Not sure if anyone still monitors this thread, but I have an issue with my Crafting Paradise world. Its not loading. Me and my family have been playing this for many months, and been using it to connect since I moved way outa state, so any help is appreciated. Originally my mother was hosting, and i was making a Deep Dark portal while she was away. Alas, her computer decided that that would be a great time to reset and do updates. So she pulls the server back up the next day, and it doesn't load. So I had her zip up the save and send it my way over skype. I pulled it up, and found the same thing. It hangs on loading the world, and just does not continue from there. The console log is not moving. Its stuck on "Attempting to load JABBA data". Log file: Again, any help is appriciated. I will say, that all I have found in my brief googleing is that I have to delete the HQM data. You can see why I might be hesitant to do that. When Mom comes back on later I will see if she still has a back up from a couple weeks ago when she had to reinstall Crafting Paradise, but I doubt it. As I am typing this, my log just started getting spammed with the word "True" and its now working. While I am thinking of it though, why is "True" being spammed while playing?
<UPDATE> So, it eventually loaded, but now all my HQM data is gone. I pulled from the zip I had my mother send me to replenish it, and its hanging again. Did not test to see if it would launch quickly with the blank HQM data.