[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been playing around with the 1.1.2 beta, and I gotta say I really like the direction that this pack is heading. My main gripe with skyblock maps is that after a certain point I kinda miss the exploration aspects that are in non skyblocky packs. Being forced to search for cities and then scavenge through them for materials to progress quest wise adds aspect of desperateness to the survival situation. Which is a nice change compared to getting a auto-sieve then just advancing from there.
It would be cool if like a mod like icbm was installed, mainly just for the turrets so you can add a some defense to your base, that and maybe modular powersuits for added late game armor.
Bug wise I haven't had many issues other then the mentioned special mob lag, although I'm still playing through it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have thought up (and at some point played Minecraft and/or this pack with) a few additional challenges for those who are bored by the 'ease' of this modpack. If you are a masochist, please make use of one or more of these options to increase your suffering.
  • Nothing Is Free: You may not sift any non-dust block without first discarding an equivalent amount of dust blocks. For example, if you want to sift a stack of gravel, you must destroy a stack of dust you have collected. You also may not turn sand blocks into dust. Time to make an excavator and use it often!
  • Nothing Is Free, Ultimate Masochistic Edition: You may not make use of any form of 'cobblestone generator' whatsoever. Water and lava, water and pyrotheum, igneous extruder... your only source of cobblestone is sifting dust or dirt to get stones, then crafting them into cobblestone. Using this with the basic 'Nothing Is Free' rule is not recommended except with respect to sifting dirt. You're already sifting dust (or sifting dirt and throwing away dust) to get those stones. You don't have to pay twice!
  • Dirt Is Gross: Do not drink any water smelted from dirty water or use it in cooking. It's icky and you have more refined tastes, even in an extreme survival situation. You may still use smelted dirty water for other purposes, such as making clay or using for source blocks in your farm.
  • Connoisseur (credited to PODonnell): Do not eat 'gross' foods, this includes any product made from rotten flesh as well as cooked silkworms and raw foods (raw rice, uncooked meat/poultry/fish), as well as plain stock.
  • Dumb Aliens: Disable Zombie Awareness.
  • Insult to Injury: In the Hunger Overhaul config, change I:healthRegenRatePercentage=100 to 10, 2, or disable natural healing altogether (Ultra Hardcore). It is recommended you change the next line I:lowHealthRegenRateModifier=5 to 1 for balancing reasons. You're already being mean enough to yourself.
  • Slow Down, Bro: Add the mod Iguana Tweaks to the modpack (I recommend you disable the increased breaking time for blocks, but that's up to you). Double the speed reduction from wearing armour, change the overall terrain speed modifier to be a scale of 200%, and cut maximum carry weight in half.
  • Carry a Mountain One Rock at a Time: As above, add Iguana Tweaks and cut maximum carry weight by a minimum of 1/2. Increase the maximum stack size reduction of blocks and items by a factor of at least 2.
If anyone has more masochism suggestions, post them and I'll add them to the list with credit. :3
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll second the concern about the recipe for servo's need seared bricks. Originally requiring the seared bricks needed water and a little bit longer crafting time which is fine, it did same you on iron. Now needing to go out and find a smeltery is ok as an added challenge, just please don't make us go find a second one just to make servos. Servo's help reduce conduits from getting stuffed. I don't think servo's are all that important to try and restrict, maybe just use a normal clay brick instead? Or aluminium ingot? Just some kind of renewable resource.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll second the concern about the recipe for servo's need seared bricks. Originally requiring the seared bricks needed water and a little bit longer crafting time which is fine, it did same you on iron. Now needing to go out and find a smeltery is ok as an added challenge, just please don't make us go find a second one just to make servos. Servo's help reduce conduits from getting stuffed. I don't think servo's are all that important to try and restrict, maybe just use a normal clay brick instead? Or aluminium ingot? Just some kind of renewable resource.
Seared bricks are super easy to make once you have a smeltery. Melt cobblestone and drain into an ingot cast.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seared bricks are super easy to make once you have a smeltery. Melt cobblestone and drain into an ingot cast.

Not in the beta version of 112. The smeltery won't even accept cobble at all.
You have to find smeltery blocks in the city and melt them down. You even need them to make blocks for the high oven.

I did figure out a way, but it's supper grindy and a bit of an exploit, so just going to send how to Iskandar.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Finally checked this out on the weekend. Been meaning to since it was released.

Died twice already, both on day 3 or 4.

First time: starved

Second time: enabled mob awareness as a bit of a crutch. Life was easy for a few nights. But...apparently creepers riding spiders is a thing? Splut.

Fun stuff, thanks Iskandar.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not in the beta version of 112. The smeltery won't even accept cobble at all.
You have to find smeltery blocks in the city and melt them down. You even need them to make blocks for the high oven.

I did figure out a way, but it's supper grindy and a bit of an exploit, so just going to send how to Iskandar.
I'm going to assume the way around the seared stone issue is to melt cobble in a crucible...yeah it'll take a good long time, but remember as per the original concept of this mod pack we're supposed to find new creative ways around problems. For the time it will take to use a crucible, I don't see Iskander worrying about it.

Disregard...lets call it morning brain fog...lava. Lol.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
idk if it is a bug or intentional but when i meltdown a cracked seared bricks the smeltry tells me i have 1 block worth of seared stone but when i pour it into the ingot cast it is only able to give me 1 seared brick

so i checked NEI and surprisingly it tells me that cracked seared bricks when melted gives 144mb of seared stone and it only needs 36mb to make 1 seared brick

however to my surprise its 1 cracked seared bricks = 1 seared brick
converting this equation basically says that 144mb = 36mb that is ofcourse if NEI is really telling the correct amount of seared stone you get per block or telling the correct amount of seared stone you need to make 1 brick

some enlightenment on this might be good like did you change the amount of mb needed to make 1 seared brick or did you change the mb produced per seared bricks
NOTE: seared bricks (with an s are the blocks used for smeltry parts) while seared brick (without the s are the bricks needed for the pneumatic servo for example)

for now ill go fiddle with the smeltry in a test map going gm 1.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
idk if it is a bug or intentional but when i meltdown a cracked seared bricks the smeltry tells me i have 1 block worth of seared stone but when i pour it into the ingot cast it is only able to give me 1 seared brick

so i checked NEI and surprisingly it tells me that cracked seared bricks when melted gives 144mb of seared stone and it only needs 36mb to make 1 seared brick

however to my surprise its 1 cracked seared bricks = 1 seared brick
converting this equation basically says that 144mb = 36mb that is ofcourse if NEI is really telling the correct amount of seared stone you get per block or telling the correct amount of seared stone you need to make 1 brick

some enlightenment on this might be good like did you change the amount of mb needed to make 1 seared brick or did you change the mb produced per seared bricks
NOTE: seared bricks (with an s are the blocks used for smeltry parts) while seared brick (without the s are the bricks needed for the pneumatic servo for example)

for now ill go fiddle with the smeltry in a test map going gm 1.
Its like that on other modpacks too. I think it may just be a bug with TiCon


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Dumb question: several youtube video coverages of the pack show a bigger crashed-ship than I see on my version (recommended version)

Was the ship shrunk down at some point? Or is everyone else playing a non-recommended version and I'm missing out?
(Forgive my laziness in not browsing through the 133+ pages to find this info myself)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have thought up (and at some point played Minecraft and/or this pack with) a few additional challenges for those who are bored by the 'ease' of this modpack. If you are a masochist, please make use of one or more of these options to increase your suffering.
  • Nothing Is Free: You may not sift any non-dust block without first discarding an equivalent amount of dust blocks. For example, if you want to sift a stack of gravel, you must destroy a stack of dust you have collected. You also may not turn sand blocks into dust. Time to make an excavator and use it often!
  • Nothing Is Free, Ultra-Masochistic Edition: You may not make use of any form of 'cobblestone generator' whatsoever. Water and lava, water and pyrotheum, igneous extruder... your only source of cobblestone is sifting dust or dirt to get stones, then crafting them into cobblestone. This is recommended as an addition to the standard 'Nothing Is Free' restriction, but they are not required to be used simultaneously.
  • Dirt Is Gross: Do not drink any water smelted from dirty water. It's icky and you have more refined tastes, even in an extreme survival situation. You may still use smelted dirty water for other purposes, such as making clay or using for source blocks in your farm.
  • Dumb Aliens: Disable Zombie Awareness, Special Mobs, Special AI, and Mob Properties.
  • Insult to Injury: In the Hunger Overhaul config, change I:healthRegenRatePercentage=100 to 10, 2, or disable natural healing altogether (Ultra Hardcore). It is recommended you change the next line I:lowHealthRegenRateModifier=5 to 1 for balancing reasons. You're already being mean enough to yourself.
  • Slow Down, Bro: Add the mod Iguana Tweaks to the modpack (I recommend you disable the increased breaking time for blocks, but that's up to you). Double the speed reduction from wearing armour, change the overall terrain speed modifier to be a scale of 200%, and cut maximum carry weight in half.
  • Carry a Mountain One Rock at a Time: As above, add Iguana Tweaks and cut maximum carry weight by a minimum of 1/2. Increase the maximum stack size reduction of blocks and items by a factor of at least 2.
If anyone has more masochism suggestions, post them and I'll add them to the list with credit. :3
I like the way you think, some of these are going a bit far even for me..... as far as ideas, perhaps "picky eater" refusing to eat any form of 'distastfull food'. I'd suggest zombie meat in any form, cooked worms, raw fish, and coagulated blood being a list to start with.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
  • Dumb Aliens: Disable Zombie Awareness, Special Mobs, Special AI, and Mob Properties.
Forgive my ignorance here. I realize ZA is to your advantage the moment you have a moat. Why are the others also crutches? I've seen references to Giant mobs tossing other mobs over your small defenses etc, this sounds like a more difficult prospect to deal with.