Whitelist Server [1.4.7][FTB MINDCRACK PACK][WHITELISTED][NO BLACKLIST!]Feed the Beast!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We play FTB and sometimes Mini games like Nail PvP. WHITELISTED!!! IP:s1.minecraft-infinity.com:25024 To get Whitelited Answer the Q's Below!
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To Get Whitelisted on the Server Heres What You do.
Tell us your IG Name
Have You ever Been Banned?
We will check This at mcbans.com
If you have been Banned why?
Will you Grief?
Will you be kind to other players? We're not really going for a pvp server but if Both of u Agree then pvp is ok.
NO! Hacking Clients such as Nodus.
OK! now heres some Stuff about the server!
Difficulty:Easy Too many people were dying ;(
No disabled Items!!!
8 slot!
24 Hour service!
NO Griefing!
NO Hacked Clients
NO Spamming
NO Tryin to crash the server(only I can do that :D)
You will be notified in a private chat if you have been Whitelisted!
IGN: yahoolol01
Banned: never
Grief: I won't start it but i will finish it;)
Kindness: Won't attack anyone but i will defend myself
I would love to join your server i have alot of experience with most of the mods and am a friendly player.
IGN: Victor214
Banned: Not that I remember.
Grief: I won't grief, and in case someone tries to grief me, I will report him (Unless It is someone friendly towards me, and he does it as a joke)
Kindness: I will be kind with other players, and avoid getting in trouble.
Hmmm, Thats it.
IGN: spectre697
Have You ever Been Banned? Never.
Will you Grief? I will not. Griefing is a terrible thing to do, as it destroys a lot of hard work and dedication of the person's build. I don't understand why anyone would want to do that.
Will you be kind to other players? Yes, I would like to play on a small server and get to know the people on it.
I have a decent amount of experience with feed the beast. Thank you for reading this!
Tell us your IG Name: moltakkk111
Have You ever Been Banned? yes
If you have been Banned why? i broke some strange blocks in the ground and got a automatic ban
Will you Grief? no i never griefed and i'll never do
Will you be kind to other players? sure i'll also do some pvp for the lolz (if he agrees)
IGN: DrPhant0m
Have You ever Been Banned? Never.
Will you Grief? I will not. Griefing is a terrible thing to do, as it destroys a lot of hard work and dedication of the person's build. I don't understand why anyone would want to do that.
Will you be kind to other players? Yes, I would like to play on a small server and get to know the people on it.
I have a decent amount of experience with feed the beast. Thank you for reading this!
IGN: Baronbalistic
Have You ever Been Banned: Nope!
If you have been Banned why? N/A
Will you Grief? No, greifing is for losers :P
Will you be kind to other players? Yes,of course. No need to be mean to eachorher when where playing a game :P
Hope to hear from you soon!
IGN: DrPhant0m
Have You ever Been Banned? Never.
Will you Grief? I will not. Griefing is a terrible thing to do, as it destroys a lot of hard work and dedication of the person's build. I don't understand why anyone would want to do that.
Will you be kind to other players? Yes, I would like to play on a small server and get to know the people on it.
I have a decent amount of experience with feed the beast. Thank you for reading this!
Did u just copy this from spectre697
Have You ever Been Banned? Not that i know of
Will you Grief? I will not.I hate griefers and people who steal, theres no point to grief or steal
Will you be kind to other players? Yes, I like to help and contribute to the community. Besides its more fun playing nicely :)
Tell us your IG Name: diegoroberts99
Have You ever Been Banned? never
Will you Grief?i have been briefed to many times so i would never do it to someone else
Will you be kind to other players? yes on some other servers i play on i am know as a very nice guy
Tell us your IG Name: BinsoXO
Have You ever Been Banned? Nope
Will you Grief? No i wont grief, Griefer are enemys of building games.
Will you be kind to other players? Yes, i will
IGN: ccturner
Banned: Never been banned!
Will I grief? Nope, I've banned plenty of grievers on servers though, and dealing with a grieved up area isn't fun :C.
Will I be kind to other players? Of course, I hate getting into disputes, and I'm not someone who enjoys PvP unless it's a planned event and only for fun.
Hope it's not too late to send this in.
IGN : Maidx
Ban : Nope - I checked it ;) :D
Grief: No - I hate griefers .. When i started play multiplayer, I built a huge house complex of houses with all stuff which i digged. One day .. 10 year old came and stole whole chests (Sad experience :D)... by this time, I'm looking for whitelisted servers with closed community =)
Kindness : Yes - This is reason why I'm looking for whitelisted servers - kind and friendly Steaves =)
I have not be banned before.
I will not grief even if I were to grief I would at most use someone's machine if I can't have access to it at my own base but I don't do that.
Yes I will be nice.
Also, what are the conigs for Greg
Also try to add something special about yourself.like what you know about certain modpacks or post a picture of one of your creations! They are starting to look all alike ;(
IGN: Miner1337
Have You ever Been Banned? Yes but for stupid things such as pointing out flaws in the server when the admins dont follow the rules
Will you Grief? No i would not grief I feel that griefing is for scum who have nothing better to do
Will you be kind to other players? Yes I see myself on servers as like community help I like to donate items and do anything that can help out another player.
Thank you for reading this! I also enjoy Thumcraft its one of the mods that i feel isn't game changing but still fun to get into
Also try to add something special about yourself.like what you know about certain modpacks or post a picture of one of your creations! They are starting to look all alike ;(
I was working with Industrial Craft, Buildcraft and i like experimenting with Thaumcraft
Going to add my brother in here to hope thats fine
IG Name:csideaustin831:Brother snowleapord703
Have You ever Been Banned?:No:Brother:No
Will you Grief?Nope we hated to be griefed so we dont grief
Will you be kind to other players? Yea we always do nice things for the community
Me and my brother love to work together.
hope we are accepted
IGN: sethpe
Have I been banned? No I have never been banned
Will I grief? No griefing is wrong and I hate it
Kindness? I am a good person to others and good to get along with
I am a great builder and would love to be accepted
I also know how to make a ton of machines and know how to run them. I could also help a lot with using turtles
I sadly don't have any pictures on my builds right now but I promise you they are pretty good
Mysticraft and the twilight forest are also some of my specialties
A Good day to you sir!
For me applying to this server here's some information.

IGN: Xtaino
Have I ever been banned?: No I have not been, but there's only been 1 server I was really active on ever.
Will I Grief?: No I will not, and I despise people who do. (On the server i've played, a server for a small dutch community, there were a few people who kept stealing everything)
Kindness?: Yes! I don't like rude people AT ALL. But when people are rude to me, I usually just kill the player and leave, leaving their stuff in a chest.
I'm a 19 year old Dutch Minecrafter who'se been playing since early 2011. (Beta 1.1), I usually go by the name of Dylanf3, and I even want to start a Youtube Video Let's Play Series.
I will be on near every day, and I love being alone on a piece of land to build quite big structures.
I'm a bit slow when it comes to progressing trough the mods, but do that because I want to.
I hope I will be accepted, but it's okay if i'm not. ;)

Dylan Hendriks