1.6.2 Packs

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It is very difficult to actually avoid doing this, btw. And also most modpacks over time gradually fragment their ID space, becoming progressively unmanagable. Every year or so it's good to reset. If you don't like this, you should demand a full refund from FTB. I'm sure they're good people who will give you your money back!

In any case you need a map reset for 1.6.* anyways because of forge changes. May maps will not survive the transition well (boilers explode, etc).

LOL "Every year or so"....since I been using FTB since around November of last year, lets count the resets.
FTB Retro
FTB Ultimate 1.4.7
FTB 1.5.2 Beta
FTB Unleashed

Sorry I never was that good in math class is that more then once per year? This might just be the "or so" part.
not really resets though are they, those packs are all still available, no one has been forced to change packs.
oh man what logic...I guess there has never been a reset because you never are "forced" to change packs. I could play the New Direwolf20_1_5 pack for the next 50 years...(that is not true there was a mod pack that they posted then had to reupload about an hour later due to a corrupt zip file)
I'm about to start development of my 1.6.2 pack on the AT Launcher. I've already released a 1.5.2 version on ATLauncher, with some of the more popular requests as 'optional mods'.

It will require that you manually download some of them, however it will automatically pull the site up for you.

I'll be doing a few more tweaks, then release the LTR version on ATLauncher and start development on 1.6.2 version.
To play Minecraft, vanilla or otherwise requires you to be able to tolerate map resets and incompatibilities.
Map resets are an inevitable and arguably an integral part if it's growth.

I have rebuilt my base/ home countless times since I've played Minecraft, from back in Beta days to modded Minecraft now. My experience playing the game has led me to the conclusion that Minecraft worlds are not persistent entities. See that build you made? better screen cap it or save the world to an external (if you can). Chances are it won't be standing 6 months from now due to hundreds of reasons, most of them outside of anything FTB/Forge/Modders/Mojang does or will do.
Any SMP player will attest to how many things outside updates can simply annihilate your work. So many failed servers that die or that I simply just abandon leaving so many digital blocks behind.

In other words; Restarts happen, adapt or quit. Nothing you build is permanent whether you update or not.

That being said, losing your progress sucks but you play Minecraft, you should be used to it by now...
Its not just for me. Its for everyone. Most people don't like having to start a new world every week. It ruins you're progress. FTB isn't in beta anymore. This shouldn't be happening.

What are you completely and utterly new to modded Minecraft? Have you spent even five minutes researching this? Are you just a whiny little child?

Your posts here make me believe all of the above...

Minecraft vanilla occasionally changes the way mods interact with the game. If you think this is a hassle for us the players, you should see the work all the individual modders have to do just because Mojang felt like changing something that doesn't even seem to affect anything... Sometimes the changes are for a good reason, like the 1.6 changes that just simply smooth things out on the modding end. They also changed the way liquids work I believe, which affects a ton of mods. Really though, if you enjoy modded Minecraft, I shouldn't have to explain any of this to you, it's all readily available information, and as you're getting a free product you should at least be responsible for figuring out the very basics of it...

A new world every week though? Wow. The heavy handed rhetoric just makes you look like an idiot. I don't even know why I bothered to respond, although poking fun at you made it mildly worthwhile.

Also, everytime Ftb updates the map DOES NOT reset. That's complete and utter horseshit. There have been very few forced restarts, this is one of the first in quite awhile. I'm sorry whatever server you play on has terribad admins that can't handle updating or config files, but that's not FTBs fault. If you're playing single player, you're just delusional, because world resets with every update is simply not the case...
What the guy before me said and also, it's Mojangs slow take on mod friendliness which allowed MCP/forge to exist in the first place. These two are now leaps and bounds ahead of ANYTHING Mojang coul've conceivably come up with as it's made by modders, for modders. Bethesda is a good example. The games they do are very modding friendly, but the system is very rigid and you often struggle to create that which you wish to. Not so in minecraft, where all-seh-powyah-isz-yoursa.

I cannot imagine a better environment for modding, short of open source software.

Yeah but Mojang has made changes to the way mods interact which severely effect all the awesomeness MCP/Forge have done, rendering a lot of their hard work pointless. Well, not pointless in that a ton of people experienced and enjoyed it, but because they have had to go back and rework so much due to the stupid changes Mojang has been making lately, changing the way Mods interact with Minecraft at their core. I saw a mod devoloper on Reddit explaining some of the changes in relatively laymans terms, and what those changes actually did in vanilla minecraft and what they did to modded Minecraft, essentially they did very very little to Vanilla Minecraft while pretty much kicking any existing mods in the balls and walking away. The amount of work these small changes Mojang implements have caused the modding community is insane.

So yeah, I do get what you're saying, but at the same time Mojang could stop fucking around with code that modders require and it wouldn't hurt Minecraft vanilla whatsoever. I mean come on, they have to see that modded Minecraft is breathing life back into Minecraft in general. Why piss on the people responsible for that. Bad Mojang.
:( I found that out in one of the new mod packs, made me sad

And after the 1.7 Biome update you'll want to reset the server again. Just enjoy it for now, and when you start getting bored with it - then it is time to upgrade.

I'm running a 1.4.7 FTB Lite server and while we're talking about an update we are in no rush to jump into 1.6 till we have the mods we like.
you know with the 1.6 launcher you can just use a 1.5.2 world or wait till the newest update then make your world. problem solved.[DOUBLEPOST=1376096448][/DOUBLEPOST]and don't update ftb thats what i did.
The heavy handed rhetoric just makes you look like an idiot. I don't even know why I bothered to respond, although poking fun at you made it mildly worthwhile.
Better to be a idiot then a prick that enjoys bullying others like you admit you find fun. The difference in me and you...I only bully other bullies.

This will help you out man...notice it is a Government site.
Better to be a idiot then a prick that enjoys bullying others like you admit you find fun. The difference in me and you...I only bully other bullies.

This will help you out man...notice it is a Government site.

Well, you are quite the hypocrite. If you really are against bullies than you wouldn't bully anyone.
Easiest way to deal with bullies in real life: Beat the hell out of them.
Easiest way to deal with bullies on the internet: Don't care.
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oh man what logic...I guess there has never been a reset because you never are "forced" to change packs. I could play the New Direwolf20_1_5 pack for the next 50 years...(that is not true there was a mod pack that they posted then had to reupload about an hour later due to a corrupt zip file)
So your choices are "New pack! MUST reset EVERY time", or "Must stick with the same pack FOREVER"? There is a middle ground, you know. Reset whenever the set of new features becomes compelling enough to outweigh what you lose. That's what most people do. World resets are just part of the modded Minecraft world right now.
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Well, you are quite the hypocrite. If you really are against bullies than you wouldn't bully anyone.
Easiest way to deal with bullies in real life: Beat the hell out of them.
Easiest way to deal with bullies on the internet: Don't care.
Sometimes the only way that some people can learn is if the problem effects them...meaning if you want to get a bully to understand that picking on others is wrong then you need to do what they do to others. It really is so simple animals understand and practice it all the time.

So your choices are "New pack! MUST reset EVERY time", or "Must stick with the same pack FOREVER"? There is a middle ground, you know. Reset whenever the set of new features becomes compelling enough to outweigh what you lose. That's what most people do. World resets are just part of the modded Minecraft world right now.

You will notice that I never said that you only have those options but I did say that if you only count times when MC forces you to make a world restart then there has never been a restart because you never are told to update or you can not play. That is just silly to think that only FORCED restarts are restarts...its just as silly as the person that tried to say that Eloraam owns the ideas in RP1 and RP2. Just as any American that is above the age of 16 should know you can never copyright an idea (I will add that you MIGHT be able to patent some of the ideas from a mod.)
So your choices are "New pack! MUST reset EVERY time", or "Must stick with the same pack FOREVER"? There is a middle ground, you know. Reset whenever the set of new features becomes compelling enough to outweigh what you lose. That's what most people do. World resets are just part of the modded Minecraft world right now.
I think this is pretty obvious and the reason why this thread shouldn't really exist.

Your attachment to your world vs. New features. Pick one. I personally put a lot of thought and time into the design of my base, I'd like to see it through to the end at least. I have not finished/completed everything I wanted to. It might leave me wondering what it could've been, should I'd choose to, quit and move on.
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All I really care about is preserving the builds for my server that ill have spent months on. Would I be able to take a big chunk with worldedit, and use some sort of external tool to change the block ids around and plop it back into a new world with the same seed? Otherwise I would get gaping holes in my city that would take ages to fix. Im fine with the players resetting(Although the server probably wont be public by the time 1.6 comes), but I would really like to keep the infrastructure. I believe the yogscast did the same thing when the switched from tekkit to ftb, What program did they use?
All I really care about is preserving the builds for my server that ill have spent months on. Would I be able to take a big chunk with worldedit, and use some sort of external tool to change the block ids around and plop it back into a new world with the same seed? Otherwise I would get gaping holes in my city that would take ages to fix. Im fine with the players resetting(Although the server probably wont be public by the time 1.6 comes), but I would really like to keep the infrastructure. I believe the yogscast did the same thing when the switched from tekkit to ftb, What program did they use?

You need to be careful talking like that you are about to have other people attack you for trying to find a way to save your base (for some reason people just accept restarted as part of minecraft.) I wonder if you can just use the id_map from the new world version and replace the old id_map. If that does not work you can try making sure that the new IDs are the same as in the old world that might work but I do not really now for sure.
You need to be careful talking like that you are about to have other people attack you for trying to find a way to save your base (for some reason people just accept restarted as part of minecraft.) I wonder if you can just use the id_map from the new world version and replace the old id_map. If that does not work you can try making sure that the new IDs are the same as in the old world that might work but I do not really now for sure.

Its not the base, its the spawn city for an RPG server.

Id be totally fine with resetting my base, but rebuilding a city hundreds of blocks across? No way jose. Dont exactly want to wait until 1.6 to actually start on the city, because the time its ready for public release, FTB for 1.7 will likely be out by then.
You need to be careful talking like that you are about to have other people attack you for trying to find a way to save your base (for some reason people just accept restarted as part of minecraft.)
I've never seen anyone attacked for trying to transfer a map from one mod pack to anther and I would be astonished if anyone was.
Its not the base, its the spawn city for an RPG server.
That looks like its mostly vanilla blocks and so should transfer fairly easily with something like MCEdit or WorldEdit. Non-vanilla stuff will probably have to be re-built.
Quite a bit of quarried stone, and well, worldedit doesn't like mod stairs very well XD. Was originally built in vanilla, but still takes a while to update to FTB standards, especially the interior. Replacing the old-stone and netherbrick theme on the inside with something fresh, thanks to all the aesthetic blocks out there. Part of the reason I don't use microblocks anymore, the massive building I built on the Feed the City on ultimate is mostly gone now, thanks to red-power not updating. I guess ill figure something out when the time comes, there should be tools. Its in a highlands and prairie biome, so ill just have to replant all the barley. Same seed, same location. Should work out fine if I can convert all the blocks.

As far as private bases go? I'm fine with resets every once in a while, at least when new mods are involved. Gregtech has been exhausting, got all the way to a couple of IESU, and while fun, I don't think I want to go back to gregtech for a while. Tinkers construct looks neat, and I really haven't messed about with MFR much. Ill probably wait until 1.6 to play survival anyway, sounds like it will come in a few months at least. Always excited for new tools to play with.

Maybe ill go make a spaceship in a void age or something, sounds like a fun project. Wanted to do that with my current ultimate build, but it would have been a pain to transfer all the machines and whatnot.