[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Caught up to the generikb's vids and one thing stuck out (other than obvious joke about what I was watching). A while back, there was a lively discussion about water gen early on. dirty water vs liquid transposer vs crucible. but in actuality, I think it was mostly about dirty water vs transposer. I end up doing a dual system to get dirt (for dirty water which I think now, is a bit wasteful), and strive for setting up a crucible to a drum for 'house' water, to make obsidian, soul sand, etc...

The discussion went along the lines that it costs more resources to make water from dirty water vs survival gen to liquid transposer. I agree on that front, but what about the crucible? No resources whatsoever to cook it (static 1 lava or pyro to start) and I think the liquid transposer takes 10 versus 8 for crucible to make 1 bucket iirc? I would think the crucible method would be faster and more efficient. I tend to keep things split since I'm lazy and don't want to interfere with the main production for house water.

Thinking of starting over again soon and just wondering if I'm missing something, cause I'm fairly certain the result of that discussion was that a majority of people use the fluid transposer, I just can't fathom why they would.
The crucible uses 10 leaves for 1 bucket. The thing is, it doesn't need constant refueling, and it's faster than the transposer if over pyrotheum, but it doesn't give you saplings. Honestly, I used the crucible (plus a hopper and chest) until I had an MFR tree farm running, at which point siphoning power for the transposer was no big deal. Granted, my tree farm hardly runs anymore, and only in shearing mode because I've got barrels with 100+ stacks of saplings in it, with SFM filling the planter from the barrel, and 192 stacks of leaves being fed into the transposer.

Dirty water was just way too much of a hassle once I had shears.
No mod is the problem here. Vanilla Minecraft's item render distance is a pitiful 16 blocks.[DOUBLEPOST=1410218741][/DOUBLEPOST]
No, it's 20 leaves per bucket in the crucible. Once you have an iron bucket and a cobblegen, lava becomes the go-to furnace fuel, so dirty water doesn't have any real cost of smelting.

Of course, playing with no cobblegen changes everything. It costs me a lot of wood to process dirty water. I'm hoping to get a cactus farm started soon.
it's not 20 leaves to the crucible is it? I don't do it manually, so that could be the reason I'm not cluing into that. If that's the case, then yeah, I see your point. As far as automation for furnaces using lava, you'll still need to setup some liquid transposers for that as well or do it manually, thus the dirty water isn't powerless. SFM is an alternative of course.

Also, even before you have a harvester, etc... leaves are pretty plentiful and I don't pay attention to the need of it anymore. I think changing the dirty water to burn planks might be a good alternative since you'd end up using less fuel per instance if you're only burning a couple at a time. My current setup is extremely wasteful and I'm either going to start over or redo just about everything.

Side note. After playing with EnderIO, I truly hope we can get that officially added to this pack with recipe nerfs ala Landstryder of course. Really loving it in another pack.
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i haven't setup automation for dirty water (i really should, for the sake of complete knowledge), but i can say that leaf crucible is vastly more efficient than transposer. like, it's so vastly superior that transposer might as well be tossed in the nearest lava pit to save on chest space. it's absolutely ludicrous how vast of an upgrade leap you take with this. honestly i believe it needs to be heavily nerfed, since it completely trivializes water concerns for almost no cost.
that's the thing. I do exactly that. For the last X playthroughs, I get the water to do the quest early on, they come out of that cubbyhole and into a chest never to be used again until much later (for non water uses) if at all.
Thus, that's why I'm trying to figure out why people end up using it so much. I'm cheap. something that takes zero effort, zero infrastructure (cept ducting) seems to me the best method to use. If it is 10 leaves per, that puts crucible on par with transposer cost wise, and then you deal with power. No power seems better than powered, even if you have all the power in the world. Dunno. Different mindset I guess.
it's not 20 leaves to the crucible is it? I don't do it manually, so that could be the reason I'm not cluing into that. If that's the case, then yeah, I see your point. As far as automation for furnaces using lava, you'll still need to setup some liquid transposers for that as well or do it manually, thus the dirty water isn't powerless. SFM is an alternative of course.

Also, even before you have a harvester, etc... leaves are pretty plentiful and I don't pay attention to the need of it anymore. I think changing the dirty water to burn planks might be a good alternative since you'd end up using less fuel per instance if you're only burning a couple at a time. My current setup is extremely wasteful and I'm either going to start over or redo just about everything.

Side note. After playing with EnderIO, I truly hope we can get that officially added to this pack with recipe nerfs ala Landstryder of course. Really loving it in another pack.
It's not hard to manually load the furnace with lava. Considering it lasts for a good 15 minutes or so, it's not really a hassle. You can even put the furnace as one of the slabs sealing away the pyrotheum fires, if you're too lazy to walk your lava 10 blocks. I'm that lazy!

It was 20 leaves in 1.1.1, so unless that was in the change log for 1.1.2, it's still 50 mB per leaf block. is out, also the launcher considers the update a downgrade, so be aware. just click 'yes' after launching the pack when it gives you a popup.

edit: damn, ninja'd.

Survival Test? InDev? Maybe earlier?
nope. this has been added by a mod, or it's a change that's been officially added since 1.6's horse update. i've never had these render distance issues in the past while playing with the official vanilla client.

that's the thing. I do exactly that. For the last X playthroughs, I get the water to do the quest early on, they come out of that cubbyhole and into a chest never to be used again until much later (for non water uses) if at all.
Thus, that's why I'm trying to figure out why people end up using it so much. I'm cheap. something that takes zero effort, zero infrastructure (cept ducting) seems to me the best method to use. If it is 10 leaves per, that puts crucible on par with transposer cost wise, and then you deal with power. No power seems better than powered, even if you have all the power in the world. Dunno. Different mindset I guess.
progression, specifically. getting the crucible method setup is the (afaik) final step in the water production progression.
nope. this has been added by a mod, or it's a change that's been officially added since 1.6's horse update. i've never had these render distance issues in the past while playing with the official vanilla client.
I've been playing Minecraft going on 5 years now. If there had ever been a render distance greater than 16 blocks, I sure didn't notice.

If you can place down blocks for measurement and show me a screenshot of item entities rendering at a longer distance, I'll believe you.
also for those who aren't aware of the leaf crucible method, here's a barebones example setup:
you just throw the leaves in the chest, and the hopper feeds the chest into the crucible as needed. then the netherrack fire heats the crucible at the highest non-pyrotheum speed, creating water which is taken by the fluiduct to the tanks. you then just rightclick the tanks with an empty bottle, and viola! fresh water for direct usage in camel pack.

I've been playing Minecraft going on 5 years now. If there had ever been a render distance greater than 16 blocks, I sure didn't notice. If you can place down blocks for measurement and show me a screenshot of item entities rendering at a longer distance, I'll believe you.
i literally could not care that much about this if i tried. i'm just pointing out that this wasn't an issue in vanilla.
I just use sticks to power my furnace that cooks dirty water. I get plenty of wood from my manual tree farm. Once I get my harvester tree farm going, I can fill an entire jabba barrel of sticks to power that furnace for the duration of that world. I use this setup plus the arial interface for my wireless camel pack.

As far as mass producing water, I made 16 crucibles all heated with lava and dump leaves into them with transfer pipes. Then I attached a few drums for a buffer and have the water go into soul sand production.
It's not hard to manually load the furnace with lava. Considering it lasts for a good 15 minutes or so, it's not really a hassle. You can even put the furnace as one of the slabs sealing away the pyrotheum fires, if you're too lazy to walk your lava 10 blocks. I'm that lazy!

It was 20 leaves in 1.1.1, so unless that was in the change log for 1.1.2, it's still 50 mB per leaf block.
It's 10. I just tested it myself.
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I use the transposers because I am even lazier than most. I have one suck in the leaves and transpose them while outputting the water to my second transposer. The second transposer pulls in empty bottles and fills them with the water. The full bottles are then pumped out of the transposer to a jabba barrel. If I have excess water I click the button and it empties it into drums for my soul sand.

It's a multi system that has water, dirt, and soulsand production automated. It may not be the most efficient way but until I upgrade to SFM I am happy with it.
I just use sticks to power my furnace that cooks dirty water. I get plenty of wood from my manual tree farm. Once I get my harvester tree farm going, I can fill an entire jabba barrel of sticks to power that furnace for the duration of that world. I use this setup plus the arial interface for my wireless camel pack.

As far as mass producing water, I made 16 crucibles all heated with lava and dump leaves into them with transfer pipes. Then I attached a few drums for a buffer and have the water go into soul sand production.
That's the thing. I ended up making the most inefficient system humanly possible. I like round robin mode. I don't like waiting. I setup most of my furnaces like this with like 8 furnaces in RR mode, with stack size set to like 8. I double this as my kitchen setup for bread/toast, etc... But, my problem is I have it set with charcoal or coal and that was just incredibly wasteful. It's good for big batches, but I don't cook ores here, so that was really badly optimized. hard to admit it but yeah, watching generik derp up and say he's using planks made me feel pretty low on evolutionary chain at that point. I like your sticks idea since that seems to be a good all around fit. I think that's the way I'll go.

As far as any other parameters that could be considered, my cooking area is completely free of heat sources, except furnaces and I didn't want to setup a crucible down there as well, thus, why I chose dirty water. I think new playthrough, I will try to not be more functional as well as be more careful with my designs and plan ahead more. I'm thinking a full excavation around ship is needed, allowing a large area that I can freely dig around underneath. I never plan anything ahead of time, just build it as needed and I think I have to stop doing that.
soooooo I just had a massive crash, i connected an xp shower (openblocks) too a fluiduct with liquid xp in it and it crashed and won't open the world. Has crash report if it will help has anyone had a problem and found a solution to it?


heres a thought, would deleting openblocks and re-opening CL fix it? (would have to cheat myself back some elevators, but i dont think i really use anything else from openblocks.)

I fixed it, but forewarning if anyone else tries this, it may glitch.
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The FlenixTweaks mod raises the entity render distance.

Forum thread
Download Page

Download it from the "Download Version 1.0 for Minecraft 1.6.4" link on the download page. This version doesn't seem to effect food/hunger.

I'll ask Flenix about this next time I'm on IRC. Thanks for the tip![DOUBLEPOST=1410223414][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's 10. I just tested it myself.
I agree with the other guy. Nerf bat that to the moon! XD
I've been playing Minecraft going on 5 years now. If there had ever been a render distance greater than 16 blocks, I sure didn't notice.

If you can place down blocks for measurement and show me a screenshot of item entities rendering at a longer distance, I'll believe you.
If this thread is any indication, he speaks with surprising confidence when he's flat wrong, so I think expecting him to actually test his assertions is far too much to ask :p
If this thread is any indication, he speaks with surprising confidence when he's flat wrong, so I think expecting him to actually test his assertions is far too much to ask
expecting people to know when to drop a subject is also quite a bit to ask it would seem.

also, yes, i'm fully aware i'm guilty of this as well. point still stands.
I just use sticks to power my furnace that cooks dirty water. I get plenty of wood from my manual tree farm. Once I get my harvester tree farm going, I can fill an entire jabba barrel of sticks to power that furnace for the duration of that world. I use this setup plus the arial interface for my wireless camel pack.

As far as furnaces go, I used to use sticks for batches that weren't big enough for coal, but I recently realized that planks actually make more sense... Stick (no pun in intended) with me here. It takes two sticks per item, and at two planks per 4 sticks, converting planks to sticks means each plank is worth one item. If you stick directly with the planks you get 1.5 items per, so even though my OCD side hated "wasting" that extra burn time from the plank, you actually aren't any worse off than if you'd used sticks. And if you dump 3 or more items in, you will always come out ahead.

That and even if you never burn more than one item at a time, a barrel full of planks will last twice the duration of the world... ;)