i see i try every second and it went up once!Server seems to be bugged, need to fix it but don't see how.
u should come on some timeMinecraft Name: iiAtlas
Age&Location: 18 NYC
Have you ever been banned from a server: nope!
Why would you like to play TMCraft: I wan't to help people in the TMCraft community learn mods powerful like RedPower 2, and ComputerCraft, so that they can utilize them to their fullest. I am a programmer, and hope to share some of my knowledge with the community!
Whitelisted youMinecraft Name: Lamp218
Age&Location: 16, born May of 1996, USA, specifically Tennessee.
Have you ever been banned from a server: No bans here.
Why would you like to play TMCraft: I've been looking at playing on the Mindcrack mod pack for a few days now, and I love to play on servers. Playing alone is a boring concept to me. I don't cause trouble, don't grief, etc. I just go far out and build myself a compound complete with full automation.Thank you for your consideration, I hope to play with you soon!
Whitelisted.Minecraft Name: woo2005
Age&Location: 16, USA
Have you ever been banned from a server: No i have not
Why would you like to play TMCraft: I'm just looking for a good community to play with, i like being social and getting/giving help.