[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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The city spawn has been a problem for a while now however i think iv found the problem and have sent the info and a map to Iskandar.
So this isnt a huge problem but would be helpful since I need some ender eyes. Earlier today the minemap quit showing mobs heads on it so I could tell where each one was and I have no idea how to get it to show back up. I am so knew with mods all together so is there a shortcut key I hit to turn it off or something?

go to the map menu defalt key M and make sure radar is on
I've never watched a creeper come in contact with the pyrotheum. My working theory was that it turned them into charged creepers. Should I be expecting similar damage from any charged creepers detonation?
Major: Zombie awereness incorrectly installed, full zip (containing coroutils etc .. ) is installed as a mod, need to extract the mod itself from that zip and let alone the utils as they are already at the correct place.

i dont know if its that but i noticed that zombies and skeletons dont swarm my place during the night in the 1.1.2 beta, ill try extracting it and see, its not like in 1.1.1 where every morning i can get like half a stack of bones and flesh from ZA mod
So the city once generated in beta3 spawns a road 2k longer than the city all the way back to your shuttle.
To the shuttle? How close? If it isn't intersecting with the crash site, if it is a few meters away, I don't think it is a problem worth fixing. If it hits the crash site, sigh.
To the shuttle? How close? If it isn't intersecting with the crash site, if it is a few meters away, I don't think it is a problem worth fixing. If it hits the crash site, sigh.
Its about 20 blocks away. But its kind of annoying having a 2k block road before the city.

Just wondering how you get oats for the horse quest? I used over 10 stacks of bone meal on grass and not found 1 seed yet.

Also I cant seem to complete the Basic AE quest. I make a 1k storage and it does detect I have one. Any idea what I'm doing wrong with it?

Just wondering how you get oats for the horse quest? I used over 10 stacks of bone meal on grass and not found 1 seed yet.

Use a mattock and till grass. Be careful not to till all grass blocks and let it spread so you can do it for seeds. Here's my setup to get seeds. :)

Its about 20 blocks away. But its kind of annoying having a 2k block road before the city.
Eh, I'm ok with that, really. Not so close t obe really on top of the crash site, and lets people know that a city is out there. Acceptable and, trust me, too much effort to fix.
o wow. If only i knew that at the start. Would of made things so much easier on food!

watering can helps spread grass quickly if you don't want to wait btw.
I never had problems with getting cold / frostbite / hypothermia in 1.1.1, but I've noticed in the 1.1.2 betas that these are all possible now. At night, the little thermometer icon next to the temperature bar changes blue from red. It doesn't do that in 1.1.1 at night. Not sure if this is intentional or not. It is a newer version of enviromine after all, so maybe something got changed.
Yeah, perhaps a side effect of the new biome. I am perfectly ok with it being burning hot during the day and freezing cold at night. As long as it is burning hot during the day.
On my last couple of playthroughs, I have been using TimeScaler to change the day length to 36 minutes (it's the time scale I normally use playing the game, and it makes for some interesting changes in strategy for the first 36 minutes). If I don't wear the camel pack at night, I don't get hypothermia. If you are, try taking the camel pack off until the sun starts to rise. If you're getting hypothermia in 7.5 minutes without the camel pack, something is seriously wrong.
Special Mobs tracking AI for some mobs are definitely borked. I'm using the latest beta with Mob Properties disabled and Zombie Awareness enabled. I have also experienced this with Zombie Awareness disabled. This does not happen when I disable Special Mobs and keep Zombie Awareness enabled.



This starts after I am in direct line of sight of mobs and they cannot reach me due to not being able to fit through a one block gap in my wall or when I am on a sniper tower. It seems the AI is trying so hard to get to me it overloads the system. Strange thing is when daylight hits they still try to get to me but the lag clears up as soon as they start burning. I retested on another night cycle and gave myself a notch apple and diamond armor and as soon as they could actually path to me the lag cleared up. I know there is a newer "beta 3.0" version of Special Mobs that does not seem to have this problem. Back when Blood and Bones was using version 2.6, I believe it had the same problem and as soon as it was switched over to 3.0, the problem seemed to clear up. Might want to take a look at it or get in contact with Eyamaz to get some insight to his experience with Special Mobs.

Other than this and the things that have already been noted by other posters, I have not come across any other major issues.
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I wonder if Iskandar has considered either removing or making the xu transfer nodes far more expensive. Their ability to create a super efficient cobble generator really strikes me as a bit of an exploit.
The cost isn't too terribly different than that of the terrain smasher and he's mentioned using that. The trade off between xu cobble gen and igneous extruders is the xu cobble gen has a minimum 4 block footprint (lava, water, cobble, and node) and only does cobble whereas the extruder is a 1 block footprint and can be setup to make smooth stone or obsidian.
One suggestion, Computercraft/ project red would be a nice addition, I've spent a couple hours thinking of how to automate the empty pcb in acid thing , and those two mods were the only way that i could think of automating them with. (I am open to suggestions on how to do it though)
One suggestion, Computercraft/ project red would be a nice addition, I've spent a couple hours thinking of how to automate the empty pcb in acid thing , and those two mods were the only way that i could think of automating them with. (I am open to suggestions on how to do it though)
Use a dropper into flowing etching acid that ends at a hopper. Connect that up to an item duct, going to the dropper, that blacklists the fully etched pcb.
mobgriefing is off. The creepers hitting pyrotheum still creates an explosion, which is intentional. I strongly recommend you wall it off ^^.
Nope, "/gamerule mobGriefing" returns true.
If i do a simple "/gamerule mobGriefing false" any creeper hitting pyrotheum don't create any crater but still explode. If gamerule set to true makes creeper creating giant crater when hitting pyrotheum; intentional ?? hummm
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