal -> 10mB Galacticarft fuel
You would go through your ingots so fast while refining the materials into fuel, that there would actually be a reason to build a more complex infrastructure and maximize the processing and energy generation.
Iskander has created an awesome pack that is a blast to play for the first 150ish Minecraft days. But after that you run out of content very easily, adding another tech mod or two (Mekanism and Galacticraft) would add so much more things to do that it would keep it interesting for a much longer time.
Sounds like a tedious grind to me, exactly what the pack doesn't need. Go ahead and add Galacticraft. You don't need to add 5x ore processing. You don't need to add an entirely new ore processing mod alongside Galacticraft.
If you're going to add an arbitrary ingot sink to justify 5x then you should state that when claiming 5x is important, instead of after when people tell you 5x isn't needed at the point in the tech tree you get it.
Instead you never do, expecting people to read your mind. Long story short, an interesting ship building phase for endgame doesn't need Mekanism, nor does it need 5x ore processing.
And hey, I'm not against adding Mekanism to the pack. None of my justifications for it would be a need for 5x ore processing, though.

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