New Beginnings is a 1.9 skyblock built around Garden of Glass and Terrain Crystals. Gone are the days of cobble stone skyblock islands, and here are the days to a sense of progression and rebuilding - rebuild the world how you want it with the biomes you want in the pattern that you like!
This mod pack is very heavily centered on magic and clever automations. A guide book is provided that will be updated each patch that provides an overview and starting point into each new 1.9 mod.
Some technological mods are provided, but you will quickly find that powering them is trickier than in previous modded version. Your ability to create mana and obscure resources is the only notable way. Good luck!
Key Points:
- Easycore skyblock
- Built around Garden of Glass and Terrain Crystals
- Magic is the best form of progression!
- A guide book is provided

Mod list
- Aura Cascade by pixlepix
- Baubles by Azanor
- Better Builder's Wands by portablejim
- BetterFps by Guichaguri
- Biomes O' Plenty by TDWP_FTW, Adubbz
- Blood Magic by WayofTime
- Botania by Vazkii
- Chameleon by jaquadro
- Chisel 2 by warlordjones, tterrag1098, TheCricket26, Drullkus
- Chisels and Bits by AlgorithmX2
- Cooking for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
- Cyclops Core by kroeser
- Deep Resonance by McJty
- Dynamic Lights by AtomicStryker
- ElecCore | DimensionAPI by Elec332
- Enchiridion by joshiejack
- Ender Tanks by ShetiPhian
- EvilCraft by kroeser
- FastLeafDecay by Olafski
- Garden of Glass by Vazkii
- Hopper Ducts Mod by FyberOptic
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- IronChests by cpw, progwml6
- JourneyMap by techbrew
- Just Enough Items (JEI) by Mezz
- Just Enough Resources (JER) by Way2muchnoise
- LaunchGUI by TehNut
- Lemon's Simple Teleporters by lemonszz
- Lockdown by Adubbz
- Lunatrius Core by Lunatrius
- Malisis Core by Ordinastie
- Malisis Doors by Ordinastie
- MalisisBlocks by Ordinastie
- Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
- McJtyLib by Mcjty
- MCMultiPart by amadornes
- MineTweaker by StanH
- Morpheus by quetzi
- Neat by Vazkii
- Origin by Country_Gamer, TheTemportalist
- Psi by Vazkii
- Quantum Flux by jotato
- Quark by Vazkii
- Random Things by Lumien
- Reborn Core by Gigabit1011, modmuss50
- Redstone Paste Mod by FyberOptic
- Reliquary by TrainerGuy22, x3n0ph0b3
- Reptile Mod by thomassu
- SciAPI by Abastro
- Shetiphian Core by ShetiPhian
- Simple Labels by insaneau, tterrag1098
- Soul Shards: The Old Ways by SgtPunishment
- Stackie by Lunatrius
- Storage Drawers by jaquadro
- Terrain Crystal Addons by DrasticDemise
- Terrain Crystals by DrasticDemise
- Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo
- Tomb Many Graves by M4thG33k
- Trashcans by Gigabit101
- Waila by ProfMobius
- Wawla by Darkhax
Lets play's!
- Documentation on SoulShards
- Began documentation on Psi and Evilcraft
- Added Torcherino, MouseTweaks, Enderbags, Warp Scrolls
- Added Light level overlay
- Finished out the blood magic guide line
Current development status:
This pack is currently being updated daily. The mod list is unlikely to change. Currently focusing on the guide book and content.
Curse link:
Github link:
Please report any issues or suggestions to the pack in the github link provided. Additionally, you may contribute to the pack development via the git link.
Pack code: NewBeginning
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