1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

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WHy have the flat bedrock mod? CoFH Core adds that in its config
hmm maybe:
Changelog of CoFH Core:
-IMPORTANT: This is now a proper "coremod". It goes in the /coremods folder.
-Added: HD Capes and Skins: Use /cofh to see the command structure in-game.
-Added: Flat Bedrock as a Config option.

Notice the 1.5.1 in the version number of the mod. Ultimate (which this Beta pack is based on mostly) was created running on 1.4.7. FlatBedrock was introduced when CoFH Core did NOT have this feature. As much as i agree with you that it is now not needed anymore the next time research why something was included in the first place, it might answer your question.
Now for 1.5.x builds i hope that FlatBedrock will be no longer included but i can not say for 100% that it won't be in anymore.
hmm maybe:
Changelog of CoFH Core:
-IMPORTANT: This is now a proper "coremod". It goes in the /coremods folder.
-Added: HD Capes and Skins: Use /cofh to see the command structure in-game.
-Added: Flat Bedrock as a Config option.

Notice the 1.5.1 in the version number of the mod. Ultimate (which this Beta pack is based on mostly) was created running on 1.4.7. FlatBedrock was introduced when CoFH Core did NOT have this feature. As much as i agree with you that it is now not needed anymore the next time research why something was included in the first place, it might answer your question.
Now for 1.5.x builds i hope that FlatBedrock will be no longer included but i can not say for 100% that it won't be in anymore.
This thread is about a 1.5.1 DIY modpack. A modpack that includes a version of CoFH core with a flat bedrock option as well as the separate Flat Bedrock mod. It's not about Ultimate or any other currently-existing FTB pack.
This thread is about a 1.5.1 DIY modpack. A modpack that includes a version of CoFH core with a flat bedrock option as well as the separate Flat Bedrock mod. It's not about Ultimate or any other currently-existing FTB pack.
But it is roughly based on the Ultimate pack which is why i would guess the author included FlatBedrock.
i keep getting this error and help would be awesome
File "G:\Downloads\ModAnalyzer-master\ModAnalyzer-master\modanalyzer.py", line 77, in analyzeMod
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join("target", ANALYZER_FILENAME), os.path.join(modsFolder, ANALYZER_FILENAME))
File "C:\Python27\lib\shutil.py", line 82, in copyfile
with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'target\\ModAnalyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
did you compile your modanalyzer.jar (the mod itself that the python script injects into the temp-server) from the source on agaricus's github? and if so, did you happen to name it "ModAnalyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"? if you did compile it from source, but simply don't have it named as such, go into modanalyzer.py and on line 77 you'll need to change a couple of arguments with the proper path and filename for your modanalyzer.jar.
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I have non stop problems with adding mods to 1.5.1 Minecraft. The problem is at the start of Vanilla Minecraft 1.5.1 in MultiMC - MC sad Out Of Memory. I have coremods and mods like is written in first pack. That's pretty weird because all FTB packs are running smoothly.

I started to add mods by mcpatcher and it starts to work. I use newest forge MC 1.5.2 and some newest mods but i'm having id conflicts - maybe id resolver will do the magic, will see.
did you compile your modanalyzer.jar (the mod itself that the python script injects into the temp-server) from the source on agaricus's github? and if so, did you happen to name it "ModAnalyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"? if you did compile it from source, but simply don't have it named as such, go into modanalyzer.py and on line 77 you'll need to change a couple of arguments with the proper path and filename for your modanalyzer.jar.
Thanx for your help. I feel like stupid now. Works awesome now
But it is roughly based on the Ultimate pack which is why i would guess the author included FlatBedrock.

You are correct, sir! At the time of posting I didn't realize the option was added by CoFH, I've left it in simply because there seemed no compelling reason to remove it, and it does save at least one trip to the configs. I've left it out of my 1.5.2 pack. Speaking of which, since several people are posting their own packs (which is awesome, btw), here is my current 1.5.2 (so far) stable version. Of note: Mystcraft still no go, but at least it's simple to add retro, but Ars Magica now in.

Forge 703
CoFH Core
PowerCrystalsCore 1.1.6-108

Advanced Solar Panels 3.3.7
Applied Energistics rv10-n
Ars Magica 5.52.002
Buildcraft 1.5.2 jenkins 187
DartCraft Beta 0.1.14
EE3 pre1g
Extra Utilities 0.2.1a
Factorization 0.7.37
Forestry (545)
GraviGun 1.5.0v2
GregTech 305.g
Advanced Machines 4.9
iChunUtil 1.0.1
IC2 1.115.308-lf
ModularPowersuits 0.7.0.-491
MineFactoryReloaded 2.6.0B1
Natura 2.1 Beta
NEI Plugins
PortalGun 1.5.1
Steves Carts 2.0.0.a110
Thaumcraft 3.0.5a
Twilight Forest 1.17.2
Thermal Expansion
Tinkers' Construct 1.3dev.44
ZansMinimap 1.5.2

If it's helpful, my config folder can be found here. Just for fun, try seed -5823483888325425865

On my world (confirmed on 3 different worlds) it spawns you in the middle of a village, in a plains biome (note I use only vanilla biomes). So there's that. Enjoy!
Anyone using AE should grab what was the NEI Bees plugin... now is NEI Addons. It does a lot of neat things now. Mainly helps using NEI questions mark on AE blocks -- best feature is you can make crafting pattern without the materials (shift click question mark).

I was getting burnt out manually making new crafting patterns when I wanted to add something to my AE MAC. Now even on one off/rarely used items i am making patterns.
Why wouldn't you? Claims of its bugginess are somewhat overstated, and newer revs are starting to make the fabricator much more expensive to operate.
I love Ars Magica, it is one of my favorite mods. If not my favorite mod, but the number of crashes I get significantly increases when I use it. :(
I love Ars Magica, it is one of my favorite mods. If not my favorite mod, but the number of crashes I get significantly increases when I use it. :(

Have you actually caught Ars in log traces being the cause of he crash? Because thrice now I've seen people blame Ars for Forge bugs then silently forget they did that.

You know what mods have screwed me over again and again? NEI, NEI plugins and ExtraBees. But I'm not about to pull them.

Demanding code quality from hobbyists is fruitless. instead, help the devs.
Have you actually caught Ars in log traces being the cause of he crash? Because thrice now I've seen people blame Ars for Forge bugs then silently forget they did that.
When I uninstalled Ars Magica it didn't happen. Before you say anything else, I will go back, and test. The pack I created has no crashes. I will create a new world with Ars Magica, and test.

EDIT: I re-read what I said and found I somehow sounded a bit rood (<-- I forgot how to spell) but I didn't mean to be.
When I uninstalled Ars Magica it didn't happen. Before you say anything else, I will go back, and test. The pack I created has no crashes. I will create a new world with Ars Magica, and test.

EDIT: I re-read what I said and found I somehow sounded a bit rood (<-- I forgot how to spell) but I didn't mean to be.

I just think that RichardG comes through in a huff and someone makes an unsubstantiated claim that KingLemming has judged the mod lacking and suddenly everyone flips out.

Ars is a pretty good mod by Minecraft standards. It's not as good as MFR or Thermal Expansion in terms of code quality, but it's far from the worst mod I've worked with.
I just think that RichardG comes through in a huff and someone makes an unsubstantiated claim that KingLemming has judged the mod lacking and suddenly everyone flips out.

Ars is a pretty good mod by Minecraft standards. It's not as good as MFR or Thermal Expansion in terms of code quality, but it's far from the worst mod I've worked with.
On my first minute of testing I found a bug. YAY!! Ars Magica breaks Omnitools.

EDIT: I just uninstalled it, and went to my world then crashed.
How? It doesn't break anything for me.
If you use the latest Ars Magica, If you have the Flight spell on Augmented Mode, it said missing Forge Lexicon. I went to NEI and searched for forge lexicon, it wasn't there. And when I used dig II on augmented mode, it said missing Prototype Omniwrech. I can't find it on NEI either.
If you use the latest Ars Magica, If you have the Flight spell on Augmented Mode, it said missing Forge Lexicon. I went to NEI and searched for forge lexicon, it wasn't there. And when I used dig II on augmented mode, it said missing Prototype Omniwrech. I can't find it on NEI either.

It sounds to me like you have an itemID conflict. Ars has bugs, like any mod. And it is true that 009 was a bad push (and 010 has to be less than 2 hours old). I'm pretty sure that doesn't make Ars Magica more or less buggy than other mods.

It is also pretty telling that instead of saying why you crashed with a crashlog, you just say, "I crashed lolars."
It sounds to me like you have an itemID conflict. Ars has bugs, like any mod. And it is true that 009 was a bad push (and 010 has to be less than 2 hours old). I'm pretty sure that doesn't make Ars Magica more or less buggy than other mods.

It is also pretty telling that instead of saying why you crashed with a crashlog, you just say, "I crashed lolars."
I to put a crashlog, but I also know that this isn't the place for Ars Magica support place. (Sorry if you don't like me :))