Whitelist Server [1.4.6]|{InfinityMC}|Mindcrack|Whitelist|100 Slots 8gb Ram|New Server!

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Ingame Name: D3ltaSierra25
Age: 29
Mod Experience: Medium, I am by no means an expert but have used mods to add shaders and texture packs for minecraft vanilla. I am usually able to figure out things fairly quickly and am a quick learner. I have used mods off and on for a lot of games but I am just getting into the minecraft world.
About Yourself: I am 29 love to play minecraft even though I did not think that I would like it in the beginning but I am loving it. I have played with a few of the mods out there for the last few months and have just recently come across the FTB mod and love all the things and possibilities that it adds. I play a lot of minecraft when I am not working or going to class. I am pretty laid back and love to interact with other members of the community on projects and ideas. I am looking forward to playing this in a group setting and creating some really awesome things.
How long have you played minecraft?: A Couple of months so far but video games in general pretty much all my life. Loving Minecraft though!
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak?: Yes I will use TS I actually have a server that me and my friends use to talk and hang out in.
Have you been banned before?: I have never been banned from anything in my life, I dislike hackers and trolls and avoid them at all costs.
If so why?: NA
Congrats! You've been accepted. Hope to see you on the server soon!
Ingame Name: XdarkXshadowzX
Mod Experience: I played tekkit before ftb came out but since ftb came out I've been playing it alot
About Yourself: I love to create stuff witch is why I love minecraft so much just being able to create massive structures I don't like to fight im really friendly.
How long have you played minecraft?: Since alpha
Do you / Will you use TeamSpeak yes I will if I get accepted
Have you been banned before?:yes
If so why?: On a vanilla minecraft server for fire greif I think
Ingame Name: lmaster45
Age: 17
Mod Experience: I dabble in lots of mods such as Technicpack, ICBM Mod, Explosives Mod, VoxelPack, etc.
About Yourself: I like to create things and I really enjoy making cool factories that create finished products for me. I like making things look nice and I think I might have a little bit of OCD. I am kind of a pack rat and like to compile resources so that I can make lots of things if the need arises. I am really fun to be around and can take a joke. I would like to say I am funny and I am, its just that my humor mostly consists of sarcasm and situational humor.
How long have you played minecraft?: Playing since early alpha
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: I have Teamspeak 3 and might be using it to talk with my friends.
Have you been banned before?: Nope :)
If so why?:
Ingame Name: Quitstallin
Age: 28
Mod Experience: Been messing with Mods since Quake II and have alot of experience with them, FTB seems to fit in with what i love about mods and what they can bring to an already great game.
About Yourself: Been in gaming all my life started with Quake II and haven't looked back since. just recently got into Minecraft after dumping hundreds of hours into Terraria and i am loving it played around with some mods but after finding FTB i think i have found what i am looking for in the game. i am very tech oriented and this seems like a great fit. i am laid back and easy to get along with and hoping to see you all in there soon.
How long have you played minecraft?: Few months
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: Yes i can use Teampeak, actually help admin on a friends server.
Have you been banned before?: Never, in any game. I avoid hackers\griefer.
If so why?:N\A
Ingame Name: Quitstallin
Age: 28
Mod Experience: Been messing with Mods since Quake II and have alot of experience with them, FTB seems to fit in with what i love about mods and what they can bring to an already great game.
About Yourself: Been in gaming all my life started with Quake II and haven't looked back since. just recently got into Minecraft after dumping hundreds of hours into Terraria and i am loving it played around with some mods but after finding FTB i think i have found what i am looking for in the game. i am very tech oriented and this seems like a great fit. i am laid back and easy to get along with and hoping to see you all in there soon.
How long have you played minecraft?: Few months
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: Yes i can use Teampeak, actually help admin on a friends server.
Have you been banned before?: Never, in any game. I avoid hackers\griefer.
If so why?:N\A
you been added mate, join any time and hope you have a great time.
Ingame Name: skereboy050
Mod Experience: Not much, but I would like to learn about all the mods in FTB.
About Yourself: I'm friends in real life with pixelblocker and iceturtle69 and I like to build big projects.
How long have you played minecraft?: From beta.
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak?: I use it sometimes but I prefer skype.
Have you been banned before?: No.
If so why?:NA
Ingame Name:hemoo2003
Mod Experience:i do FTB everyday
About Yourself:i love sports also minecraft and im awesome :)
How long have you played minecraft?:about a year now
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak:i feel not but ill try
Have you been banned before?:no
If so why?:nope no bans
Ingame Name:chipt20
Mod Experience:i play ftb a lot and i am fairly experienced with all of the mods in it.
About Yourself: i dont really play any sports anymore but i still run from time to time but mainly game now
How long have you played minecraft?:i have played for about a year
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak?:i dont use it i will give it a try at somepoint
Have you been banned before?:yes
if so why?:because the admin banned my friend so he also banned me
In-game Name: XF0rceRec0nX
Age: 29 (till Monday)
Mod Experience: Been playing most since they were just starting.
About Yourself: I'm a generally friendly person, well versed in most of the mods or as much as one can with them constantly changing recently. I'll try to help anyone willing to learn, though not so much for people asking for things and not wanting to learn to do it themselves.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since Indev
Do/Will you use Teamspeak: Maybe, I'm not always the most talkative. (Overvoice chat)
Have you ever been banned?: Nope, I have always been the one handing out the bans.
Ingame Name: Krazy_King17
Age: 14 (Very mature)
Mod Experience: I haven't personally done much with the mod pack but have learned alot from the Mindcrack member's videos.
About Yourself: I'm 14 I have played Minecraft for over a year. I have dabbled in this mod pack but am really attached to servers so I haven't explored far. I want an opportunity to be a part of a great, talented community as I am in vanilla Minecraft. I am Moderator on 2 servers (Not friends, built a friendship with the owners) and I will be very active on the server.
How long have you played minecraft?: I have played Minecraft for over a year now and know almost everything. That is why i'm intrested in FTB, to learn something new.
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak?: No, I have no access to teamspeak.
Have you been banned before?: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/b367576ae2d5c0b9d02df7f72fdd9b2a776d9dea
Ingame Name: dkznike
Age: 14
Mod Experience: i know almost all the mods but would love to learn more
About Yourself: I'm a 14 year old boy, I play minecraft quite often. I live in denmark. In game i kinda like to live alone and sometimes come by people and look around, but you should also know that i always would other players if they ask me.
How long have you played minecraft?: since Beta 1.2
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: if you want me to sure
Have you been banned before?: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/266d06af86da7a331a194a9b415ec81c0d172409
If so why?:
Ingame Name: TooAngryZin
Age: 14
Mod Experience: I know about IndustrialCraft, Buildcraft and the other more technical mods, but not much about Redpower. Don't know much about the magical mods though, other than Soul Shards. Can write turtle programs.
About Yourself: I'm a 14 year old high school student. Loves playing video games, Minecraft included.
How long have you played minecraft?: Just over a year.
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: Nope, no mic.
Have you been banned before?: No.
If so why?: N/A
Ingame Name: Desexeh
Age: 38
Mod Experience: Been playing with FTB for only a few months, but love the Direwolf Pack and Mindcrack
About Yourself: Avid gamer that likes to play all genres of games. FPS, MMO, doesn't matter I'll give it a shot at least once.
How long have you played minecraft?: 2 Years
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: Yes
Have you been banned before?: No
Ingame Name: Akalyptes
Age: 15
Mod Experience: I've been in MC since Alpha, Technic Launcher (all the packs) since release, and FTB (all the mod packs) since release.
About Yourself: I play all kinds of games and am always excited to get new ones. I prefer multiplayer so my friends and I can play but I play some singleplayer games. I love Minecraft and have skype.
How long have you played minecraft?: Like I said, since Alpha
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: I have Teamspeak and I can use it, I don't too often because I never have a need.
Have you been banned before?: Yes
If so why?: 1st time was I got banned from a misunderstanding and pissed the admin off while trying to get unbanned to I stayed banned. 2nd time was on a griefing aloud server I griefed an admin town (didn't know it was admin town) and the admins banned me.
Ingame Name: Willhami2
Age: 16
Mod Experience: Been playing Feed The Beast for well over a month now. I'm very good with IC2/Gregtech stuff.
About Yourself: 16 years old, looking for a private server, Enjoy the technical side of the game the most, have a YT channel, Willing to skype/teamspeak. Been looking for a reliable server to play and build on!
How long have you played minecraft?: 2-3 Years I believe.
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak. Yes, I will
Have you been banned before?: Nope, rather new to Multi-player.
If so why?:
Ingame Name: Nephross
Age: 14
Mod Experience: I have been on two feed the beast servers in the past but they were unfortunately shut down because the owners could not afford to keep them up. On a scale of 1-10 I would say I am an eight.
About Yourself: I live in New York and I enjoy playing lacrosse, basketball, minecraft, and Xbox.
How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing minecraft since 1.1, for almost two years.
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: Yes, probably.
Have you been banned before?: No, I have never been before.
If so why?: There is no need for me to answer this question.
-Thanks for Reading!
Ingame Name:AKACIDX
Mod Experience:played ftb for a month or so but ive played tekkit for 6-8 months
About Yourself: quiet ,shy , butu enjoys frienly company im a dude
How long have you played minecraft?: a year or 2
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak i havent used teamspeak but i will download if reqired
Have you been banned before?: nope
If so why?: :P nerver been banned
Ingame Name:neon_droid
Mod Experience:lots of different types
About Yourself:cool chilled out will help if offered
How long have you played minecraft?:3 years
Do you / Will you use Teamspeak: if needed
Have you been banned before?:never
If so why?:never