[1.4.6]The-Construct (13+)| Direwolf Pack | Whitelist | 20 Slots | TS3

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
IGN: ParadiseAsphyxia
Age: 18
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No.
Experience with mods?: Limited.. Thought perhaps a FTB server with knowledgeable people could fix that.
Will you use TS3?: If required, yes. I tend to be quiet though.
Answer to the secret question?: My favorite color is purple.
IGN: bobodamonkey
Age: 14
Country: U.S.A.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Never.
Experience with mods?: I have lots of experience with many of the mods including buildcraft, industrialcraft, and a bit of redpower (I know no programming, though.)
Will you use TS3?: I don't know, probably.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
IGN: Liljonni
Age: 17
Country: Iceland
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No
Experience with mods?: Can't say so but i have been playing FTB for a month now
Will you use TS3?: I would have to buy a mic first (which is no problem)
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Everyone up to this point has been checked and added to the whitelist, server coming online tomorrow around 6-7GMT. Check the OP for more details.
IGN: ickli
Age: 16
Country: UK
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Yes but only due to a disagreement with a biased Admin
Experience with mods?: I ahve experience with the mods from tekkit. but am somewhat new to the others being added in the FTB pack. However i lvoe the adventure of learning new stuff!
Will you use TS3?: Yeah sure, I'm on TS3 every day with friends from planetside 2, i'll deffinately come on if others are on the server.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple

On an extra note , i'd liek to mention i have extensive experience in administrating servers and sorting out problems with servers. I'm a past admin of 6 servers but resigned since the servers went bust due to low funds. and have modded many others before hand. I'm experienced in administrating Tekkit servers not FTB. but i can't imagine there's much difference except for enforcing the rules to do with those extra mods ( e.g limited ages )
IGN: yosomith
Age: 30
Country: Australia
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No
Experience with mods?: I am relatively new to Tekkit/FTB but I'm loving what I am learning
Will you use TS3?: Yes I think I will
Answer to the secret question?: purple
IGN: Rulerxx
Age: 15
Country: Aussie Bruhh.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No never, unless your talking about my friends servers, but thats allways as a joke, never on a real public server.
Experience with mods?: Very Experienced with most of them, except the new ones (TC3, EE3(Well theres nothing to know, except pstone))
Will you use TS3?: Yes, i love it
*wink* Theres something with this thread that attracts me to the color purple, yet i have no clue what it is. *wink*
IGN: Latimew333
Age: 14
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: never
Experience with mods?:I know how to get started in most of the mods
Will you use TS3?: I will not actually speak, but I will listen to the channel
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
IGN: xxAzureSkyxx
Age: 25
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope.
Experience with mods?:Have been following lets plays, reading wiki's and playing with mods for quite some time.
Will you use TS3?: I will log in nearly every day. I tend to try to help out often, and ts3 makes it easy to do. =D
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
IGN: Orcius
Age: 17
Country: Belgium
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope
Experience with mods?: pretty good i think, almost seen all direwolf's vids...
Will you use TS3?: Not in the beginning, but once i feel comfortable yes.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Country: Croatia
Have you ever been banned before:no
Expirince with mods:high expirince(except mffs)
Will you use ts3: yes
Answer to secret question:purple
IGN: 2011raed
Age: 16 years old
Country: Tunisia
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope
Experience with mods?: Old tekkit player
Will you use TS3?: Maybe ( since i don't own a mic right now )
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
IGN: aquaguy52
Age: 14
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No
Experience with mods?: Some mods I know very well, some mods I didn't even know are in the pack
Will you use TS3?: On rare occasions when I don't have back round noise
Answer to the secret question?: puple
Updated the OP with the TS3 channel with anyone that wants to join. Will be passworded with the password being listed in game after server launches.[DOUBLEPOST=1356882919][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: ickli
Age: 16
Country: UK
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Yes but only due to a disagreement with a biased Admin
Experience with mods?: I ahve experience with the mods from tekkit. but am somewhat new to the others being added in the FTB pack. However i lvoe the adventure of learning new stuff!
Will you use TS3?: Yeah sure, I'm on TS3 every day with friends from planetside 2, i'll deffinately come on if others are on the server.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple

On an extra note , i'd liek to mention i have extensive experience in administrating servers and sorting out problems with servers. I'm a past admin of 6 servers but resigned since the servers went bust due to low funds. and have modded many others before hand. I'm experienced in administrating Tekkit servers not FTB. but i can't imagine there's much difference except for enforcing the rules to do with those extra mods ( e.g limited ages )

Just curious, but I love planetside 2. What faction you play for? Please don't say Vanu.
IGN: SloppyJoeBurger
Age: 13 (Though I've been told many times I sound and act older, keep that in mind)
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope, can't think of one time.
Experience with mods?: Extensive, I know many mods and all the ins and outs of them.
Will you use TS3?: I'm on TS3 every day, so most likely.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple, the most noble of colors.
It keeps saying failed to connect to server. I am running version 3, and I made sure I put in the right address and password